Marcel's Metabolic Mishap, a Potion Making RPG

Poties.pdf (41.5 KB)
I’ve been playing for a bit more than a few hours for this. Hope it is useful for some. Basicaly it’s every potion and what it does and the convination of the 2 variables to get them.


Thanks, are you going to fix big with energy usage when you enter forest? Needing to use 2 energy instead of 1 is annoying

Also - could someone tell me what does it mean that i need to “master alchemy”? I’ve checked yuhau’s guide and looks like cure is listed there too, but i don’t really know if there are some special triggers that would make you “master alchemy”


you need to make every potion in the game at least once, and then remake potion 30 if you already made that one earlier. That’s what she means by “master alchemy”


Are there any other endings except for curing the curse?


There’s two minor variants of the cure ending (one requires taking I believe it’s 5 fetishizer potions, and the other is the normal one), and there is another ending if you let your appetite reach 700 before completing the game. I might lower this number in a later update to add more of a time crunch.

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I really like this idea, but a lot of things feel kind of unclear or confusing.

I keep mixing up Potency and Latency because the text flips them sometimes(like after you make a potion or when you look up ingredients in the books, it displays Latency THEN Potency, when it’s Potentcy/Latency everywhere else).

There’s also dozens of ingredients and it takes 5 or 6 uses/scryings to identify their values, and you can only do either of those once a day, so it takes forever to get any information on them.

I’ve also run into a bug where whenever I try to enter the woods, it instantly tells me spend an extra energy to extend the timer. And if I don’t, it kicks me out, but the timer’s still ticking, and sticks around until you change areas after it hits zero.

There’s also this error that pops up every time I open the game. It doesn’t affect anything, it’s just weird and consistent.


I hope the sprite goes crazy, like that one retired dude doing stuff to the girls, especially that one girl

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So while I like the idea of the game in theory (Brew potions, get effects nailed down, keep hunger in check) the game has a few issues for me.

First, and I’ll get this out of the way as its the most important, I hit a bug in the forest that would basically ‘double charge’ me for energy every time I got in, acting as if I’d already hit Timer 0
Also, the bakery has a small typo where cost and fat are swapped in the “Why should I buy?” option, a minor issue.

Now the meat of it, everything just feels very unclear or inconvenient to get.
Want to check stats or understand what a potion does? You have to go check the books in the tower. This is probably more an issue with this version of RPG maker where you can’t stick it under a quest area where its ‘completed’
Making potions is either frustrating or ‘looks’ frustrating as the opening descriptions involve math formulae which I feel the need the break open notepad to run the math on or I would if I could tell what the ingredients did. This is on top of the potions just ‘vanishing’, I had figured them consumables, it took me a bit to realize I was automatically using them when I made them.
While some ingredients have notions of “-5 Health, +5 fat, etc” in the descriptions, potency, latency, etc, is not visible or requires a lot more trial and error to become visible, meaning that it often feels like I’m in the dark as to what is actually happening and more playing Potion gacha which can be a bit irritating.
I do know there’s a book stating my 'experience with an ingredient has increased, but…when do I see the effects? How do I know what my ingredient XP is? Is it per item? As a whole?

I played a few ingame days, got the first stage of weight after playing around at various locations but found myself getting more annoyed than having fun.
Not to mention that if you don’t read the book, you’re not going to know that Fat is a loss condition (should be obvious even without reading it) but also 'Lost to hunger!" appears which… Again, is this another loss condition? A day of energy wasted?

I have no doubt others are going to be able to enjoy the game but it for me it annoyed/frustrated me a bit too much to finish.


Yeah, the forest was a literal last minute addition. Though honestly, I think 2 energy to enter, 1 extra to continue might be the cost I want to make it anyway when I update it. Just obviously on purpose this time, and not because the timer bugged out.

The demon does say that potion affects you immediately in the intro, but the intro is rather long, and it’s the only time this is mentioned, so I should probably make that a bit more clear.

The early game is essentially alchemy gacha, it’s how the game ties into the theme. You learn the ingredient effects once you have used or scryed for it combined 10 times, then it tells you what it does. The other way is to attempt to intuit roughly what the ingredient does by checking the results you got (so if you get, for example, potions with low to mid potency every time you use brown mushrooms, it probably has low potency). When you hit the tenth time you’ve worked with an ingredient, you get a message saying you did, and the book will now tell you specifically what it does.

RPG maker is, admittedly, not the greatest for relaying information to the player in convienient ways.

I should have made it a bit more clear that fat is not a loss condition, only appetite is. That was written really, really early in development, and I didn’t think to revise the wording of it when that was no longer the case.

Thanks for the feedback, sorry if it’s not for you.


No problem, I may revisit it later and the majority of my issues are just how things are displayed/presented.

And yes, its a decently long opening and if the player’s eyes glaze over for a bit something gets missed.


10 times to identify? When you can only use and scry them once each? There’s dozens of ingredients, no wonder it feels like I’m making no progress at all. I really think lowering that to like 6 or something would make it feel less like you’re just getting random results because there’s no information to tell you what you’re actually doing.


It is a fairly interesting game. The round down mechanism and random failure create a lot of amusing variation. However, I have to say 10 times would be too much to reveal the potency and latency. In the entire game I never used that function, and I probably did not use any ingredients for 10 times till the end of the game.
If calculated manually, 3 test would be enough to characterize 3 unknown ingredients, or 2 test would be enough to characterize 1 unknown ingredients based on 2 known ingredients.
I think it would be more useful if the cookbook could reveal potency and latency after using it for 3 times, otherwise I would rather do it manually.


I enjoyed this game but don’t think I’ll be finishing it.

The writing is fun, the scenario is novel, and the characters do have energy to them. I’m sure it’d be addressed with more time, but getting Marcels thoughts on things more would be nice.

Your art’s definitely getting better, and I like Marcel’s design. My biggest criticism on the art is that Marcel’s neck is short, it doesn’t feel as obvious at higher weights but when she’s thin it feels off.

The gameplay concept here is good. Discovering potions, learning about ingredients, the energy system and having things you can do each day. However, I do simply think it’s all a bit over tuned, not difficult, just time consuming. As mentioned, needing 10 “research” on an ingredient is too much. Very quickly I have an optimized route for each day, and it’s just going through the motions. There’s just not enough content for how long it takes.

It’s a good showing overall, I’d happily play and finish a post jam version even if it were just tightened up on the pacing.


Figuring it out manually is meant to be an intended way to play. What I didn’t think about, was that there are just too many ingredients for 10 uses to work. Maybe I’ll lower it to 5 or something in the future, since as you said, it can take, at minimum, 3 uses to work it out yourself.

I wanted being able to intuit ingredients to be a thing, so I made the xp requirement much higher to allow for that. Guess it was too high.


Game is pretty fun, but it seems like I am running the same loop every single day for the same items, same gold, same mana, same everything. Maybe cutting the experience needed for each ingredient in half because I quit halfway through my fourth one. I found syself save scumming early game with “Mana Reserves” potion because it would literally just remove half a day worth of progress if I happened to get it.


By the way, for those that want it, you can get into the debug room by spam clicking this plant on the third floor of the tower.

There are other entrances too. When leaving the debug room, it gives you a choice on where to go, and when you select the other spots, just spam click whatever plant or object I put her next to to get back inside.


Another year, another insanely gameplay-maximalist Gain Jam entry from failmuseum! Were I have half-a-mind, I would say there’s no way you are pumping these out in 2 weeks, especially this one! There are SO many interactions going on, it does a far better job of showing off the perks of the “Fat Raising Sim” genre and game ethos than the Idol Maker entry from last year.

…Still, I do think this is a case of “eyes-being-bigger-than-the-stomach”. The game is just too LONG for how much actual content you are meant to engage with (and is here at the moment). Being FORCED to make every individual potion combination in the game stretches the game’s life and pads it to death. This comes double with the twist that it isn’t Fat that kills your game this time around, but Appetite, means you kind of get stuck in a long spiral of floundering until you hit the Bad Ending or stumble your way into victory, thanks to how one builds faster than the other. This would have been a much more enjoyable game to experiment with if the Level to victory was 5 or 10 less recipes.

It doesn’t help the Failed Brew mechanics really messes up with how people are meant to intuit the alchemy system. You not only have to mental math all the ingredient values and factors without the aid of any HUD assistance, (on an individual playthrough, nonetheless. Scrambling the Potency and Latency values would be fun as a difficulty select, not so much the core) in between all the waiting to try again, you also just have to deal with the game not letting you brew what you want. It sort of makes the core conceit of the game sort of…unfun, unfortunately.

Other issues with the game can either come down to personal preference --like how rude and bitter everyone is this time around, Marcel’s lither forms being kinda wonky looking with the neck, or your fat movement being way too slow for how huge the maps are, even with things with ONE thing to see-- or the constraints of the Gain Jam itself and any potential future updates --like how bad and broken Forestry is and how many potion effects reliant on dungeon crawling like such is useless-- but I do get why people might struggle to click with this entry compared to the others. It definitely feels like it could be great but suffering from being an obvious first draft of a game.

Which I guess in terms of Gain Jam standards, is still pretty damn stellar.

Marcel is really fun despite the rather rough world she lives in, this is the first time I GOT what’s to love with whale/orca-girls, and I found myself really enjoying Bartholomew. 10/10, would sell my soul to him for fat witch girlfailure. Hope to see him in Heroes on a Budget if that ever gets back up and running.


After a few days, I’m starting to work on an update for the non jam version. So far I have fixed the forest timer, removed the slowest walk speed (the first speed debuff remains though), and I’ll be changing the ingredient xp requirement from 10 to 5 per ingredient.

Making the forest not suck so much in terms of what is actually there will probably be the update after.


yeah, the rude npcs were kind of a consequence of me wanting to write more festishy dialogue, not enough time to make it sound right, and my desire to not give essentially every npc a fetish for weight gain with their comments, but still have them say something about your weight. It absolutely wasn’t my goal to make the literal demon the most polite character, lol.

Moving forward it should lighten up a bit.


Thematically, the “demon who is fattening you up” being the most polite kinda works: he wants it to happen, doesn’t he, so encouraging it is something he’d do to push it forward.