Minecraft: The Fat Suite V1.0.5

We sorted it out in the end, it was because the server was in offline mode to accommodate one of our players who was using a cracked client.

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Hey so… Someone used the port that I made of The Fat Suite to Bedrock for a Roblox Game… I’m talking with them but because you’re the one who made the model, I think you should choose if what you want is for it to get removed or if just give credit, and because this is shown to kids, I imagine you just want it to be removed

And apparently they used one photo that you rendered too

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This made my day in a way. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all, and if this was something Minecraft Java related I would’ve likely told them the same thing I did you: Post it on these forums and link back to me. I am a believer in Cathedral Modding after all. Though this is a completely different can of worms.

You are correct in your assumption that I want this removed. Roblox is an even more egregious example than Minecraft Bedrock Edition of an environment I detest the idea of mine or any others’ fetish content being posted in or around.

  • 1. First and foremost, it’s filled with not only minors but a lot of the time people who are not even half my age (and I’m a pretty young guy).
  • 2. It is pointless in the long term due to you inescapably being banned, and because of it being pointless for someone who wants to explore themselves artistically, or in a game design sense makes me detest it even more because the only other way someone would want to post this is if it was transparently about making money out of children that usually find adult topics foreign and intriguing, and thusly YouTube Kids and platforms like Roblox become filled with undulating egg-laying mpreg Spidermen shooting AK-47s simply because it’s shocking and interesting to very young children to see that sort of thing, and thusly makes money. To have my art lowered to that level is insulting to me.
  • 3. Roblox is predatorially monetizable to the point it’s kind of ridiculous. Minecraft Java Edition has an EULA underlining clear guidelines for paid for content in multiplayer servers, and Minecraft Bedrock Edition is very strict on who they let on their marketplace (at least in comparison to Roblox) but Roblox from what I can understand is the wild west in this regard. I would be fine with this if everyone deciding to spend 10,000 bobux™ on horrific looking cosmetics (I’m not a fan of Roblox’s art style but that’s besides the point) or gameplay affecting perks was of the age where they should make decisions for themselves, but refer to my first point.
  • 4. Roblox is exploitative of their (mostly young) developer base.
  • 5. This person in question would’ve gotten respect from me had they came to me like you did and asked first. I wouldn’t have let them use my assets (bah-dum-tiss) for this, but I would’ve given them the benefit of the doubt. However, due to them not doing that I have reason to believe this is the scenario I lined out in point 2, with them hoping that I would be ignorant of this, and I would have had not for you.

It is pretty much a no-brainer. I do not use Roblox (for all those reasons I listed) but I would ask that you let this person know to cease and desist using my copyrighted material, and if they don’t I would like if you sent me the link to the offending content so that I could report the content as being not only my copyrighted material but a breach of Roblox’s terms of service relating to adult topics and content.

As not to get off topic I wish that from now on you send me any updates and the like in PMs not only for the sake of a tidy thread, but I also do not want any harassment levied towards this individual despite what I have said. I know it has a small chance of happening due to this being a somewhat insular community (beyond the random 14 year old coming on here to say all our characters are going to die of heart attacks, but I like those, they’re funny) I want to minimize the chance of that as much as I can.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, Fluffinez.


I didn’t read all of that but:

I got on contact and they removed it!

They placed a image of a fat Peppa pig.

Hi! Im not very good at making models and what not. Could I perhaps pay you to apply my skin onto this? I attempted your tutorial but I’m really bad at tutorials and was wondering if we could do some deal?

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I apologize, but I’m going to have to decline.

Money (or any other form of payment) would be nice (especially right now for me), but I’m staying away from MC right now because of burnout and just generally my mental health, and having it being attached to some kind of transaction would probably make that whole thing worse.

I also really only just planned this to be a repository for my past (and future) CPM models as a base for those with similar inclinations to myself to use (within reasonable parameters, of course). I tried to the best of my ability to explain how to change the textures (since that is relatively simple), and I also asked people about what they wanted in the future from me, but that was more just feeling people out more than anything.

Beyond working on this suite sporadically (even more sporadically right now), I don’t really plan to actively support and host commissions or the like for a while, though I was planning on perhaps having some form of apparatus to do that in the future, so if by the time that happens you still wish to get a custom model for me, be sure to be on the lookout for that.



Oh okay! No worries, please prioritize your mental health and personal endeavors! Wish you the best bro.


Gigantic Axel animation
Been having fun with the model and CPM.


Wow that is smooth! Is she like, actively gaining weight in this gif? It kinda looks like it but I’m not sure

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Very nice! Thank you so much for sharing! This animation (gesture I believe?) looks great!

I had made animations like this in private, but elected to remove them from what I posted publicly so that people could make their own like you did, (definitely am not regretting it lol) and also because things like making it happen during running animations and the like never syncs up and never looks good transitioning out of it.

That’s why I’ve been holding out hope for actual jiggle esque physics, but Tom mostly seems busy fixing bugs, so it might be a while even from now.

That being said, I have stuff planned for the near future I think everyone’s going to be quite happy about.

Just need to brainstorm some animations for my more blob-esque model. :wink:

Stay tuned!


You want some help with that? I really like making animations and got some experience making bigger models :^)


No thank you, and very nice model by the way!

It’s mostly that I’ve got multiple things in the oven right now.

Thank you for offering!

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Please make another post to advertise your services. This thread is for my project and mine alone.

Oh, and do not charge for only making edits to my models if that’s what you’re hinting at that you’re doing. If you want to charge, make your own model. My models are to be free in all forms. All rights are reserved, and people make edits at my pleasure, and I really only care about charging for it.

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Understood, sorry for the misunderstanding

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I felt like sharing this furry “little” critter
this is test model based of the fantastic tubby models made by @/lardomorph, but then I started texturing it, animating it, then got attached to it. The textures I’m not too fond of but it’s the least I can do (soon I’ll give her some drip.)
before I just disappear for the rest of time (not really lol) I just wanna say that everyone’s model(s) that were shared previously were great, and also thanks to the people who seemed to like the gif, I had fun animating the gesture, I have actually focused on the model and gave her many animations focusing on giving her emotions and what not (might share some of my favorite in here).

And to the The_Stranger, hope you can achieve your future project and I wish nothing but the best of luck to you, I will be keeping a close eye on the project as it seems to be promising (judging from what you’ve wrote.)


What was your favorite part about making the model?

making the animations, usually giving them expressions, it was nice making the model very expressive.

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Is this cliant side or is it for all? What version of minecraft is then meant for? I have been using 1.18.2 more for the changed mod I found and I would like it if it was like for my Munch and not for other players as I don’t want his playermodel to be affected. Munch is from Tribal Hunter.

It is both. If the server you’re playing on does not have the mod installed then the only consequence is that there are restrictions as to who can see your model if they have the mod installed too.

All major (still played on) versions from 1.7.10 all the way to the most recent, 1.20.1. Also, it is for both Fabric and Forge.

If you’re asking whether you can update or not, go on ahead.

Applying the model to yourself will not apply it for anyone else. I understand how there might be some confusion given how other mods of this kind work, but CPM does not work this way. I hope this answer is sufficient.

So slightly off topic but can you tell me how I would add an animation for levitating