Some Bullshit - Stuffing Focused RPG Maker Game

Of course. I didn’t mean to sound like I was asking for it to be non-optional or for large parts of the game to be remade to include it. “Fully fleshed out vore-alt path” was a misleading choice of words in retrospect.

yeahhhh a whole alternative vore path is a pretty tall order. i fucking love the vore stuff that’s already in the game, and i’d love even more, but i also love the stuffing stuff. so i’m very okay with the way the game has panned out so far. of course, i’d never say no to more vore stuff lmao.

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No worries, mate, I think you are right in some point having Clinko post the game to the other community. There is a lot of overlap, yet people don’t check here and vice versa so many potential games are missed out on! Either way, appreciate you writing up your thoughts.

An amazing, well crafted, fun story, funNY dialogue and characters, and brilliant premise.
Had things been tweeked here and there I’d bettah even non-belly fans could possibly enjoy this game too. [don’t know HOW exactly I grant you, just my thoughts on it being THAT good a story]

If I may ask though, once the full main story is completed, are there plans to add more side quests and events into the game? Is this ‘remaster’ concept I hear true?
{if the latter isn’t then I apologies I do not wish to spread rumors down the mill.}

If I remaster anything, it would be to improve the first third of the game to meet the other parts standards. Probably clean up the combat so it isn’t so… back to back to back, and potentially add more to the intro.
I do have a ton of side quests I want to add, but compared to the start of the game, side quests take a lot more work between all the art and my own raised bar! I doubt I could do another 1 off quick mini game like the early brewery quests again. I would feel like I cheaped out on your guys,


I know you didn’t want permanent wg, but I would love to see a sidequest where at the end Claire has to choose either to stop her sweet tooth go as per normal or to embrace her inner fatty, and the player has to choose, one she cannot gain weight anymore, one changes nothing and the last one though makes it so she doesn’t lose weight anymore, and her default is now fat claire


I don’t know if it’s a problem or i am impatient but when Pro and Heidi’s mother feed her there’s the minigame where you have to catch the falling food in the stomach and after the first stage (the one with the cookies) the minigame seems to be endless

You’re supposed to collect the cookies and dodge the pastries. Collecting pastries lowers your score, and the game only moves on once you achieve a certain score, which is probably why it’s not ending for you.


Hi, thanks for making this game. I am enjoying playing it. I am looking forward to more side quests/content. Particularly stuffing Ellie, more Heidi and Clara content, and hopefully stuffing a certain woman that hasn’t been so far, but is implied to have gluttonous tendencies/potential. Also, unlike some others in this thread, I like that Clara (and others) slims down between binges.

@Nerds So with leaving us on such a cliffhanger in the last update, will the next update see us cracking straight on with the main plot, or does the save made just before the plot-precipice allow for a pause and a focus on side content?

oooh, thank you thery much, i didn’t get this

Sidequests on stuff that I owe. You can expect it to be as big as an update as the one with the flashback to the villa


Nice. I can’t wait!

It’s gonna be the mother of all beer marketing points, haha.

Hey first time posting on here. I picked up the most recent update having played through to current end I have to say it is amazing how much you’ve added since I picked up the the game the first time (back when the portraits were different). I have run into three minor bugs. I’ll spoiler them because they do reference later parts of the game.

Firstly there are duplicate sprites of Clara and Emmie in the throne room entrance.

Secondly I had the game crash at one point after being warped back to the docks at the capital before the ending scene on the mountain. However I only had it happen the once and couldn’t get it to happen again.

Thirdly when doing the quests for the mafia boss I finished all of them, I think, and the boss only plays a soundbite when I interact with him. But the quest is still in my log and says to do whatever jobs the boss needs.

Besides that I do have some minor, and i want to stress minor, constructive criticism/ things I’d like to see. One of the boss fights can become tedious at a later point (the king of kings) He kept one-shotting Clara even though I had Pro’s taunt up and so it took forever to finish him off because of it. A replay of the events in ETV’s villa during the flashback and maybe the scene in the Bad Borken tavern after beating the forest spirit would be nice. Similarly perhaps the ability to see the both series of events in replays would be a nice addition at some point.

Nevertheless you all are doing stellar work and I look forward to the next update.

Hey, glad you liked the game. I agree, the quality of the newer sections I think has exploded compared to the old game. My eventing has gotten much better, but more importantly, the addition of Clinko’s art and the new sprites + animations by Desayn have added so much to the game.

More replays should be coming. As for the Boss fights… I, think they are at an okay difficulty, if a little on the easier side. Especially if you have all of the sidequests complete. The party becomes extremely overpowered if you do everything, as I test out all the fights with characters who didn’t do anything. So a Pro without Lilacor, a Clara without sugar rush. And I think if I can beat the fights without all the best tools in the game, then most people can too. Ideally you never let a character go down and if you do, just restart the fight and prevent it from happening in the first place.

Thanks for the bug report, I’ll try and have those fixed for next time. The quest log is just a handy tracker, does not mean much else besides that. Consider that questline complete.


First of all loved this update, best update 10/10 etc. etc. More on that later.

Some quick backstory for my review of this update: I recently got a new computer during the summer, saved up enough money and finally upgraded after all these years. Was getting things re-set up on this new computer when I realized I didn’t have my favorite RPG Maker MV game on my computer. How silly of me. I go onto this thread and… oh? There’s a new post? Oh it’s from Nerds… It was posted one hour ago… It’s a new update… I don’t have my old save files… Uh…

So anyways that’s how over the last month and something odd days I replayed through the entire game. Sufficed to say: I still really, really, really enjoy this game. It really is one of my personal favorite games out there. And if anyone is truly curious about a rough estimate in how long it takes to beat this game its:
Screenshot 2021-08-28 201149
Around 30 hours total. Now I will admit I skipped some early text a lot, but for the grand majority I did not, so the game really does take around 30 hours to get to the end of the latest update (v.131). And all of that time was spent gloriously. I was thinking of making a walk through while playing this time, but held off. Perhaps I will start on that soon, but will need some time to recoup and get the itch to play this once more (which I will no doubt) ;).

Anyway, onto the review for this latest update. Most people have already said what I could’ve said. I’ve been trying desperately to not get any spoilers for this game for like the last month. But anyways here is my thoughts on this update:

  • The Story: Oh boy the story in this update. The ending has made me anxious for the next update. Legitimately my heart sank a bit when I saw the words: point of no return. It gave me the realization that this great journey is soon to be finished. But at the same time I am most certainly excited beyond my wits for this. What will happen to Esse, Emmie, Clara, Pro, Joblin, The Brew Master? Some many characters I want to know how their lives will end up. And while I don’t know, I can’t wait to find out.
  • The Heidi: Loved the addition of Heidi being able to join for chuck’s stuffing, er I mean “charity”. Loved how we have slowly seen how the adventure of dealing with Esse in Emmie’s head, and Clara’s binges has brought Pro to indirectly affect Heidi into the stuffing monster she is slowly becoming. Also the fact that Heidi stated that she is now feeling super hungry around Pro is just chef’s kiss lovely.
  • The Harem: Honestly I really didn’t know what to expect from this section. I was beginning to think that the Caliph was going to end up being a huge creep that tries to get close to Emmie, which he kinda was but not to the extent I was originally thinking. Anyways, as it was revealed that the Caliph had a harem of more rounded girls, and he just wants them to be big, cause that’s what he’s into, I knew I was in for a good time. This section was probably one of my favorites sections so far in this game. You have the different girls, with different personalities, and different ways of showing weight. All of witch Pro has to feed at some point, which is just fantastic. I honestly loved all four of the girls. And of course loved how Emmie did gain a bit of weight, but lost it to due to Esse destroying the icon of fat Clara from withing Emmie’s body. And then of course the major thing: Clara gaining, not only a lot of weight, but weight that stuck to her. Which then leads to:
  • The Djinn: I did not see this part coming at all, but absolutely loved it. Loved the introduction to Joblin, the younger sister to the twin goblin brew and outlet masters. Makes sense that Joblin wanted to wish for her own Brewery, especially seeing how well off the brew master is ;). But also makes sense that not everyone can handle the stress of being the big boss. The whole sequence with Pro turning into a slime and Emmie chasing him down was absolutely hilarious. And also actually scared me when I got caught once. Did not know Emmie could run that fast with an Axe, scary. The peak moment of this whole thing for me was Clara. Clara just turning into the butterball we all know she truly is from snacking on endless doughnuts. Truly a sight to behold, especially with how distraught she became with it. Ah~. Anyways, loved this part, it felt like a little additional side quest but was actually part of the main story and it was extremely fun. And even earned a point for the Goblin side quest, nice :dark_sunglasses: . Also loved how Esse became a contract lawyer to not get stuck in another monkey’s paw situation.
  • The mountain: mountain dungeony thingy? Either way. This was a nice fun dungeon set right before the end. The group just keeps running into more and more ancient dangers huh? But loved it and it’s puzzles, was a neat little dungeon with battles and boss battles. Also Nerds, thank you so much for not putting in randomly spawning enemies. Anyways, it was interesting to see the big bad at the end of the dungeon actually listen to reason. You don’t seem many of those these days. Too much “You lie! Die!” and not enough listening. Anyway with the dungeon complete and Emmie feeling a bit down that the adventure will come to a close soon, same Emmie, same :(, we have looped back to where this review started.
  • The End: the near end of the story. We have reached it, Esse if finally in a new body when suddenly dun dun dun EL finally makes his full screen appearance. Such a bad ass way to make an entrance. Loved his cocky attitude, just makes me wanna get at him and punch him. After hearing him out that is LOL. Also seems that Emmie does have some residual magic left over from Esse, interesting to see how that will play out. Which makes me hope that Esse is going to be okay. Also wonder how the fairies are gonna help out the crew in the next update. Also Nerds, love your work, but I swear if you pull a Joss Wedon on me and have Esse or someone self sacrifice themselves to protect everyone, I might just crawl up and cry forever. I mean, do whatever it is you wanna do, it is your guys game after all, not mine. I just don’t know if I can handle Esse going through that again.

Anyways, I think that about covers the update. Sorry if I missed something, literally just finished the update and then wrote down my thoughts here for like an hour or so. And I didn’t really encounter any bugs throughout my entire play through that I can remember, that haven’t already been mentioned so far.

Also apologies for the essay of a thread post. Just really wanted to give my thanks in the only way I know how, a long post. Hope everyone reading this had a great one, and hope to you see all for the next one. Peace!

P.S. I am excited for the next update… I want the goblins… :}


Damn, 30 hours. I need to update my intro post, hah. Sorry about you losing your save. Normally don’t be afraid to ask! People have been very willing to give out saves in the past. No need to replay everything if you don’t want to.

I am glad you have found everything roughly enjoyable! When making the final mountain dungeon how annoying the place might be with random spawns, which only doubled my resolve to not include it! You did hit it on the head with the djinn feeling like a mandatory side quest. See, I wanted to end the update with the dungeon but I couldn’t think of a way to make it include fetish content, which is normally somewhere involved in the capstone of the update. And once certain parties suggested that I make the Clara weight gain more permanent for that section, I couldn’t have a section where you leave and come back like originally planned. So I killed two birds with one stone and added in the djinn to increase fetish stuff and made it mandatory so that I wouldn’t have to figure out a way for Clara to have the gained weight in the rest of the world.

The only problem is that in order to see the upcoming Goblin Brewery finale, you have to use the point of no return Joblin Goblin. But… whatever, I don’t think people mind.

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Found a softlock bug when I copied over my old save

I was busy with the bandit boss fight, where you dodge arrows and feed Emmy carrots
Upon finishing the fight the game freezes

On a related note, would anyone happen to have a save file for directly after that fight? I was a stupid poopoo-brain and only had the one softlocked save

What do you mean by freezes? Like the game hard crashes, with music stopping? Or does a character get stuck in a wall? Can you send me your save?

Just wanted to put my time spent in the game: 20 hours for all sidequests and stuff