Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Hang on a tic, she can actually eat the Goblin?

Why would she… I get if she became too corrupted, but if she eats a Goblin, it’s officially time to take her behind the shed with a double-barrel.

Nono, she doesn’t eat the goblin. The goblin has a near eaten experience due to it being found in a very edible slime. However as it is not a slime, Emmie spits the goblin back out.

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Oh… Sorry, misunderstood. Never mind! Still has to be traumatising for the poor little thing though.

She seems to get over it pretty quickly actually, grateful for the rescue as weird of a method it was.
It was pretty freaking hot for me though. Hahahahaha!

Also, I’ve been on 2 simultaneous playthroughs(both glutton), one for me, once an update drops, and another for my bro.

Holy crap, good work!

I love the dialogue in this game and desperately want to give it voice over. Nerds’ work and writing deserves a great performance. Unfortunately, I’m just one male and while I could probably cover Pro, couldn’t cover Emmie and Clara, or any other non-male characters with any decent quality.

I did, for giggles, dub over one of my favorite interactions between Pro and another male character from recent content. Might as well share that so it’s not just sitting on my hard drive. Pretty sure I mangled Von Schleuse’s name, but this was something I did on the spur of the moment with no warmup or rehearsal, just going through the dialogue in-game.


Omg this is so good.

Seems like I finally have completed the current build of the game.

And wow, it sure was a journey, if I could describe this game with only two words, it would definetly be: Unironically good, as in, if you took out the entire fetish factor, this would still be a solid RPG, the art is nice (props to clinko), the dialogue and plot were much better than I expected and a decent selection of music even if its not an original soundtrack.

Now, I do have some stuff I did not like as much, first of all, the difficulty can spike at random, and the worst defender of this has to be the boss right after saving Emmie’s sister, which I had to defeat by abusing Emmie’s complete inmunity to attacks and spamming Sugar rush and Belch. A minor complain now is that there is a chance of getting a softlock in the brewery section when the option to “not drink it all” option is selected.

Overall the game is great, of course, it is not a finished product yet and will undergo several updates through time. I wonder if there’s a discord server for this game actually, that would be pretty neat for sneak peeks and feedback.

Bonus 1: I just figured out I have to Girthquake yet to unlock for emmie, going to have to figure that out
Bonus 2: I can’t believe it took me this long to realize that the elevator tune is Never Gonna Give You Up

What route did you play?

Can’t recall right now, but I think it was about 70% good and 30% bad

You should get Girthquake irrespective of good/bad options- you unlock it during the segment where Emmie is separated from Pro in the tunnels under the mountains. You need to retrieve three stone tablets…

Shit, that means I can’t unlock it now, because if I remember correctly, you can’t go back to that area

Sadly so, from what we know of the game currently.

Yup, we need the npc from the goblin town to be able to take us there

Aight bois, just finished up my second playthrough, this time going on the Glutton route. I have to say, I was surprised at how many little interactions were changed based on your choices. It was surreal to say the least how many interactions I remember from the Pure route were changed this time around. Made the experience substantially more intriguing and fun for me to figure out what was different and what wasn’t.

Anyways, I spoke of doing more fan art of SB and Clara has been on my mind for a while so expect some Inquisitor tomorrow on Christmas ;3

(P.S. Any fan art of SB I do won’t involve stuffing or fetish stuff, purely because I’m not comfortable with drawing it, so don’t expect any big belly Clara’s or Emmie’s from me, I’ll leave that to the experts lol)

You… aren’t comfortable? That’s a little ironic. I’d ask why, But I’ve already burned a bridge once doing that. So I won’t pry if you’re aren’t cool with explaining.

Lol yeah it is pretty ironic. I guess I can sum up my stance as “I like fetish art a lot, but I don’t like drawing it myself because I simply prefer drawing normal fan art.” That’s pretty much it, nothing more, nothing less.

If you have any suggestions about who I should draw next after Clara, I’d love to hear them.

alright fellas. I hope ya’ll are having a safe and comfortable holiday season! We’re hard at work on new content for the game, but its looking to be a ways away from any form of release. in the meantime have this late christmas sneak peak of something pretty cool Nerds and I have been workin on! we’ll see you all in 2021.
clara 1 sneak peak


It’s finally finished! I made my first fan art for the game and I have a couple of fan art ideas left for the foreseeable future. For now, here’s almost everyone’s favorite character stuffed after a satisfying meal.

Can’t wait for more Some Bullshit content next year!


We always need more fat/overstuffed Clara. Now matter how much we have at any given time, we always need more pictures of Clara with a big belly.