Lacto Escape: Expanded

Awesome work dude! I love the remaster. I was wondering if it would be possible to keep the old eyes and skin tone of the old version, and then combine that with the new? Personally I prefer the eyes of the old version, but either works.

The larger iris of 3.14 makes the eyes look darker and more in line with the effect of the OLD. Seeing them side by side I like 3.14 more than 1.0.
The lock is a good call as it was mirroring the horn before (or was used instead in OLD).
The position of the horn is complicated. The low position in OLD makes her head look wide. In 1.0 not so much and in 3.14 they seems to be closer to the head and curing faster upwards retaining the slimmer impression despite sitting lower.
The ears are a drastict change to before but I can say nothing positive or negative about them.


Hearing all the opinions is very fun and interesting. I just found where the reply box keeps its poll options and really wish I had found it earlier to save us all a bit of time haha.

I’ll just leave these up for a bit for anyone that might stumble on them, maybe Preggo can link their Discord here or make similar polls there somehow and send me the results.

  • Old Eyes
  • 1.0 Eyes
  • 2.0 Eyes
  • 3.14 Eyes

0 voters

  • Old Horn Position
  • 1.0 Horn Position
  • 3.14 Horn Position

0 voters

  • Old Ears
  • 1.0 Ears
  • 2.0 Ears
  • 3.14 Ears

0 voters

  • Old Color Tones
  • New Color Tones

0 voters

  • Old Nipples
  • New Nipples

0 voters

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So what I have learned is that polls are quite amazing, oh and also that certain options have overwhelming preference. Quite interestingly it seems the ears are the only notable super close option, which makes some sense considering the choices end up between the two most popular ushi ears.

In the spirit of community choice let’s try a tie breaker, this time with just the ears being different. Also in the spirit of the version numbers degrading into nonsense your options this time are Pie and Cake.

  • Pie
  • Cake

0 voters

Also this gave me a chance to show off that I now have first attempts at new versions of the smaller sizes, but showing off new edits also is a good time for me to mention that while I’ve been working fast don’t forget it will be a long while until these new graphics are in-game. PreggoPixels still needs to finish Seeds of Destiny before continuing this project so remember to support their work to ensure everything goes smoothly.


Is there any chance of a vote on the pants shading? The new version seems a little too uniform. The original gives a better impression of depth, but that’s just my opinion.

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Yeah I see it now, the shadow suggests more of a 3D look to the hips.

I’ll experiment with the shading a bit more, I wasn’t 100% confident in what I did with it but I’m sure with some more work I can settle on something better. Comments that point out that something doesn’t seem quite right do help as it gets me taking a second look at details that could use some work.

If it comes down to it I’ll do a poll, but I’m hoping shading is more of an objective detail that I just need to get right.

Edit: Tried some stuff with the shading on the pants, you can maybe imagine a bit of what is weird about working with this when I say the lighting on the original art seems to have an inconsistent lighting direction which I was trying to fix, but fixing it without making the new version look too different also feels weird.


Pants 1 preferably. Shadows aren’t overbearing

So if I wanted to help extend the game where would I go to access/ add on? Is there a way to open the file in rpgmaker?

I like Pants 1, too. The added shading to them seems unnecessary, in my opinion.

It’s better to ask the devs if they’d like help, than to assume you can or should just edit someone else’s project without permission. It’s just common courtesy.

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Thanks for the offer, I have several plans in the works for the game as well as stories and characters in development so there already is a set direction for the game. Due to the original creator allowing me to work on his game, I think I would prefer to develop it myself for the time being. What you can do however is create your own game that can be similar to lacto escape, would be fun to see what sort of things you can come up with. I’d even give you any tips and advice for doing so if you need help.

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It was more of me trying to add to the game like the message at the start says, but I can see how it came off as, thanks chief.


That’s great to hear, I think the only help I could need currently is how do I go about making custom sprites in game without the built in generator? I also have a few bugs & a typo to report if you would like.

For custom sprites, I use a program called “Game Character Hub: Portfolio Edition”. Might take a bit to learn but once you get the hang of it, you can create any sprite for rpg maker games. Also I’ll post my default sprite sheet for my breast expansion sprites below as well should you want a base to start with. Grimmic has a discord for his unnamed stuffing game that has several sprites as well that you can use as well for any sort of expansion theme.

As for bugs and typos, I’d be glad to hear them.

Default Breast Expansion Sprites:


Awesome thank you, is there a way to use the same rpg maker mv that the game was made in? The default map creation stuff doesn’t look quite right with the current ver.
Here’s everything found so far:
Cancel is spelled Cancal in shops. if you go over capacity on the floor with the ball pushing puzzle, when you respawn it will continue the growth unless you run all the way back to that floors staircase. some inventory items (mostly stat altering) don’t seem to work, like cow milk, bottled breast milk, milk weed, and max growth potion. I tried to find out what water inflate was but couldn’t, if after drinking from the sink on the following floor the water traps were supposed to do increased growth they didn’t. if you have 2 cursed bras at once, and break one, the next one that gets attached will permanently stay on unless removed from the shop, (growth will continue but sound fx will not and every time you get milked and back to a low size the bra will re-attach). I couldn’t find the cause but sometimes in the deep woods area you could eat the grass for growth like in the tower, it seems to be either you can or you can’t on each save file. sometimes teleporting to the first floor causes a respawn animation where you should be hopping out of bed but instead hop out of the portal. abilities like suckle heal seem to reset their timers after every location transfer,( an extra 10 seconds each move instead of continuously counting down). there isn’t a min. bust size, this is mostly a problem that goes along with the ball room glitch making you infinitely get out of bed and go over capacity. not sure if synthesize was meant to be given to the character, but once you talk to the blacksmith once and get the ability to use it, the blacksmith is useless. When you milk yourself the character size on the left doesn’t go down until you grow/ have the character altered again.

Still prefer the old pants, the rear is a little wonky on old but I like the subtle shading on the front of the legs.

The shading on the front of the new is a bit too thick, especially on the right leg (our left). Out of the new set, 1 is best imo.

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Hi i wanted to say thank you for the development on this interesting game and now i work in unity on a RPG Maker Framework to create maybe a Remake of this game xD maybe i getting in further :slight_smile:
@PreggoPixels i have write you on deviant art already and hope for an answer

@kerbable hi i wanted to ask if i can reach you somewhere in private. i have no idea how i can write here private messages now :frowning: . so maybe you can add me in discord? Noa3#2263. its about the game and art here.

Private messages should be able to be accessed by the Message button on a user’s profile, if it isn’t there I think you just need to wait a few days or be active on the forums for a while to gain more features.

Unfortunately though besides private messages here I don’t think there is any good way to contact me for now as I am a very private person and don’t yet have a Discord account for this kind of stuff. Also for now I feel like sticking with just working with Preggo.

ok, i understand you position. I will wait to unlock the private messages and then try to write you.