Starbound Big Fatties: Bug Reports

To clarify. The swimsuits are not from my mod. This is a thread for bugs with the main mod. Not for any addons by anyone else.

Alright, this makes alot more sense tbh, thank you bunches, also…sorry to bug you yet again but is there any sort of external signal to tell me how big ive gotten? Or what weight class I should be at? Also sorry if this was already answered

Below your healthbar is a status effect that indicates your current weight level. It’s hard to miss.

Alrighty! Thank you bunches!!

Sorry about the late reply, and it’s at any non-base size the speed of phase shift is immensely slowed down, and doesn’t seem to be effected by weight outside of returning to normal speed when you’re within the normal hitbox state.

In addition, I seem to be getting massive lag spikes whenever I go up a size tier for the first time since last relog, I’m not sure if it’s my device or something in the mod being buggy.

Yeah, that definitely sounds like a matter of the physics behind the higher weights affecting the Phase Shift mod’s ability to function, which is more of an aforementioned compatibility issue in a sense – but as long as the game isn’t outright crashing then you can probably at least keep both, just have to be wary that you’ll have to choose weight or phasing abilities, or at least limited phasing if you still stick with both.

For your second issue, I often hear that that can be an issue if certain sprites are missing for a race. Whenever next possible, create a quick test character of a vanilla race really quick, remain on your ship after reaching the starter planet and mess with the size slider in the UI and see if it still lags.
If it does, then yeah, may need to do a quick reinstall of the mod, or pull out some of your other mods that you suspect may be tanking - or at least, affecting - frames.
If it doesn’t, then it’s either a case of the initial race you were using missing certain sprites, or the mod just so happens to take a bit longer than usual to pull up the needed sprites, which would certainly imply more of a device-based issue; it happens to me as well to a limited extent for that very reason, more than likely. or it’s probably due to my 100+ installed mods :slightly_smiling_face:

I think I might have broken my mod. I cannot turn off the big fatties interface (If I do, it just turns back on) and both the Base Size slider and other weight gaining methods aren’t working. I used /debug and not of the Big Fatties information is there (Fat level, stomach, etc). I tried deleting and reinstalling the mod but the issue still persists.

Do you have any addons installed? (ex. Modfatties) My installation was behaving oddly after I updated to a newer release of the mod, but was fixed after I removed and updated the addons as well.

I’ll give it a shot, let’s see if it works!

Nope, didn’t work. The big fatties interface, fat hitboxes, and weight gain are all still glitched

It was worth a shot! Apolgies I couldn’t be of more help, but hopefully somebody else here can help resolve your issue^^!

I uninstalled Frackin Universe and it worked like a charm. Not only that, but instead of having to wait 10 minutes for the game to load, it boots up instantly! I’ll probably need a lot of other mods to make up for the lack of FU, but whatever, I’m happy that it works now!

There’s a visual bug on the equipment screen I discovered when your character hits the immobile stage, where the character’s face is normal instead of fat.

I seem to be encountering more or less the same problem Warlynx did. UI is generally broken, I can only select around two options (the rest just disappeared) and if I try enabling the mod it disables once I close the window. It was working fine up till I tried adding an unpacked version of modfattiesraces to the mods folder, but even after removing it the error persists so I imagine it must be something in this mod itself. Tried reinstalling and it didn’t work. Below is a cut version of the log file as it’s very long otherwise.

So, uh… why is garden salad a mid-tier fattener?image

I also noticed that the dieting tonics don’t seem to do much of anything. Either I don’t know how they work, or they just plain don’t function.

1: Probably put too much salad dressing in it
2: Digestion tonics speed up how fast food is converted into fat. Long story short for nearly every fattening item in the game, it adds “food” into your character’s “stomach” (can see it in the debug menu). Over time, this food is converted into fat/weight, and the digestion rate impacts how fast that happens. Fiddle around with the setting and you’ll probably notice a big difference.

I don’t know if anyone else has encountered this, but if you put on any sort of clothes that expand, your cursor seems to lag the more weight you gain, but not necessarily the game itself

For example: the cursor will move like it’s at 60 fps went at normal weight, but the moment you go to immobile, the cursor will move as if it was at 1 fps.
If I can, I’ll try to record it when I get the chance.

if you have a large amount of food to still be digested once you hit immobile the script starts to struggle a bit

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Should also mention that when submerged in a drinkable liquid like milk, if you shoot the NPCs with the milkshake gun, they’ll drink the fluid, but the drinking sound is LOUD, as if over 100 npcs were drinking at the same time or the sound was amplified and compressed

Just got the mod installed. Read somewhere that the main mod comes with some vore functionality but I can’t figure out how to use any of that. Can’t find any instructions. Could somebody point me in the right direction? Apologies if I’m missing something obvious. Cheers.