Potential Mods?

It interestingly says here that it couldn’t find a specified file.
After that, it crashes after closing the Chromium window and calling for the JS downloader. I didn’t see any other errors or odd things.

It does open the chromium window? That’s a good sign. Not finding the file is expected if this is not the first time you’ve used this install of the downloader. Are you sure that there are no fonts/ js/ and media/ folders in the EatTheDungeon dirtectory?

The new INSTALL.bat does indeed install the fonts/ js/ and media/ folders when run.

Oh really? That’s great. If you have the other folders /img/ etc, drop them in there, hit run game and it should work! I didn’t change anything about the script other than adding PAUSE commands and disabling wget calls so it didn’t take forever.

I guess, now that I think about it, did you have those other files? When all is well your folder structure should look like this:

Even with all the files, the RUN_GAME.bat still gives me the same Chrome error from above.
Also, would DM’s be better to not fill this thread up?

Did try to use this to see if it actually installed the missing folders and files, and it still hasn’t worked for me. I’m beginning to wonder if the antivirus might have something to do with the process.

Note: there’s a timeout error everytime it tries to call something from the puppeteer folder

The other issue has been solved; if you’re around we can troubleshoot this as well. Anti virus is a possible issue. After running the INSTALL script is there any file left in the /util folder?

Just made a new commit, previously there was a bug that the game wouldn’t launch if you didn’t have something installed on your system already.

yes, there’s the LICENSE, README and index.js

Interesting. After running the script you shouldn’t have an index.js in that folder. That would be the first issue. I suppose first and foremost, are you on Windows? Aside from that, right click INSTALL.bat, edit…, and replace with this:

ECHO off
WHERE /Q node || (ECHO Node.js must be installed before using this script! & PAUSE & EXIT)
IF EXIST %~dp0/wget.exe (ECHO wget located, good to continue) ELSE (ECHO Missing wget.exe! Place it in the directory next to this script. & PAUSE & EXIT)
@ECHO Finished dependency checking
CALL npm install http-server --verbose
CALL npm install website-scraper --verbose
CALL npm install website-scraper-puppeteer --verbose
@ECHO Finished node dependency installs
SET base_path=%~dp0
SET "move_to_extrapath=node_modules\website-scraper-puppeteer\lib\"
SET "move_from_extrapath=util\index.js"
SET move_to_path=%base_path%%move_to_extrapath%
SET move_from_path=%base_path%%move_from_extrapath%
@ECHO Finished Setting index file vars
MOVE /Y %move_from_path% %move_to_path%
@ECHO Finished moving index file
CALL node index.js %~dp0
@ECHO Called JS downloader

You should now be able to see errors when you go through the install script. Note this will skip downloading most of the resources so you’ll have to change it later, but this will help us fix it.

Idk if this is something to do with this, but I get this error:
TimeoutError: Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded
at C:\Users\Jack Giazzon\OneDrive\Desktop\Cose\Video_e_Musica\Musica.mp4senzavideo\EatTheDungeonGame\node_modules\puppeteer\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\LifecycleWatcher.js:108:111

Again, just this time with tryng with the modified INSTALL.bat

TimeoutError: Navigation timeout of 30000 ms exceeded
at C:\Users\Jack Giazzon\OneDrive\Desktop\Cose\Video_e_Musica\Musica.mp4senzavideo\EatTheDungeonGame\node_modules\puppeteer\lib\cjs\puppeteer\common\LifecycleWatcher.js:108:111

One thing that will cause an issue is the folder path. Right now, you can’t have spaces in it. Since you have a space in your user folder name that means you’ll have to put it in C:/ or some other folder like that before you run it.

I’ll see if I can make a version today that’s less sensitive to things like that.

I have tried after the name change but iirc that didn’t solve the issue

I’ve tried it again with a whole different PC, it still doesn’t install half of what is needed to launch the game. I can’t even get back the old files as my previous PC is broken. Is there a solution for any of this?

Just pushed a change that may fix your problem. Download the repo again and try. If that doesn’t work let me know.

Just tried it. it ran perfectly, thank you

how would i go about keeping the changes to the game? i dont think im doing this right