Risk of Rain 2 fat mod [released]

BepInExPack just updated and it doing so makes Ror2 forever load if you try to launch it with fatify. Luckily rolling BepIn back to a previous version fixes this.


Just uploaded 0.7.1 should fix the issue with pink textures on rex and the new BepInEx Crash


The first previews for Railgunner https://twitter.com/Ceepert/status/1503910159210401796


interestingā€¦ I look forward to this. (Though I wonder how Void Fiend will turn out, but one thing at a time)

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Looking really good man!

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Damn son, even if I wasnā€™t into the extra thicc edition of chicks, that railgunner skin with her being regular thicc be poppin in more ways than one. Damn fine job my good man/woman/sentient form of life.

Another update, almost done with the first skin https://twitter.com/Ceepert/status/1506077760128790535

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Looks real nice! Great work man!

Looks really good! 1/3ā€¦ I can only imagine how big the last one will be!

How do you fatten the models anyway? Do you rebuild those parts from scratch?

I rip the models from the game and edit them in blender. Except for the new railgunner skin there I use my own base model I made recently cause it is much better to work with and has a much better base form

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Oooh imagine all of the wonderful fat models you could make with your special one! I canā€™t wait to see what you do!

THICC T | Thunderstore - The Risk of Rain 2 Mod Database Seen this mod, and wonder if itā€™d inspire your own design for Mul-T

FemLemCommando | Thunderstore - The Risk of Rain 2 Mod Database This mod also kinda made me think that sexy chubby monster versions of the chars might be cool for you to try later

Have you ever thought of an idea of fattening most humanoid enemies

oh including the bazaar too haha

already got into contact with the guy making the thicc-t mod and he allowed me to use his model

Just released 0.7.2 of the mod, adding the first of three Railgunner skins


Looking great! Canā€™t wait for the next two

I canā€™t seem to get the SizeManager to work properly, did you do anything specific to get it to work?

if you are using the mod manager you can use the Config editor to change the mod setting

I couldnā€™t get the mod manager to work so I did it manually, edit the value is just editing the .cfg file, but none or the changes take effect. both dynamic and static do nothing.