It’s Honion Rolls right? i haven’t played in a while and forgot
From what I’ve tested, she only likes raw Honions, but not buns. I though that was odd.
I have yet to determine what everyone likes. I know the dog person guy man likes burgers, but only on days when the mean frog lady is working at the till. I also tried to give the rich quail person a mikshake (based on a tip-off I got) but she didn’t go for it, maybe I should have tried the chocolate one instead. People also don’t seem to eat the stuff you sell to them anymore, so that’s a bust.
Yeah, I suppose the tip about Quinn liking shakes was a line carried over from UFG that no longer applies. I remember Quinn used to like Vanilla shakes, Carl liked chocolate ones, and Bea liked honion buns, but none of those seem to be the case now
I’ve been playing awhile and i’ve got another question, Whats the max weight?
The game sometimes seems to suffer from slowdown, more noticeably around Beatrice.
Graphical settings (window, resolution) do not recall previous settings when starting the game.
Preferences (unusual cases, might just be missing recipes):
I find it odd that even with the flavor text suggesting that Noah would want the gapple pie, he does not take it.
While Carlile suggests that Quinn would accept a milkshake, it doesn’t work. Nothing I’ve tested phases her.
Nothing works on Rebecca.
all these bugs and stuff aside if this game has the potential to be expanded into a stardew valley tier of potential/animal crossing with the sheer amount of interactions and other possibilities potentially available here!
So what is the biggest size you can get to ?
Crash report:
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_storage_inventory:
ds_grid_get argument 3 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
at gml_Object_obj_storage_inventory_Draw_64
gml_Object_obj_storage_inventory_Draw_64 (line -1)
- Activity- Initial interaction (see screenshot below for more details)
P.S. Perhaps some music would make this game even more enjoyable to play.
Edit: I loaded a save after making a mistake, and I am pretty sure it resulted in some of my sweetroot plantings being lost. Wish I had the screenshots to confirm.
I had the same error come up. It’s weird because it only happened the once when I tried to interact with the shop, no other times. Not sure what made it fire the error.
The most annoying errors are the ones without any obvious repeatable steps. The only correlation between the screenshots is that they have the cow-fish in the inventory, but that’s probably not even what is causing it.
One small thing I noticed about Carlisle; I found their preferred food, but they only started getting bigger after receiving way more than the other characters. Once they went up one size after giving gifts nearly constantly until into fall, Carl gained at the same speed as most everyone else, going up a good few more stages by spring of year 2
Makes me kind of think that, because Carl’s the biggest by default, in practice they’re not starting from that size? it feels like I had to make them gain from the first weight up to that point in that sense, even if the sprite looks like they’re at the fourth weight stage or so leading up to actually getting bigger
not sure if the same thing applies to Beatrice as well, since they’re chubby by default as well. I hadn’t tested as Bea’s gift is a lot less convenient to get a lot of, though
Maybe Carl just has a really good metabolism until you break them lol
So what does eveyone like?
I’ve fed Beatrice over 30 of her favorite food, and she hasn’t moved at all, compared to the others I’ve found that take around 11 feedings to go up a size. It’s hard to tell if there’s an implementation issue or if calorie counts have an impact.
(Lots of things are spoiled in the following message, to respect people who would prefer to figure out this stuff on their own.)
Bug Reports and Other Oddities (Vers. 0.3.2)
There appears to be no accepted gifts for Rebecca and Quinn. Their favorites from UFG (Sweetroot and Vanilla Shakes, respectively) do not illicit a positive response. Especially odd in Quinn’s case given Carlile’s comment about Quinn liking shakes is still in the dialogue pool. This is after trying every accessible item in the current build.
Noah and Beatrice do not advance any weight stages even after giving them 100 of their accepted gifts, bumpkins and honions. Possibly related to max weight being set by quests that they don’t currently have?
Roberta has no “pleased” portraits set, leaving visible placeholders whenever you gift her meatroot.
Still odd how Beatrice only likes honions but not honion buns. I assume it’s intentional given how this was also the case in UFG, and if so I’d recommend adding a line of dialogue addressing this.
Despite already being a few weight stages heavier than the base, Carlile still requires that you give enough batterfish to satisfy the previous stage requirements before they begin to advance weight stages. Presumably, this would be the same with Beatrice if not for the other bug affecting her.
While every other character who can accept gifts advances weight stages in uniform intervals of 10 gifts each, Roberta appears to follow her UFG progression instead, with a stage every 6 or 7 gifts. Presumably, Rebecca would behave the same if she had an accepted gift set. It might actually be wise to keep this the case for Roberta as she is only available every fourth day
Occasional random crashes whenever entering the shop windows.
Game can slow down randomly at times, most often when near Beatrice’s farmland.
Beak patterns are misaligned when standing at higher weight stages.
Lots of empty space to both the lower-left and lower-right areas of the map. Any plans to fill these up with additional NPCs, scenery, or activities?
Flavor text would be nice. In UFG, Sal and Beatrice had new lines of dialogue every couple of weight stages, and although small it helped make the world feel a little more alive.
In the same vein but a little more desired, specific flavor text whenever a character reaches their maximum weight.
More hints as to what gifts each character will accept. Intuition helps a lot, but this doesn’t work for each character. As of currently, the ones who I’d say need hints are:
1.) Beatrice
2.) Allison
3.) Rebecca (If her gift is not intended to be the same as in UFG)
4.) Carlile (there are a lot of fish to try before you find the correct one)
5?.) Quinn (Quinn’s situation is weird due to lacking an acceptable gift. Perhaps one or both the hints given by Carlile may actually be correct. But if their gift is intended to be different, then perhaps some rewriting of dialogue is in order.) -
A place to sell fish.
Methods of losing weight, in case the player is unhappy with slower walking speed.
Re-implement keyboard controls in the main and options menus alongside mouse control.
Additional recipes. I was only able to unlock two. Possibly earned alongside Noah’s questline if that is re-implemented?
Color presets and/or ability to input color hex codes. In case you need to set the body/head/ears the same color.
An inventory tab for “key items” or “equipment” like the Fishing Rod. While it is currently the only item of its type, if further similar items are added it’d be nice to be able to keep track of them all.
One Last Thing
Love that the player seems to get “caught” in the entryway to their bedroom at larger weights, as if they’re having trouble fitting through. If not intentional, keep it.
Seconding this. It may sound odd to want to lose weight in a game like this, but a combination of higher weight stages having real drawbacks (lower energy, heavily impacted movements speed) this time around and being able to lose weight over time in the earlier UFG version makes it a handy tool to have here. I thought not eating or eating the sticks and stones would have a diet effect, but it seems all you get out of that is maintenance of your current weight level, while even just eating fish will, slowly, push you up to the next weight level without limit.
How do I gain weight I’m in the 20 day but still haven’t gained any and what is everyone favorite items? And how do I get more recipes?
Honestly, just eat. Right now, it seems it’s impossible for the player character to lose weight, even if you don’t eat at all. Essentially all it does is put you in maintenance mode.
Obviously, foods with higher calories will push your weight up faster, though they tend to be pretty pricey. Personally, I just don’t think they’re worth it. The fish and the baked potatoes are the way to go.
It does take a long, long time to put on weight. It’s a slow and gradual climb to the top, though I’ll admit, I don’t know what the maximum weight is. Found myself grinding levels, wondering if I’d already maxed out, then one day, my character fattens up once again.
It’s great to see an update on this. I was finding I didn’t like the new daily system though, I think it’s because there’s currently not much to do but plant or harvest crops, give gifts and go fishing. I found I was just skipping ahead by going straight to bed until my crops were ready and then going on the walk into town to sell and give some gifts.
I’m sure that’ll get better once there’s more things to do and use up your energy on each day.
The max weight appears to be the level where your energy is capped at 16 and stomach capacity is 6. Visually, it’s identical to the max size of UFG.