Hola, alguien conoce algun mod de pokemon, donde se pueda engordar a tu personaje, a tus pokemones, npc y que además tenga hasta la quinta generación
Considera que este foro en gran mayoría es angloparlante, por lo que te recomiendo que escribas en Inglés para que gente te pueda ofrecer ayuda.
En cuanto a lo que buscas, actualmente creo que no hay tal cosa para juegos de pkmn. Creo que seria posible pero requeriría gran conocimiento de código para hacerlo. Sin embargo, existen romhacks de algunos juegos de pkmn donde puedes jugar con personajes gordos.
I am currently in the process of making a pokemon fan game that will include weight gain for the player, NPCs, and pokemon. I am drawing all new sprites for all trainers and fully evolved pokemon including multiple weight stages. It will take some time but I’ll post it here when/if I get it to a state that I’m happy with. Here are some teaser sprites.
oh no need there is luckly a translate implented
There are a few projects like this, most notably Pokemon Lard which is an entirely custom game with redesigned pokemon and custom pokemon. I haven’t played it since the first demo released, but iirc there’s player weight gain and NPC weight gain involved.
There’s also a short parody game that involves pokemon characters, Pokemom wide. It’s around 10-15 mins long.
Then there’s this romhack of Fire Red that replaces most of the mons with fatty sprites.
Also as Arro said, there should be a globe icon at the bottom of this message to translate it to your native language.
Is good to know that there is the option to translate here, but i still recommend writing in english because not everyone may be willing to even check posts if they are in another language.
Well, I’ll throw this out. Last year i made a romhack of pkmn crystal that i named “big fatty crystal” which changes most of the female characters into fatter versions of themselves (almost all of the sprites were done by me). Also i added many changes and things,such as changing the male protagonist into the female one from the HG/SS, making characters adults and a lot of QoL improvements while keeping the gameplay at its core. I wanted to keep working on it, but due to lack of knowledge in the code, support and many other things i just decided to stop working on it for the time being… the game is fully playable and if someone is interested, i’ll leave the link here.
Link for Big fatty crystal.