Growing Port Lee

Checked out the most recent version, but it still seems like Quinn does not take chocolate milkshakes still, but Beatrice does in fact gain weight now! (Also not stated in the changelog that she was fixed AND Honions also make her gain a weight stage in 3 days even though Honions count as Low in Calories.)

Also a small suggestion, but have you considered adding fast travel? I think it’d be nice to allow players to get across the map in an easy fashion, as with bigger weight stages you get pretty slow.
You could add back The map from Untitled Farming Game (Unless its already in Growing Port Lee.) and let players click on locations to travel, but would cost energy to travel to give a downside.


I did see a “map” button in the controls menu, but it doesn’t seem to do anything


Yeah, I still haven’t changed over the menus from the old version, so that doesn’t do anything.


Seems like this girl has grown big enough to… ignore the geometry of, exclusively, the top-right corner of her bedroom?

Everywhere from the right of the window to the foot of the bed has no boundary. I tested this with other characters, and it’s only happening to this one(the only one at max weight).


28 days sounds good. Extra time to gather gapples for Quinn and gather seasonal fish would be a plus.


Uh quick question how many stages are there is 16 energy and 6 food the lowest it can go or can you get bigger idk that’s why I’m asking


Yup, that’s as big as you get.


Man, this game is so good. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the incremental weight gain you have that really isn’t that common in other games. Also the pastoral fantasy bliss of being able to grow your own food? Immaculate. I see so much potential in this game and if you ever need help please feel free to reach out!!!


mfw I feed Beatrice for an actual in game year, honion buns every day with no visible weight changes on version 0.3.4, just to find out there was updates that fixed the issue

Aye but jokes aside this game RULES! Keep up the good work!


Say, how must you get more recipes

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Hey I was wondering if there is any audio besides the npc text sounds?

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i can’t figure out how to cock can u help me pls?

Recipes are gotten from doing NPC quests, there aren’t many additional recipes at the moment though.

Nope, I haven’t gotten to sound design yet.

Go to the stove in your house and press “E”.

uh, personal achievement i guess?


also, what’s going on with their schedule? it goes like OXOXOXX with O being Roberta and X being Rebecca accordingly.
not a bug report, just curious. overall, i managed to feed everyone in the town to their fullest, except for Quinn cuz i’m too lazy to find out her favourite dish


The weird schedule is because I wanted to make it weekly and 7 is prime, so it had to be weird somewhere. And Quinn might be bugged, a lot of people have been mentioning not being able to find her favorite food. Congrats on maxing out everyone otherwise though!


I think it would be nice if you could visit Roberta and Rebecca at their houses on their respective days off
Nice little game so far, can’t wait for more of it : )


Ope, found a little bug. These little bushes prevent me from leaving this house.

That moment when you’re so fat even nature is being a jerk lol


I’m trying to use a sweetcrab on the oven atm but whenever I use it nothing comes up in the menu?
I’m worried if I eat the sweetcrab raw it’ll do something bad to my character

Don’t worry, It won’t… It is just a joke that dose nothing.

Everytime I play this game, I have this playing on loop in the background lmao