Growing Rivalry

So i think i found a bug. I got my deck to be entirely in my hand about 9 cards after removal effects. now if a card is played it will automatically go straight to my deck. I think that draw stacks as well because when i had an A.E.R.A deck going any card played actually went straight to my hand after being played. This extended to the next match i played after having switched decks. It made it so i had to take the Loss and close the game.

Speaking of, it seemed when i reached the last version she would not do damage. She triggered all her upgrades but not the damage per. I think the last few versions had the same problem, but this also started around the same time as the play a card going immediately back into my hand problem. So i am not sure if they are related.

Also is it designed so the upgrade that increases MP by 1 and HP by 10% to trigger once? because i have used the upgrade for MP by 1 played A.E.R.A and used upgrade again but my MP is still locked to 11.

yeah, there is a known issue with the way cards return back to the deck (this will be fixed in the next version so it shouldn’t happen)

she does not do damage to bosses. they have immunity to any cards that deal insane damage. It’s mainly to prevent cheesing bosses with a card that deals 6 digits worth of damage.

Yes. It increases your MP by 1. Not cumulative.

So I have played the game for a couple days now, and I am to lazy to fact check the rest of the comments here. But here is my constructive criticism.

The game overall is very well made with only a few problems with working on UI interaction, both keyboard and mouse play. Most of which is figuring out how to navigate at first.

Things that could be added or improved include:

  1. If you use the keyboard to move to the end turn button, but hit the right key one to many times you can accidentally concede a match. There should be a confirm button or make it so the concede is on the turn start where you have the option to Fight or Run away.
  2. There a bunch of status affects both positive and negative that can only be determined via guessing. Like Dominant gives you extra MP and Health, but you have to discard a card at start of turn. It would be nice if there is a place to read what each one does, instead of adding to a deck and playing it to try and puzzle out what it does.
  3. on a related note i think each of the Parasite affects are just a mechanic to allow the discard to put a copy in your hand. The text on the card makes it confusing so i am not sure if that is what it does. For example the Parasite Leech card says it adds the “Parasite Leech” affect but it doesnt seem to actually do anything combat wise.
  4. A.E.R.A does not always seem to do her damage and upgrades, i once used her second form but it did not do the damage or the upgrade affects like gaining 5 life. Not sure how to fix this but a nice add on would be a way to track what upgrades she has in affect. Like a slow scrolling text box that states what she is doing so we the player can see what upgrades she uses.
  5. For large HP enemies there are only a few cards that really can hurt them, and especially with the queen and Gamble lady, who do huge damage and heal a lot, there are about 4 cards that can either defeat them in 2 turns, or put enough dmg over time affects that they cant out heal fast enough. Otherwise you have to spend hours playing until the AI seems to just quit and doesn’t attack you anymore and this is assuming you can heal enough that they don’t kill you with their scalable attacks that grow stronger each time they use it.
Cards that kill large hp enemies

For example the Dark Fairy Queen build can work when you get the Ultimate queen who does 5 times the number of dark fairy cards you have played 9 times.
Or for demons they have a debuff card that causes 100+ dmg to 1000+ HP enemies. Each turn until the debuff goes away.

  1. There are some unique enemies with special cards that can do large damage. Like one girl who talks about eating having a devour attack. Even if we dont gain access to these types of attack cards, being able to view what they can do would be nice.
  2. This one might just be because we are in the demo right now, but the playable characters dont seem to get very big, while some of the enemies get very thick in their final stage. So I end up going to ladies who tend to lose early fight them and then concede so they can reach their final stage. Because i know they get bigger than who i am playing as.
  3. This last one is more of a hope, but it would be cool if each of the body types we can choose from get their own unique starting cards with one specific to them. For Example the Boob focused growth could have a “Boob Press” card that does a special dmg and chance to stun based on how much bigger than opponent they are. And the Fat focused one could have “Gorge” which heals them based on number of cards played. Just ideas to make the gameplay more unique for each run, as right now the options are limited if you play regular mode and what to actually win.
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  1. Yeah, I’ll add in a check for that one (I never thought of it since I purely use the mouse to play…)
  2. That will be coming in the next version. Mostly trying to find an elegant way to display it.
  3. The main parasitic effect is that when you discard them once, they return to your hand. Then you need to play them so the discard trigger can activate. Essentially, they add as good fodder for discard spells as you don’t lose a card when you do that. The boss card for them does damage based on how many you’ve played, hence why you need the recursion (Some are just weak in general)
  4. A.E.R.A does have a couple of bugs (I believe the 3rd or 4th form I didn’t copy it completely which is probably why it broke. I’ll see what I can do to say what A.E.R.A has active.)
  5. I’ll make it so major damage cards do reduced damage rather than 0.
  6. Enemies do not have cards per se. (Since that isn’t in the game yet). So stuff the enemies do isn’t something the player can do. This will change in time.)
  7. The demo only goes up to Stage 6. Full version goes up to 10. With the main character having around 15 stages. If you are on the full version, the reason is to give the MC room to grow since I plan on going up to 20 stages. The issue being AI goes a little wonky when things go too big :stuck_out_tongue:
  8. They did originally. They were removed because some leaks happened and the original artist for the unique cards didn’t want their art being pirated. They will make a return eventually, along with some other mechanics to split up the body types.

So I just wanted to ask. Are we aware that there are certain combos that are all but unbeatable? I have consistently every time I’ve played this game made a deck that uses the minimum number of cards, nearly all just card draw, and the legendary spell that stuns your opponent while dealing 7 damage. It’s a total slog against high health opponents, but theoretically this deck could beat a 1,000,000 height opponent day 1 just because there is no counterplay.

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I am aware of this. Next plugin drops will change how cards return to your Deck. and there will be penalties each time you “deck out”. So it won’t be a viable option going forward to stall for that long.


Alright, after playing for like 5 hours, I have to make this call out post that Isabelle is too broken for an AI. Essence Drain + giving you -4 for mana is way too strong, even in late game. I cannot do enough damage to defeat her, no matter the set without her proccing it at least once, and taking 50 cms per time. That’s about as potent as the corrupt fairy set, the best height drain in the game imho.

The ai needs an MP system, and make essence drain a solid 7, and not only that, but mana drain cards need to be a thing to avoid snowballing. Because there’s no other way to stop that without stuns. The only way I won against Isabelle is by her ai breaking and forgetting to do their turn.

Well, technically speaking, the AI does have MP. But just a lot of it :stuck_out_tongue:

Mostly waiting for the enemies to have actual card decks so I can build the enemies as I wanted to originally. Then things shouldn’t be as broken. But I can’t give an estimation on that sadly :frowning:

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So, the ai isn’t supposed to have energy drain, essence drain, soul abilities, and dividing my health in half? It’s just place holder abilities until game gets updated to accommodate? Because I do not see any of those cards in any deck.

Can you repost the discord link pls ?
Thank you

Sure :slight_smile:

Really fun game! I am just having a hard time fighting with opponents with the “Demonic” buff. I have no idea how to counter it!

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The ‘Parasitic Magus’ doesn’t return to hand when discarded, even if I play a copy of it first.
Anyone else experiencing this?

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Hmm, probably a missing switch check. Will note it down to fix up :slight_smile:

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I just started playing the game, and I’m still learning, so perhaps I’m just overlooking a mechanic, but… are the enemies supposed to have their health reset to full every turn? I got in a fight with Kristy while she was only around 140 cm, thinking it would be an easy win, but she fully healed every turn, and eventually I had to just give up on the fight.

They are not :frowning:

Meant to just be at the start, not each turn. I think I forgot to remove a couple. I know Sonia and Kristy do, any other characters you noticed?

Sorry for the late reply. I haven’t encountered any others so far, but I doubt I’ve actually fought all of the girls. (There are so many of them!)

Anyway, I’ve spent some time exploring various decks to see what they can do, and while the enemies themselves haven’t been all that interesting, just trying out new card combos has been pretty fun. I see that a lot of people have been singing the praises of the Dark Fairy deck, but that’s really just one of many ways to break the game. Granted, I can kind of understand when it comes to super cards, like Zekari and Belial from the Succubus deck, but some of the run-of-the-mill cards can be insanely strong too. Ultimate Temptations from the Succubus deck, Play Toys from the Galactic Deck, and even Rapid Recovery from the starter deck can give you incredible control over your card flow, especially if you have multiple copies of them.

Perhaps the funniest broken combo I’ve found so far comes from the Zombie deck (which I can only assume people have been overlooking due to the relative lack of voluptuous females). To be specific, there’s one card in particular, Zombie Deathlord, that’s so broken that it can either auto-win the battle or soft lock you. When it’s sent to the discard pile, it automatically sends 3 more cards from your deck straight to the discard pile (and makes you draw 2 Zombies, but that’s less important). Since you can have up to 3 copies of Zombie Deathlord in your deck, the auto-milling effect can trigger the other copies to also auto-mill, and if your number of remaining cards is small enough, that can mean milling through your entire deck… which will make the Zombie Deathlords auto-mill again… and again… and again, in an infinite loop. If you didn’t happen to have a card with a Graveborn damage effect in that loop (such as Zombie Swordmaiden), then the loop will never end, soft locking you. However, if you did include such cards in the loop, then congratulations, you win the battle… eventually. Feel free to go make a sandwich while you wait. Bonus points if you also included Zombie Giantess or Unending Feast in the loop, so you can also gain height as you whittle the enemy down to nothing. Extra bonus points if you included Unending Feast in the loop and spammed Trading Post beforehand to boost the height gains from Unending Feast.

Aside from the balance concerns, I will also say that I wish it were easier to figure out what cards do without having to actually obtain them in battle. A lot of cards summon other cards, but unless you have separate copies of those other cards, you won’t be able to read what they do beforehand. And to make matters worse, a lot of the card explanations don’t fit into the deck builder’s text box, so you don’t even get a full explanation for all the cards that you do have copies of.

Overall, though, I’m surprised at the amount of content the game has, and it’s been a lot of fun, so good job so far. I think I recognized some of the girls from one of your other games, Project F.A.T. Are they all taken from your other games? It’s kind of a neat touch.


Thanks for the very indepth info :smiley:

Not all cards are equal, but some definitely have some more degenerate combos associated with them :stuck_out_tongue: years of playing card games has warped my mind :smiley:

Yeah, I’m looking for a way to stop that from happening. It is funnier for sure, but definitely not intended though.

and yes… the text box cutting off half the damn text in the deck editor is a known bug. if i make the box bigger, it breaks the editor and makes it difficult to edit your deck (and it’s clunky enough as it is)
I do have a full compendium of all the cards and effects on my discord so you can check them all out there.

And yes :smiley: all the girls from my previous games make an appearance (well a large majority of them do :D)

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I’ve been play little and I’ve found out about the island of cultists and cards they drop when you bet one. but I can’t find the card they refer to “Devorah The Insatiable” where do you find it? I’m sorry if this is a dumb question.

Are there additional conditions other than height to hit stages 14 to 16 for the MC? On version 6.03 and at 10k height but haven’t hit the next CG yet. Same applies to allies since they get stuck on stage 7 but other contestants can hit stage 10 just fine. Is there something I’m missing or is the game bugged?