Growing Port Lee

Went ahead and drew this up, the supposed “sweetroot guide”. Placing them in this fashion allows you to place 4 seeds at once, and, as of now, I don’t believe there is a way to place 5 of them at once. If there is though, I implore you to share! :smiley:


I feel dumb asking but how to you rotate crops when planying them?


Don’t feel dumb, I wondered that waaaaay back in the UFG days lmao

Press the “R” button while holding crops over your farmland

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I am appalled with myself for not having touched this game until now. It’s so simple yet so adorably satisfying.


So I came back to this game the other day and forgot that I made SO MANY NOTES regarding the planting system lol. I’ll spoiler-blur it in case y’all wanna figure it out for yourselves :wink:

Here’s the most efficient farm layout (as of 0.3.6), it uses Honions, Meatroot, and Rotatoes. I’ll post the math down below.

Thing is that we have to take space, configuration, profit, and time into consideration, so prepare for some MATH.

  • One honion crop takes up 4 spaces, grows in 5 days, costs 50g, and sells for 120g
  • Honion net profit = 3.5g per tile per day
  • One meatroot crop takes up 5 spaces, grows in 8 days, costs 160g, and sells for 300g
  • Meatroot net profit = 3.5g per tile per day
  • One rotato crop takes up 3 spaces, grows in 2 days, costs 15g, and sells for 30g
  • Rotato net profit = 2.5g per tile per day

Due to the uneven planting times, I like to buy all of my seeds in 40-day “cycles”, at the end of which all of the seeds have turned to crops even though they run on different growing speeds. The shopping list is 10 meatroot seeds, 24 honion seeds, and 20 rotato seeds, which totals 3100g. At the end of the 40 days you can turn everything in for 6480g, meaning you’re earning a net profit of 84.5g per day!

At bigger sizes you’ll definitely need a snack break to give you enough energy for replanting things, which reminds me! Buy baked rotatoes from the diner: they only cost as much as the seeds, so you’ll make money selling the rotatoes you grow!


For even MORE cash, you gotta maximize your gapple picking during the fall! Again I’ll make sure to blur this out for those who don’t want to have all the nitty-gritty spoiled for them.

First, let’s set out all the numbers:

  • 21 days in the season
  • 15 gapple trees
  • 5 energy to pick one gapple
  • 20g per gapple picked

Obviously the biggest obstacle is going to be energy, since clearing the entire orchard in a single day takes 75 energy. This, of course, doesn’t even take into account all the energy you need for the farm.

I recommend cheeseburgers (40g, 20 energy) and baked rotatoes (5g, 5 energy) to replenish stamina throughout the day. All of this will depend entirely on your max Energy and Stomach Capacity though, so keep that in mind!


Wow, that’s amazing!


This is the exact kind of analysis and optimization I love doing in games, very happy I was able to provide that experience in a game of my own!


When I was playing I legit had some paper and a pencil working out the math and configurations like if I was a kid trying to figure out a puzzle lmao


is there any max cash saves here ?

You can modify your save to have as much as you want, Its pretty simple to do. Go to %localappdata%\Growing_Port_Lee and select which save slot you want to edit. Open the file in a text editor and find the money entry. Change the number to what you want and save.

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well I’m a bit stupid so where I can find %localappdata%\Growing_Port_Lee thing :smiling_face_with_tear:

Paste it directly into folder directory, like this.


OMG, TYSM and sorry I don’t know much about these thing :smiling_face_with_tear: :white_heart:

My ass ready to hold the “9” button for the next 6 hours

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I’m dumb (and I can’t seem to find it) but, what’s everyone’s favorite foods again?

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@Parnash this here should be it!


And we’re sure that 16 Energy and 6 Fullness is the last stage for the PC?


yep, it is the last stage


Would it be possible to make the character stuck in doorways and such when they reach a certain level of fat?