Lacto Escape: Expanded

So a lot has happened since those last few comments, I have indeed started working more closely with Preggo’s group and so far Noa has been making great progress recreating Lacto in Unity. Not only that but we have another artist helping create new portraits for the characters.

So far everything has been pretty great as we work on this new direction with the project, but there are a few things we need to consider if we are taking the game into a new engine, the one major one being that we likely will not be able to use RPG Maker’s tileset without getting in some kind of trouble for using it outside their program, same goes for most of the sound effects.

With that in mind, it would be a huge help if anyone knows of any good free to use or inexpensive tileset packs, or if anyone would be willing to help us create a new tileset for the game. Similar case goes for sound effects, though also any good expansion sounds people know of would also be helpful on top of general sounds.

Besides that, I couldn’t quite find an answer and should probably ask the staff here if we should make a new thread for the Unity version? I couldn’t quite figure out the standard for whether it is good practice here to make a new thread when a game gets remade or a major change? Especially as Preggo will still be involved and we consider them to still be the team leader.


I think you can use RPGM’s tilesets without worry so long as it’s not a commercial project, but if you’re really worried about it, I could whip up some tilesets if I just get a list of what size/type of tiles you need.

No, Enterbrain’s/Degica’s EULA clearly states that using any of RPGMaker’s assets outside of RPGmaker projects, regardless of monetary intent, is not kosher.
I mean, I doubt that they would take offense at it, but it is just that, a doubt.


Yeah, it is definitely better to be safe than sorry and might be the biggest item that delays a public release of this new version.

Also for anyone that has an interest in helping the project or just wants to see more updates than we post here, I definitely recommend joining Preggopixel’s Discord server.

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As far as tilesets go, you could always use something like OpenGameArt. There’s a really good selection of stuff over there.

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i would definetly like to see more work done on this game and if you taking suggestions i would say
-finish the inflation mode
-add a bit more breast sizes past 400 cm


we are working hard on the new version with some new ideas, new graphics and better support for mobile and the best of all, huge new sizes!. it will take a while to finish it but we try our best


Where are the additional traps when you select difficulty level 3?

From what I’ve seen so far on level 3 is it makes you eat grass randomly in the RPG section, causing your bust to suddenly grow slightly. On top of the increased lactation and growth rate, that can get risky quickly.

I haven’t been brave enough to try it in the tower yet.

it’s not randomly, it’s specifically on the tall grass patches


Thanks for clarifying!

So there are more traps in the grass field than throughout the tower?

It’s great to see, I recommend you try

I want to ask. could larger multi baby pregnancies be possible?

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*blinks* how have I missed this game all this time???

I’m looking forward to enriching my life with this!


Man i hope this game continues. I’ve had a blast testing it out, and have come to really appreciate it. im hopeful that the water/blueberry inflation stuff gets added in (and can get out of hand real quick :wink: )

just a few things i would like to point that i would like to address. Trust me, i want this game to succeed, i just have a few things that id work on if i were the developer. This game is a treasure and i would HATE to see it die from lack of work, and get shoved under the mat like so many good indie games do…

  1. Bras are pointless, across the board. You need to be at quite a large size for part of the game, making ‘armor’ obsolete. Even the cursed bras are not that much of a negative impact.

  2. Weight gain. it would be nice if there was a progressively slower movement speed through a trapped floor or something, but its not much currently.

  3. limited inventory and skills. having a few different abilities not only for combat, but also for puzzle solving might be really fun. As for equipment, you’ll need to account for not only Lacto, but the other companions…it it just currently feels flat (no pun intended).

  4. No companion revive. This needs to be fixed.

  5. Differences between weight gain and liquid inflation. i would thing there should be a start contrast between the two forms. even could have puzzles based around it.

  6. Lacto needs to complain more, especially about her different expansions. lol, seriously. She just kinda breezes by no matter how big her chest gets. She should show a genuine range of annoyance, fearful, and maybe playful. I think it suits her more to be a nice combination on these emotional ranges.

  7. Fairies seem kinda…i dunno. No really helpful? Not really hurtful? and none of them really do anything different. a variety of different fairies might perk things up. like weight gain, milk, and other types of faries. even some that can curse for a short time (something better than a cursed bra i hope.)

  8. If i really wanted to get nit picky, and bring my full RPG nerd out, id also look at the stats and character abilities and figure out how i want the class and powers to function in both a game function, but also a utility. Example: Other cow girls you fight might not try to beat Lacto up…but maybe increase general size or milk production? Damage should not be the ONLY thing thats a problem. I understand that milking is, but lots of the threats in the game are very inconvenient at worst. I think some minor tweaks, and this will be amazing in no time.

I dont want and anyone to think otherwise; i LOVE this game. Its cute, its fun, and the art is great. I love the world it is set up in, i like a bunch of the lore, and i really want this game to take off. I hope another update comes soon. Feel free to message if any of my imput was helpful or if someone wanted to bounce some ideas back and forth.

-Be Safe


What’s new or fixed in 1.22 that isn’t in 1.20?

hello, first of all, I might say some words wrong. My English is not very good. Anyway, I have a question. I was tired of starting over because the game wasn’t recorded properly.

This may be a dumb question, and I mean no disrespect by it, but have you tried using the “save” option in the menu? Because if memory serves there’s no auto save feature in this game.

You need to unzip the files and play from a folder in order for saving to work. If you’re playing inside the zip file, well, that’s not how computers work, the save file is being thrown away because there is literally no where the computer has to put it.

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