Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

this comment encouraged me to join the cause, voted clara

Emmie is a cute bubbly airhead that is weak to spoiling and temptation, and most importantly of all, she looks like she’s having the time of her life when she’s glutted to the size of a small house. Best girl


my number 1 is forever Zyntris

I like Emmie a bit more between her and Clara

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I love a psychopath who would gladly sell my soul to a God just for a chocolate bar!

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She doesn’t get enough love


Clara is tied for 1st for me. The other competitor would be Goblin Brewmaster just due to her raw amoral gluttony.

Essie Ver a close 2nd.

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Emmie is superior and all thoughts to the contrary are degenerate. I will tolerate nothing saying otherwise, and this needs no explanation.


Gobblin Goblin squablin


I mean fetish perspective brewmaster is peak greedy personality plus the only major canon wg.

However best girl perspective Emmie is it.

Although Clara and Emmie are very strong contenders, I think someone’s got to stand up for Hygge. Comforting. Friendly. Hot. If a second chocolate fertility statue were found, I know who I’d give it to.


Good… good…

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us Clara fans shall prevail, proving once and for all who the best girl is

Clara and Heidi are tied for best for me. Emmie is a little too… soft.

Clara is definitely my favorite. She’s bossy, she’s brash, she’s fiery. She has big breasts, she has weight struggles. She’s in denial. She drools easily (Emmie does too, so honorable mention for Emmie here, it’s not like Emmie isn’t great.) But Clara is kind of “Dommy Mommy” material. Her weight gain results in tight or torn pants, popped buttons, bra exposure, teasing and in Clara’s case, threats. Clara’s also more sensitive than she looks. Often begging, denying, or making excuses to avoid attention or deflect when food related stuff gets her into trouble. She’s also quick to seize opportunities for revenge, such as burping in pro’s face. Thankfully we get plenty of opportunities to put Clara first, like in the case with the Gemuse. Or scenes like the two with the chocolate statues. The one in the manor and the one at the end.

I also want to toss in a bit of Mona. Mona, or the shy harem girl, as she’s known is also a lovely lady. Again, big breasts definitely get me to sit up and take notice, but her personality was pretty awesome. Her shyness, her quietness, and then her laughter at pro and then her hidden secondary cake was well played. There’s not enough Mona in the game. Clara’s my #1, Mona’s my #2. I would love to date, hang out or see more of those two. Emmie, Esse and Eloa I adore too, but… yes. Said my piece.


Remember to do your part fellas. :muscle:
My vote goes to Emmie.
I hope you enjoy the campaign video I made.
Things may look grim but we can still win Emmie fans.


Love the vid, compelling argument and great job!

…but my heart (and chocolate) belong to Clara.

what kinda music would the SB quartet listen to if they were in our modern world

Pro wins. As he always does.


Some Bullshit but in political comic style

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Clara in the house THE GAME