Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

I like this a lot, and clinko thinks its pretty cute. Great work!


My life is now complete


I really like the expressions. I mean, how did you manage to get ETV so precisely with just eyes and a mouth. Ha ha, thatā€™s lovely. I also like the clothing damage to ā€œThe Destroyer.ā€ Looks like Claraā€™s split a few pant seams there. And thatā€™s great.

Keep it up, man!


Where is all Goblinā€™s goblet marketing places? canā€™t find the last one

Off the top of my head:

-The quest in the first village; the drinking contest.
-The quest in Schalehafen where youā€™re running a beer stand.
-The delivery quest in the capital.
-The nightclub quest in Nordenhaven.
-The fizzy drink quest on the island.
-The UFO quest in Bad Borken.

The other 2 are part of the main quest, if I remember correctly.

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Iā€™m about to head to the desert part of the game i hope is not to late

Also how do i get that shiny thing at the windows in the capital?

You canā€™t, those sparkles only exist as a sort of meta joke.


Iā€™ve got an issue. I brought Eloa to Chuck, did the group photo thing, fed her, everything i think i can do in this scenario. Now if I try and go back to the amazonian island, Marcia and the Merchant treat me as if Eloaā€™s still in my party.

The game still thinks Eloaā€™s with me. I try talking to her, nothing. I try doing the feeding thing with Chuck, nothing. Nothing seems to be helping me out here.

Oh, another random thing. I finished the Goblin Brewery questline, and there seems to have been a minor glitch. Nothing major, but there was this goblin named Joblin that the game thought I met already. Said something about a genie. I have not met this woman. She is new to me entirely. I assume thereā€™s a quest in Azh Rabot that has her somewhere in it, but I havenā€™t had to do it in order to do the Goblin Brewery questline.

Is there a Goblin Brewery quest in Azh Rabot?

Those are two interesting bugs. The first one is my bad, I totally forgot about fixing the Marcia and the Captain after dropping Eloa off at Chucks to go back to normal. Luckily, in order for you to get Eloa to Chucks I am pretty sure you needed to 100% the island anyway, so you are not missing anything at least.

As for Joblin at the breweryā€¦ pretty sure you need to beat the game to see that as the quest in Azh Rabot with Jobin adds the final brewery marketing point you need for the whole thing to proceed. Not sure how you got one extra point before you should have. Iā€™ll double check that I suppose.


Yeah, I had that same issue.

How do I get to Bad Borken from the Capital? I missed the sidequest there, and, from the end of the game, I canā€™t figure out how to get back to it.

Go to the entrance of the capital, there is a cultist there that takes you back to Bad Borken


Created a Clara Van Damm AI. Been having some fun with it. Not perfectly accurate, but still way better than I thought itā€™d be. Feed her, help her solve a crime, or be a criminal yourself and have the shit kicked out of you. Wanted to share.


Having a lot fun with this tbh. Would be great of some one made Esse

Glad you like it. Esse would be cool. Maybe Iā€™ll give it a try, but I think it would be really difficult to train, given how complex she is.

Ah true, probably set it during the acient kingdoms might be the way instead of esse currently

Made Clara quit her job and spend the rest of her days being fat. I call that a massive W.

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