It’s certainly possible, but I don’t want to put a softlock into the game.
I’m thinking maybe a scene where you hit current max weight and kinda get stuck and have to get help getting unstuck. You get ‘taught’ how to squeeze through doorways. I dunno, just an errant thought to let the stuckage exist without making it a permathing.
I was possibly thinking another stuck like them falling into the floor like that one scene in Bowser’s Inside Story. We could do both door and floor stuck if its possible.
please help, in the new version V0.4.0 I have a bug with the level of food and energy, when I gain weight at home and leave the house, all of my weight goes to the night stage of weight. What to do?
What do you mean by the night stage of weight?
Well that is odd. It looks like something is affecting the both the food and energy capacity. When you say you’re gaining weight in the house, are you just eating a piece of food and then leaving?
I tried 2 options, 1 ate and went to bed, and on the other hand slept and ate, and one of them did not help
Alright, time for a bunch of questions:
What happens if you eat outside the house, then enter the house?
What happens if you eat in the house, sleep, then exit the house?
Is the issue occurring if you eat inside any building, or just the house?
Are you eating the same food every time? If so, what food?
Are you using a save from an older version?
Are you editing the save/using any cheats?
1 non-chevo
2 will return the starting level of food 1 and energy 30
2.1 in the house I eat different foods, I wake up and it comes, 2 meals and 29 energies, I leave the house and everything is new 1 food 30 energy,
3 only in your house,
4 I eat different
5 no
6 no
It is possible to lose weight. If you eat a couple of days nothing.
For me it seems to occur because your weight is calculated every time you enter/leave a house. You wake up and get the higher weight. WHen leaving the house it recalculate and set you back to a lower weight.
Maybe this helps?
yes i can’t play properly because of this
For the sake of the rules I’ll clarify that this is not an update request.
Since your other games have been released on, do you have plans on adding the release for this game there as well?
Oh yeah, probably should publish that one. I was going to do it with the others but wanted a nice titlecard to put up on it first.
I believe I could aid with some stuff like spriting (since I’ve practiced quite a lot) and layout or ideas for the game because I’ve played it for a couple of days now and am quite advanced in the gameplay to notice things to polish, But I’ll leave it up to vote if it’s OK. I would do it only on weekdays but for free, FYI
I feel like this isn’t really something that could be decided through a poll that Chubberdy has nothing to do with. Only they could make that decision
So should I take down the poll? Honestly chubberdy’s vote IS the most important
This isn’t something to poll. You reach out to the dev to find out if they want/need help with what you can offer to them. Then they either would give you permission or not to assist/work on something. The opinion of anyone else doesn’t particularly matter.
That’s a good idea that I don’t even know why I didn’t think of it, Thanks
Not gonna lie, this game is very good and I am in love. Been craving RPG vibes with weight gain themes, lost a solid 4 hours of my night to playing! The character creator and wardrobe are such good tools and I love them, excited to see more progress on them and the game overall its amazing!
Gonna keep playing tomorrow, but is fanart okay to draw of the characters? Wanted to ask before I started, but love Charlie, Noah and Frank!