I made a KOTOR 1 mod that fattens up most of the female cast. Includes: All Female player heads and all the body models for the three classes, Mission, Bastilla, Juhani, and the Twilek NPCs. Some other NPCs that wear armor or jedi robes will also be fat since all of them plus Juhani and Bastilla use the same body model as the Scout player character.
Preview video: Kotor Fat Mod Preview Video - YouTube
To install simply find the folder with the .exe for the game, for example: “Steam\steamapps\common\swkotor” or “GOG Games\Star Wars - KotOR” etc. And copy the .mdl and mdx files in the mod into the “Override” folder. I recommend making a copy of the Override folder if you have other mods installed first incase you want to remove this mod. The files are separated by character and player class, or you can just copy the contents of the “EVERYTHING” folder and get all of them. I also recommend using the invisible head gear mod to prevent the new head models from clipping: Invisible Headgear - Mods - Deadly Stream Enjoy! KOTORFAT!
Playing those games, I always wondered how the female player character’s butt would look like if it was bigger. And, looking at this now, I have to say… Nice~
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Sweet! Apologies, but do you have any intentions to make a similar mod for KOTOR 2? Sans Treya, of course.
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Mod only changes the models? No mechanics of weight gain is not added?
Hell Yeah, both games are fantastic! I did a play through myself after I finished the mod, It’s fun to play through a game you’ve beaten a million times with a new twist (especially with this variety of “twist”
Yeah, honestly if I ever get some time to try my hand at modding I may re-write some dialogue to accommodate this mod. Maybe have some people question why your characters so large?
That’s not something I would do myself, but if you really wanted to I’d say go ahead, it would be a cool addition. It would only work with the alien dialogue, but you could come up with some funny lines based on familiar/not familiar with humans each character is, or something along those lines.
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Is this compatible with any Graphics mods?
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Holy cow, this looks amazing, I’m eager to see the 2nd game with fat models~
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First off, I have to thank you because this question reminded me that there was one texture for the Scout underwear that I did change. The Scout body was the first model I made, so I completely forgot that I changed the texture a little bit. The file should be updated now with the texture in the “PlayerScout” and the “EVERYTHING” folders.
To answer your question, this mod replaces the models, so it will override any other mods that replace the body and head models. Aside from the one texture I just mentioned, it doesn’t alter any textures, so any texture mods will be compatible.
So if the file is updated, does that mean you added a new texture or just renamed the file?
This looks… really good! I haven’t played KOTOR in ages, but this may tempt me to go back 
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No problem, this just gave me a reason to replay KOTOR again…with FATS! Also NPCs are made fat to right (Like Bastila)
Yeah NPCS are fat if they’re wearing the right clothing
All 3 female party members are fattened, and the Twilek dancer NPCs. NPCs that wear armor and Jedi robes, Juhani, and Bastilla all use the same model as the Scout Player Character, so certain NPCs will also be fat.
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Thanks! Going back to this game is always fun even though I’ve beaten it like a million times, especially my last play through with this mod.
Also, do you need to empty the folders within the mod or not?