Growing Port Lee

what would you recommend to do this with

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I think to kind of piggy back off of this idea of the weight loss mechanic, maybe add a store where you can buy certain furniture or upgrades for key items. Maybe with x amount of coins, you could buy a treadmill for your house to use. Or maybe you could buy an upgraded fishing rod which would reduce energy costs per cast or increase the chance of obtaining a rarer fish (if that’s possible)


or a calculation of calories eaten vs energy expended.

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Beatrice stills seems to be immune to gaining from gifts. She likes honion buns as well as honions now with the current update, but even 40 honion buns (on top of at least 20 honions previously being given) don’t actually affect her size at all.


I notice that too but is more that she is gaining weight but her sprite is not changing to the bigger sprites, I say that because i notice that after giving her a lots of gifts that even throught her sprite didnt change she possesed the bigger hitbox of the big sizes, that I notice after walking close to her and noticing that i wasnt able to cross by the left, resumed she is gaining weight is just that her sprites are not changing

Not entirely sure if I should blur this, since it's not a spoiler.



ohhhhh that’s satisfying



sow how big can Frank get I keep giving him gifts but he does not change his size


I believe all characters have the same maximum size - Stage 6.


I found out all of the phases its 10 actually they change pretty quickly and its is sometimes barely noticeable


does Noah like anything

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does roberta like anything sorry i mean rebecca


It has been a while since i checked this site, really glad to see this project has advanced quite a lot since last time, I’ll go blind and see what it has to offer now.


Well, after a full in-game year (which took me around 3 hours of playtime), i think i got the impressions i needed to start commenting on the game, hopefully my feedback proves to be useful:

First of all, i enjoy the replacement of the old time system with this new stamina one, on older versions of the game i found myself just letting the game run until it was night after finishing pretty much everything i needed to do that day, now i have a much better control of the pacing of the game, alongside bringing some resource management to the table, although it’s a bit minor at the moment. I also appreciate it provides a good incentive to gain weight since beforehand it was pretty much just cosmetic, now having a bigger stomach allows for much more energy usage per day (yes the energy cap decreases as you gain weight, but at first it’s pretty much a non issue and by the end the amount of hunger slots you gain completely overshadows the negatives), this means it’s genuinely very important to rout your gainings, if you just skip days without doing anything to harvest faster, you end up stuck with less slots to work with and thus a harder time completing side quests reliant on energy (though so far there’s only one).

I also appreciate all the improvement on the UI, specially regarding cooking, it makes the whole deal a lot less confusing to work with, although i do still think there’s various aspects that aren’t as intuitive as they probably should, mainly unlocking new recipes, as with exception to the fall sidequest, i can’t tell how i even managed to unlock any of the ones i have and how many I’m missing.

This project is definitely heading towards the right direction, but i do have some suggestions as to which aspects should probably be prioritized if you continue to work on things further:

The town as a whole needs a bit more…“life” into it, right now it can feel quite stale, there’s multiple ways to improve on this but the two main ones are adding flavor test and overhauling NPC behavior to be more dynamic. Flavor test would be a nice way to encourage the player to interact with the scenery and could be useful to hide either some lore information, some hints regarding Npc’s preferences, or just simply make a funny joke. Right now NPCs don’t really have all that much to say or do, it would be a lot more interesting if they roamed around the town, perhaps talk with each other from time to time, have much more lines of dialogue with the player or even unlock specific behavior and/or sidequests after helping them gain enough mass, what we have right now would work on a game where town serve mostly as a checkpoint between main areas, but on what is technically a ““life simulator”” the NPCs probably need to have more life to them.

I would also welcome potential new activities to take part on during the day, as outside of the usual gameplay loop of balancing out money making and weight gaining for you and the NPCs, there really isn’t… anything, i wish i could elaborate a bit more on this point but outside of it being kinda self-explanatory, i can’t really give a concrete answer to this dilemma since the main solution is just adding more stuff to do, no matter which thing it is, so that’s really your choice, not much i can say on it.

Long story short, i liked the changes from the untitled name builds and I hope what I’ve talked about here can be useful to you on some degree, I’ll keep an eye for updates!


alright fellas and filets, I’ve been doing some work and I know how most of the npc’s work when it comes to gaining and their favorite foods. I’ll be talking about the main foods related to it’s fruit/vegetable, such as the slima bean pie for Frank as it gives more calories compared to the normal slima beans. They are a little complicated but the ones that I know for certain goes as follows

Frank: Slima bean pies
Carlile: Batterfish, and possibly other fish but the only one that worked for me was batterfish
Noah: Bumpkins, though I don’t know if there’s any recipes for a bumpkin dish as I didn’t get any cooking options outside of filk, baked rotatoes, and gapple pie
Sal: Burgers every time Roberta is in the diner, which is every 4 days, first appearance at day 4
Allison: Vanilla shakes
Beatrice: Honion buns
Roberta: Meatroot, but just like Noah I don’t know if there’s supposed to be a kebab like the original game as you can get sticks from bushes and trees, but as far as I know you can’t make them. I should also mention her model for receiving something she likes is the placeholder image and I don’t think she can get bigger like Beatrice
Rebecca and Quinn: This one I can be upfront about, as I don’t think they have any likes. As far as my testing went from every crop to every dish to every fish, nothing worked. There is even text saying that Quinn was seen with a shake, and due to there being no duplicate likes, it is likely that she likes chocolate shakes but it didn’t work. Given the fact that NPCs still gain without likes but at a slower rate, they might have larger models but I didn’t see them.

So in general I like where the game is at but obviously it’s in a WIP state and I hope some finishing touches for the NPCs come soon.

Edit: Roberta does get bigger, just very slowly. The placeholder image is still there so don’t forget that.



Mostly backend and bug fixes, as well as setting stuff up for a calendar. What do people think of longer seasons, maybe 28 days instead of 21?


-redid the backend for dialogue so now making new dialogue isn’t such a slog
-fixed not being able to fish while looking down at higher weights
-fixed beak pattern misalignment at higher weight stages
-added days of the week, GUI widened to accomodate this
-seasons are now one day longer to make each season 3 weeks long
-Roberta now works three days a week instead of every 4 days (Tu,Th,Su)


Cannot speak to the shopkeeper on the first day when starting a new profile. The game crashes with the report:



-fixed several issues with textboxes