Minecraft: The Fat Suite V1.0.5

Perhaps. I just am focusing more on my secret project at the moment, and I’m also currently having computer troubles so work on either is impossible anyways.

I’ll keep this request in mind, though.

Edit: Also, the anthro character I eventually do will more be akin to a base that others can work off of because anthropomorphic characters are inherently very diverse, and I don’t want to show too much favoritism towards one anthropomorphic concept over another. The main thing that will be present will likely be some kind of tail, digititrade legs, a snout, and some kind of ears probably.

An avian base is a good idea though.


These models look nice! Ive made some very very fat models myself for personal use. I love these and will take them to tweak myself. I would also love these just to give variety to the fellow fat friends around me. Its nice everyone having their own size and look.


@Kugle (since it doesn’t automatically put that anymore for some reason)
You made models?

may I see it


if this was directed to me, no… i haven’t.

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Usually, replies have an indicator as to what - or who - they are made in response to. I didn’t put an @ at first because I figured the reply would say I was talking to Kugle.

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There are a few different ways that happens to my knowledge. If the person you reply to is the last post it doesn’t add the reply indicator. You can reply with the overall thread reply at the bottom of the thread which will not have a person selected. Editing and having a reply window open (on mobile, sometimes pc) can make the reply lose the reply to quick link. I don’t think I have this issue normally when it’s not the most recent post you are replying to, I presume it’s by design.


What version of Minecraft or Minecraft Forge do I need to make the custom models to render in-game and in the editor?

Any version that Customizable Player Models supports, though I personally would suggest using the most modern version of Minecraft you’re comfortable with using, as those are usually the ones that get the most attention.

If you’re having trouble, just make sure you read my post thouroughly, as I laid out to the best of my knowledge and ability how you can get this up-and-running.

Could you change the size of the custom player model? I’ve seen ya need another mod to make the hit box bigger which is fine but I’m just wondering if you can play with a larger then normal player model.

If you mean just generally increasing the overall scale of the model, yes. The same mod that handles the hitboxes also allows for generally resizing the whole playermodel. Among other things


Could you add sound effects to animations such as your walking animation?

Uh no, sadly. CPM doesn’t support custom sounds currently, and while I’m not aware of any plans to do so, the mod does have integration with a voice chat mod iirc, so who knows. it may be in the cards somewhere down the line.

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Just got the mod recently and it looks great : D If only Guts and Glory was up to date for me to pair this mod with it ;w;
However, I was wondering how else I can mess with the models other than messing with the textures. Is there a tutorial I can follow that can teach me to export modified models to either overwrite or just make new files?

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I’m aware of a blockbench plug-in here that might make your life easier. If you’re asking for modifiable verisons of the models the stranger made, if the file you’re looking at ends in .cpmproject it should be completely modifiable with the in-game tools.


Nice models. I’ve also made some models of my own with the cpm mod ;p


Care to share? Idk if this thread would be the place to do it but I’m always interested to see what people have come up with, esp as it relates to this sort of thing

You can see it here:


Ooo I like the animations! Esp the jumping one, I don’t think I’ve seen a model with that many animations for things.

Me and a bunch of buddies are trying to use this in a server, however everyone’s skins are just showing up as plain old steve, even when using default Minecraft skins. Know a fix?

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Here are a couple of things that could be going wrong:

  1. The mod/plugin is not installed on the server side. In order to fix this, you need to make sure your server is modded and that the mod is installed server side. If your server is not using Fabric or Forge and is using Spigot, then you can install the plugin that achieves a similar effect.
  2. Sometimes CPM can just be a little janky and you have to refresh your model once you’ve loaded in for your peers to see it (I don’t know how well this issue has improved for more recent versions of CPM as it’s been awhile since I’ve tinkered with it server side.)
  3. If you don’t own the server you’re attempting to use these models on, you need to make sure the model is skin compatible. If you’re using my stock model then I’m pretty sure I checked that box, but I might not have (future releases will have done this now that apparently it’s a problem), but if you’re editing my model to make your own make sure it’s either skin compatible, or you’re choosing the skin export option and loading it onto your Minecraft character the old fashioned way, as if you’re on a server without the mod or plugin, you cannot switch models on the fly, and I’m pretty sure non skin-compatible models just don’t work.
  4. If all else fails, and number 3 applies to you, you might find better luck hosting your own server (there’s like 20 different methods just don’t use anything like MineHut if you value your sanity). If 3 doesn’t apply to you just make sure your mods/plugins server side are in order, and if everything’s right on the client end (as in, the program you boot up to play Minecraft shows the model on your end), and the server side mods/plugins are in order I really don’t know what the issue could be.

If my advice here doesn’t work for you, PM me and I’ll try and help you as much as I can. Just be sure to include as much information about your situation as possible because I’ll likely need it.

Hope this ends up working for you!

Edit: I don’t know when I’ll get back to you as I’m winding down for the night currently but first thing in the morning I’ll take a look at it if you send me something.