I agree, I’m just saying everyone else is so rude that he ends up being the most polite by default, lol
I personally like the rudeness. I think it makes the game more comedic and entertaining, while also hammering in the consequences of the curse. Plus, it’s great fetish content!
I have said it is personal preference if you like the rudeness or not. It is pretty comedic and sells just how much of a girlfailure Marcel is, it just feels a little silly in my eyes when even a bakery shop owner is disgusted to see fat people and the people outside of an all-you-can-eat buffet has to wonder in horror how people end up like that. Not saying they shouldn’t have limits or needs less edge, just more that it would be nice to not always be the butt of every joke in the game.
couple of new features: the upgrade you get at level 25 that lets you use the same ingredient twice in the same potion is now a level 20 upgrade.
Now you get a new upgrade at level 25 that let’s you, for double the MP cost of a standard potion, Amplify/Dampen/Chill/Heat up mixtures for plus or minus 2, instead of the typical plus or minus 1.
I will also be adding in a chart to the journal that will mark off which potions you’ve made already, so you can see at a glance what you still need to make.
the game over for appetite will be lowered from 700, to 500. Still plenty of time to do everything, but now it’s actually possible to lose not on purpose, at least now that ingredient xp requirements are also lowered.
Carriage driver service can now be hired for 5G a day. This is to replace the energy cost for traveling at high weights for a gold cost instead. Once hired, he’s your’s for the day. You use a flute to summon him, so you don’t need to run to the village every morning (defeating the purpose of the service) to hire him.
New update’s out: it’s mostly a balancing patch, but there are a few new gameplay elements, see the post above for details.
This should make the game’s pacing much, much better. Also being able to see which potions you are missing at a glance should really help with the existing issue of having to work it out using the potion recipes alone.
Thank goodness, hopefully this makes the extreme potions variants easier to make.
I was coming to relay a weird experience I had with the game pre patch. Got a decent roll on salt, bought it up early and used to to make the 5 fetishizer potions I needed so I ended using salt to derive every ingredients properties for the most part. I noticed a bazar tendency for the ingredients to be batched in my save, meaning that a lot of them had the same L/P even when I rerolled. I was expecting every ingredient to be one combination from a set number of variables as opposed to having their L/P randomized.
As an example I had both orc fat and Behemoth meat on 3/7. While a surprise, I didnt think it would hurt the game. Unfortunately it did. I could not make the burdened potion (1/7) for the life of me. I kept getting lead foot (1/6) because I had to lower the Latency otherwise I would end up with 2/7. So I caved and save scummed a bit after 5ish days of no progress. I then found out that it was impossible with my current ingredient values so I went to my local demon loan agent to reroll the values, I then did that 2 more times after save scumming my new ingredients list.
I don’t know if Barth randomizes the values and I got horribly unlucky or just swaps the ingredients values around. Either way it ended with me saying fuck it loading an older save and grinding gold to get the item that sets the potion values.
I love the game btw, would have quit otherwise but some times the ingredient values roll bad.
Barth is probably my favorite character in terms of just general attitude. He is remarkably chill for a demon, he plays off Marcel very well and seems way less insidious with her for some reason. He comes of like a trickster and really sells the tone.
Marcel tripping into success is hilarious as a premise although I will say I like the game better after a couple of fetishizer potions. (I almost wish it was a status she got after each fat reset but that would turn this into a wildly different game, I like gradual ‘corruption’ sue me) I think her getting some sass back when she can helps counteract the other characters being a bit mean.
Wish there was more content with Maya. There were bits and pieces to suggest she was liking her boss’s issues more than just as a source of amusement. Would have been nice to complete that circle just to have it cleared up, maybe I am reading to much into dialogue like the one that hints that you can rip off the mine.
Biggest complaints have to be that the world is very empty, to be expected of a game jam but still bears saying. The transformations need a little more content in my opinion. Stuff like the cat transformation getting a cookie from the grandma was a nice little touch and they do some nice things especially the dragon not having to pay for movement at later weights. They still feel like they are missing something. Doesn’t help that they can be a bit rare depending on ingredient values.
Finally some of the dynamics just don’t mesh well. Potions like troll blood or deep one should have a decent bit of consequence but just don’t if you aren’t going into the forest. A lot of the potions are like this so instead of a constant back and forth of good and bad and trying to plan around them, its a lot of nothing and you do the same thing everyday. If there were dungeons that need specific body types to get into certain areas or just more things that played off of temporary effects it would feel loads better or at least more dynamic. I think this is the biggest casualty of the game jam.
All told I still think this is a fantastic idea done extremely well within the time limit. Had a ton of fun with it and am going to revisit it soon.
Yep, you just got unlucky with the rerolls. His reroll is just randomizing everything again within the range every ingredient is supposed to be in. This the exact scenario that led to the insta brew being made.
Glad you like the characters I do plan to do more with Maya, it’s just that of the main cast, she is ultimately the least important so I had to neglect her a bit because of the time limit.
Thinking about it, I’m probably going to have to do a bit of the dungeon area before really working on the forest. The different forms were planned to really shine there and the forest. I’m also probably going to replace one of the potions, butterball, and turn it into a new form. It’ll have the same effect of not getting stuck, but it’ll come with other effects as well. Dragon form needs trade offs as well, since it’s an objective upgrade at the moment.
Huge improvement, nice work
It’s a little weird to me that the latest patch doesn’t seem to include buffs to the methods of earning money. Many ingredients can’t be acquired without spending money, which adds another layer to the grind. Also, this kingdom’s economy must be pretty screwed if a couple hours of mining work only pays enough to buy a single pouch of salt.
On another note, I personally would’ve left the appetite requirement as it is. There’s no telling how long it will take any given new player to find their footing and figure out how to best manage their time. It risks running into the same issue that Vale City did, in which the player is doomed to a failed run if they don’t start the game with a well-optimized plan of attack. Furthermore, it limits the player’s freedom to slow down and mess around with other interactions, such as with the ability to fatten up NPCs.