Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

i got it after stocking on some potions… Attack, guard, pot, rinse and repeat until 2 are down

Where can I get potions? I couldn’t find a shop in the ship but I might’ve missed something

If you find some food to feed Emmie via the pipe you can get a buff or a full heal. Pro also has cleave which is very strong. The other room you don’t have to fight and can find the little buffs around.

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So I used a buff and it helped a lot but because I had no way of healing mid battle I had to rely on luck, thankfully it didn’t take more than an hour

Is there anything worthwhile from doing the fishing on the cruise?

it’s a prerequisite for another event on the boat

Nerds on the 7th of June:

hopefully next month I’ll have some more content to show.

My hyped ass at 00:01 on the first of July at my current time zone:



What’s F5 do? I don’t get it. ^^’

Don’t! I was busy for a lot of June, despite getting a lot done. Though in July I should be more free which means I’ll have a lot more time to work on the game. Right now it isn’t ready for release, sadly.


Well Fug looks like I’m at the end of the content. Just a few questions before I get to my final (universally positive ) thoughts.

  1. I finished everything the mob boss wanted me to do and I even told the Grand Vizier, but the quest is still marked as unfinished. Is that a bug or did I miss something?
  2. Can you complete the sword gem quest yet?
  3. Chuck has opened his food bank in the capitol slums, but his quest is still open.
  4. There is a memory crystal in the replay room that says “I don’t remember this at all! Maybe you shouldn’t eat other people’s food!” or something. Is that something I missed with the glutton route?
  5. How many goblin brewery points can I get in this build? I dont think I have 8 yet.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I try starting the bierbrunnan burping contest but can’t seem to start it. Emmie says that its improper any steps I need to do?

You need more “Glutton” points. You most likely will have to go back to Bierbrunnan later once you’ve accomplished some more gluttonous actions. At least that’s what I think you need to do.

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Hi everyone, sorry for being quiet and not having the Second Chapter prepared yet. I skimmed through the pages and didn’t like some parts so I’m currently in the process of revising and rewriting stuff. Hope you guys are still interested in reading it.

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Currently struggling with the mochi pounding minigame, I press the right buttons yet it keeps telling me that I’ve failed so clearly there’s something that I’m not understanding correctly.

Thanks so much for making this game, I’m really enjoying it after finding it on a /d/ thread.

One thing… I’d like to report a softlock. In the squid-fighting sequence in the cargo hold, after you defeat the squid and go talk to Mr. Tibs and the Captain, they say they need to ready the lifeboats and go to climb the ladder. The game will softlock if your party is blocking their path.

This is the only issue I’ve seen while playing (other than the occasional grammatical error or incorrect portrait) and it seems very polished.

This really is shaping up to be the gold standard, thanks again!

Thanks, that will be fixed in the next version. Glad you are liking it, hope you have fun.

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Oh, by the way, is there a Patreon or some way I can buy you a coffee for this? It’s well worth supporting

Remember that it is direction, action key, new direction, action key, etc.

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Oh I thought I had to press all the directions and then press action, thanks for clearing that up

Can I have a list of every sidequest and at what point they become available