Lysithea's Sweet Escapades Redux - A Weight Gain RPG based on Fire Emblem: Three Houses

I got a weird bug after completing Maddy quest, Bana won’t promp the option to stay the night but keep repeating the " Oh, It’s you guys " dialogue

I had this bug as well when the group reaches the size “fat”, he wouldn’t trigger any options, just this dialogue, also one question, is it possible for them to reach sizes above fat in the current version?

No it is not, but Obese will be available next update. As for the bug, I’ll take care of it now so it can be ready for the next update.


So following logic one can guess that after obese there will be a blob state? I mean a mobile one

There will be a barely mobile state later, but not in this update.


Hello all, time for a quick update. As per usual, the art side of the game is progressing smoothly.
As for the game proper, Chapter 4 is technically done and playable.
Is it tested? No.
Does it have any new fat content? No.
So basically, Chapter 4 is both done, and no where near done.
But that said, the money we’ve raised on Ko-Fi has been going to a good cause: here’s a look at Marianne’s new portraits, normal and chubby (the bases for the rest are done, but this is just a teaser).

The artist has been busy lately, but when he’s free, work will continue in earnest. As well, the CG stills as part of a set of scenes when looking in a mirror by Igfu, have been making progress as well, though again, rather slowly as he is far busier with other things at the moment.
I’m going to take this time to advertise our discord server which is open to both volunteers (for programming, animations, etc.) and supporters. Please DM me if interested in helping us.

Again, I’d like to thank you all for your continued interest and patience.


new portraits are looking cute as heck

Seeing this makes me believe that this will be one of the best weight gain games out there that the community has had in a long time


the portraits look great cant wait for the update. take your time your doing a service for us.

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to gain access to the discord server after becoming a supporter will I automatically receive a invite or will i have to dm you over kofi?

I know it’s a bit soon to make another post, but this is important:
It’s Hilda’s birthday today!

Wish the pink haired layabout a happy birthday!


I played this so game so many times and only now that I found out there is a bad ending if you get caught to many times when exploring the ship in the solo Marianne chapter.


I am sorry if someone has already reported this. When finishing the Lysithea’s Special Service the screen stays black after finishing. It fixes its self after a screen change, so no big worry.


May I ask what does this do and can I have your save that unlock this because I don’t know about this

The Special Services are small interactions between your party members and Carol. You unlock them after doing the feast event thing. Which you can access by talking with Carol when all your party members are chubby. It takes a bit of finagling to get it to trigger right. Best bet is to get every one to the fat stage by eating at the second inn or get fattened by slimes. Then slim them down by one stage to access it.

Looking at the code a bit, the only reason they’re actually accessible at the moment is because the weight-loss service is bugged - to get to the event page, the party weight should be at 6 but not 7 (all three characters chubby, generally, or a mix of stuffed/chubby/fat), but the actual dialogue with that option is coded to only show up if there are three fat characters in the party, which would set a party weight of at least 9 and trigger the next event page, which doesn’t feature that option. The only reason it ever works is because the weight-loss service tends to double-count loss stages and royally screws up party weight calcs, so I wouldn’t be surprised if these normally-inaccessible events weren’t fully tested either.


Unfortunately, that section of the game has some notable coding issues and bugs in general. I didn’t have a ton of playtesters at the ready like I do now.
Carol’s weight loss event in particular is a big mess because instead of doing the sensible thing like using common events, each page has it’s own weight loss section, making it a nightmare to actually debug. This has, of course, been fixed in the upcoming update.


This game is a buggy mess hut none of tgat matters the vugs dont natter it is stikk really good

The characters are fun the writing is really good like most fetish games struggle to have 3 dimensional characters only mostly have em as 2 or 1 dimensional, my favorit being Carol who is a antagonist one part, then a means for fetish material, and then an emphasozed romance. These all just work.

I wish the battles were faster, like kingdom hearts 2 criticak nide fast, the enemies can kill you as fast as you can kill them

The fetish material is a tripple s loke keep oj doing what your doin,

Now for my favorit part the scenarios, like the obsticle course on the inn and rhe sneaking mission i want to see more thibgs like that , maybe and eating contest or sumo ring,

This game has alot of bugs, but that dont matter its still a masterpiece and i look forward to the update and i hope Carol gets with Anne or atleast their relationship develops more

Happy Birthday to our MC, Lysithea!

No real updates otherwise. Thank you for your continued patience!


I hope development is going well.