Starbound Big Fatties: "Modded" Items

Is there any way of killing an npc/enemy instantly? I have an idea for “popping” (killing things once they reach maxweight basically)

There was a popping mod once upon a time, but it’s really unstable and buggy according to people who did use it.

The mod actually seems to work, but it’s extremely buggy when paired with granular, as it doesn’t allow the max capacity to pop, unless the enemy is an NPC, (from what i’ve used of it)

Where can I find the mod?

It’s not really a mod. Rather, it’s a bunch of commands that you can input to spawn items in Admin mode. Just do /admin in the chat box, copy the code for the item you want, then paste it in the box. just pay attention to where your mouse is, as the item spawns where the mouse is at.

We were talking about something else just now lol

oh… ":^)

Important Announcement for Patch 6

The deadline for community submissions is less than a month away (November 15th). If you have any JSON-modified items please PM/DM me them for selection. There are still 3 more spots that need filling and little time to do so. Please enter your submissions now!

I’ve got a quickly fattening worm gun, but it requires Joliair’s popping addon to get the fully desired effect (a working version is now in the spreadsheet)

Alt Ability is even better than regular firing :slight_smile:

Spawn code

/spawnitem wormgun 1 '{"description":"Something in those tendrils is highly caloric.","shortdescription":"The Quicker Hostile Popper","primaryAbility":{"chain":{"taper":0.5,"segmentImage":"/items/active/weapons/other/tentaclegun/wormsegment.png","endSegmentImage":"/items/active/weapons/other/tentaclegun/wormend.png","segmentSize":1},"guideProjectiles":true,"maxLength":20,"baseDps":"0","fireTime":0.2,"maxProjectiles":10,"energyUsage":40,"inaccuracy":0.01,"projectileType":"invisibletentaclefist","projectileParameters":{"knockback":5,"speed":40,"timeToLive":10,"statusEffects":["npctracker","buffettiny","buffet","buffethuge","digesting"]}},"altAbility":{"name":"Tentacle Burst","chain":{"taper":0.5,"segmentImage":"/items/active/weapons/other/tentaclegun/wormsegment.png","endSegmentImage":"/items/active/weapons/other/tentaclegun/wormend.png","segmentSize":1},"guideProjectiles":false,"baseDps":"0","fireTime":2,"maxProjectiles":20,"energyUsage":28,"inaccuracy":3.14,"fireSound":"altFire","projectileCount":20,"projectileType":"invisibletentaclefistnosound","projectileTracksUser":true,"projectileParameters":{"knockback":40,"knockbackDirectional":true,"speed":20,"ignoreTerrain":false,"bounces":4,"timeToLive":10,"minVelocity":10,"statusEffects":["npctracker","engorged","forcefed","buffetdrink","buffetmilkshake","buffettiny","buffet","buffethuge","bigfattiesfood","digesting","uncontrollableBloating","fatattack","blubberGumBloat"]}}}'

And here’s an INCREDIBLY quickly fattening slime chair

Spawn code

/spawnitem slimechair 10 '{"description":"This chair is actually a slime person in disguise.","shortdescription":"Fatty Slimy Chair","sitStatusEffects":["npctracker","digesting","wellfed","forcefed","engorged","buffetmega"],"sitEmote":"eat"}'


If you could, would it be possible to put it into preformatted text Such as this?. The spawn code will not work as is since the JSON system is very picky about the punctuation since it will not accept ” but will accept ". It’s a small thing but I do not want to go through that entire thing replacing every single quotation or apostrophe mark in it

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Yup! Didn’t know about that

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Great ideas for items! I know this is a bit weird maybe, but are there status effects or items that help shed some weight or deal with tons of oncoming weightgain? It’d be nice to have at least a few things to help mitigate the enormous gaining that happens with the new enemies mods.

Besides exercising no, unfortunately

Room flooder ain’t working, i have the WIP version of BF but the thing doesn’t spawn, i get a generic item instead

Duly noted, work on a fix right as I text this

Do you have ModFatties installed? If not then that’s the problem (added that to the requirement list by the weapon)

ModFatties makes the WIP crash, i can’t keep both of them unfortunately

Is the BigFatties thing still BigFattiesWIP or something along those lines?

Don’t know what do you mean with “thing” but it’s the WIP that can be downloaded from the BF main page

I was trying to say “is the file itself called BigFatties.pak, BigFattiesWIP.pak, or something else?”