Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

We always need more fat/overstuffed Clara. Now matter how much we have at any given time, we always need more pictures of Clara with a big belly.


Indeed. Her massage scene was something else :heart_eyes:


We… could also use fanart of Emmie… :no_mouth:


My personal “Some Bullshit” character tier list!


Josh deserves his own tier ngl.


Hohoho bois!!! Happy Late Christmas lol. Sorry for not uploading any art like I said I would on Christmas (or yesterday), doing a lot of stuff with my peeps. Hope this makes up for it.

If you have any suggestions for who you want me to draw next, feel free to ask; always open for ideas.


She is after all the poster girl of the game!


More Emmie is always a good thing, or, why not draw someone who has little to no fanart?
Like Heidi or Deuter or someone of that sort?

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I’m actually working on something along those lines, just wait a couple hours.

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So, first and foremost, know that I absolutely adore this game. Nonetheless, I think constructive criticism is important. With that, I’ve got a few things that may need improved or changed in future updates.

The dialog states that in order to summon a fairy, the characters throw a coin into the various ponds. It would probably be good if this actually deducted a single coin from the player.

The level design is generally very good, but I have one request to make on that front. It would be better if some obstacle visually blocked the player from trying to go in directions where they are unable to go. A line of hills or trees would be appreciated.

Most items lack a description of how they actually affect the stats of the characters. Requiring trial and error during combat phases is not generally recommended.

I’m a bit of a nitpicker, so you don’t have to bother doing anything about this one, but
The guy in the inn at Schalehafen definitely didn’t “spill his wine”. That’s a broken bottle.

The way that you travel from one area to another seems to just require that you step onto one of the marked “transporter” tiles and then get sent to the next area. This can be a bit annoying if one were to accidentally step onto one of these tiles, especially if walking in a different direction. May I suggest changing the mechanic slightly so that, while already standing on the designated tile, walking in the direction of the exit would be required to move to the next area. I find that this mechanic works much smoother in practice.

The guards in the Schalehafen barracks can only actually see you if you are moving while in front of them. If you stand still and they turn towards you, they will not react. Further more, they do no appear to see Emilia at all.

THE WALL and Evans in the barracks at Schalehafen are hilarious. I don’t have any actual constructive criticism, I just really like them.

Apparently, attempting to save the feast in the barracks until after getting the key just makes it impossible to have the feast in the barracks.

At certain points While eating food before burning the food area in Schalehafen The animations and dialog for the actions will happen in an illogical order. Dialog will suggest that an action is complete immediately before we are shown the action being completed.

You gain slightly more power when digesting than the battlelog suggests

The questlog description of Help The Harbourmaster free his town is a bit bare and could use a few more details. Perhaps, given the scope, even given it’s own sub-quest

If you fail the beer serving minigame in Schalehafen, it says that it’s going to make you do it over again, but instead it just ends the entire game. Thank goodness I saved immediately beforehand

Speaking of that save file, for whatever reason, saving during the thing I mentioned previously gave me a save file in which my party had two members, both of which were Emilia. It’s probably not worth fixing, to be honest, but I thought it was neat.

A lot of the waterfalls in the cave look unusual, in a sprite-error kind of way. Hopefully this one doesn’t give you too much trouble.

Further constructive criticisms will be edited in as I replay the new update.


What file do I open help

If you downloaded the zip file from the link, you need to first extract out the files using a program like 7zip or winrar. From there there you go to where you extracted the file and then run the .exe. I will say though my game is 18+ and should not be played by minors.


I finally got enough courage to try my own fun art. Soo I try Clara (of course) and I think she come out nicely.

I still got some more ideas for fan art (Emmie next, maybe Heida or stuffed Clara or Heida) this is just my first try.

She is not stuffed. I just wanted to try how would she look like normaly with crossbows and smirk.

Ps: I am looking forward for new updates. This game is still awesome.


Nice work!

At this rate Nerds is going to have to step up Emmie’s game as she’s getting muscled out from the limelight here!

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Unfortunately, I now return with additional constructive criticisms, spelling errors, and glitches.

When you finally exit the cave after beating the minotaur, [/spoiler] Emilia says that she is “exited” instead of “excited” to [spoiler]leave the cave

I don’t think it really matters that much, but Since it’s a toll bridge, the new bridge in the cave should really have two goblins staffing it. One on either side.

At the inn in Wippsbruck place, interacting with some beer/wine bottles causes the sprites to briefly switch to a different sprite.

In the interaction where that lord dude challenges Pro to a ski competition, holding W during the interaction causes some glitches. Namely, the characters don’t end up moving to their proper positions on the screen.

I really liked the SkiFree section, and was pleasantly surprised by the inclusion of the relevant monster. Keep up the good work!

I managed to miss the dead body in Wippsbruck my first time around. That’s probably my own fault, though.

Speaking of which, once you enter the grove in that town, you can’t head back into the back country area. It doesn’t mean much, but it’s annoying, I guess.

Prometheus’s stab attack goes through the armor of the Yeti. This makes the whole deal with the voice moot.

In game descriptions of actions suggest that Peder’s base is filled partially with water. However, no water is actually rendered in game.

The beer marketing segment in Wippsbruck apparently doesn’t add to the tally of total beer segments marketed. Or that Goblin is a stingy bitch.

I don’t know why I was so shocked to see a proper animation, but damn was it cool to see Emmie actually reach out and grab that Pineapple.

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When Clara has more fanart than you.


It’s amongst the truest of shames, and I applaud you for doing your part to right that wrong.

But seriously, great art, thanks for sharing. All the art posted here has been great honestly, even if it’s been of the wrong girl.

Fanart thread when?


I am still pretty blown away by people drawing fan art at all. Wild.

For the little things mentioned in the above posts… a lot of it comes from me learning how to make rpg maker. Whenever I clean up the early game I’ll fix it up. The typos I might fix early. As for walking on the teleport tiles to the next town over… just dont walk on em silly!


This took way longer than I wanted it too, but it’s finally done, some fanart of Josh striking a very familiar pose.

I got to admit, I certainly took some liberties with the design, but overall, I think its good, we need more people like Josh in our lives.


I love these fan art posts! I’m not much of an artist…but seeing all of this beauty and bellies is making me want to give it a shot!