Risk of Rain 2 fat mod [released]

This mod looks Great! cant wait to see more!

Hello, I’d just like to say thank you for making this mod as I think the chonk merc model was the only thing stopping me from going ballistic from trying to get the ethereal achievement.

About the only thing I think needs changing is that the read me file mentions that all female survivors are fattened, but Loader doesn’t have a new model. Very minor I know but it might be worth changing to stop any confusion.

oh yeah right, loader is female well I would love to fatten her up aswell, but her suit kinda blocks alot, I´ll look into it


cool mod but how am i supposed to be horny while on monsoon stage 4 with 25 million enemies on me


“how am i supposed to be horny while on monsoon”

Very carefully.


Started working on the mod again.
Next up is Engineer. I will each Survivor as a seperate patch so the wait isnt so long since the main mod is done


Is it going to be using the femod model or your own custom one?

For Engineer I use the base from the femmod as he has a weird model thats alot more difficult to adjust

Hands are parallel to body instead of the usual A-pose, the shoulders are way to thick and go halfway down the torso ect

Got permission to Rip the models for my mod


This is a pretty neat mod, I’m definitely keeping an eye on this. Is there any way to add jiggle effects to their, uhh, “assets”?

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there apperently is a way to do that, I plan on giving it a try, but only once the rest of the survivor models are done


Version 0.2.0 of the Fatify mod has been released https://twitter.com/Ceepert/status/1407785926567378948


Nice to hear! Looks good too!

something strange happened and im not sure why, but my character turned back into the default engineer model on the 3rd stage, I was using the default ssbbw skin

any other mods you had installed at the time?

I think it might have been something todo with an item from supply drop I copied the red text part(the error part im assuming) of the log if you want it

sure you can send it

Released version 0.3.0 adding Captain to the fatified crew https://twitter.com/Ceepert/status/1412533854120951810


lets see what happened!

edit- bro i love captain especially since im good with them

This alone justifies buying the game. Everything else in RoR2 is just a bonus

Like DAMN that sexy ass bikini bottom!


I agree! This makes me want to main Captain again~