Starbound Body Inflation Mod Help

I made a basic draft about the ideas we got from the thread and “compacted” in a text document, it’s uncompleted, but open to any suggestions to expand (no pun intended) this draft:

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I think the document needs to outline what the primary gameplay loop here is. Can any enemies inflate you? How simple is it to get deflated, and how disruptive to general gameplay is the inflation? All these need to be taken into account when making something like this. Sure, becoming immobile almost instantly can be arousing, but how often does it happen, and how easily/quickly can deflation be done?

Another thing would be to separate everything that is necessary for a Minimum Viable Product (referred to as MVP) from the extra bits and bobs. An MVP doesn’t need to be polished, it just needs to have the absolute minimum core features required to call it a product. As such, stuff like you being allergic to your pet and novakids glowing if inflated with helium do not go into this MVP.

If you REALLY want to organize the project, I would recommend using HacknPlan (or Trello, but it’s more lightweight in features). They’re both project organization tools, and extremely helpful. You can log all the specific features there, schedule things if needed and even create a design model featuring everything that the game should eventually have.


Sorry it’s just a basic incomplete draft, but thanks about critics. Just straight up made in a notepad and maybe i can bring up the features you said earlier

A question about the inflation types, what if your character or an NPC is 50% filled with air and the rest with water. How this situation can be handle?

Well, the way I see it is that if your character is filled with air/helium and water, then the most likely thing would be that you won’t need a tether because the water keeps your player from floating away. Speaking of water, it turns to air if either your character is a Novakid or is exposed to hot places that would turn water into steam.

There might be two ways of going about this, but both involve separating the fullness meter from individual fluid/gas meters. The fullness meter is simply determined by the collective amount in all the separate air/helium/water/blueberry meters. But how should the physics work?

  1. The character physics are determined by what substance has filled up the player the most. Say, 30% water, 15% air and 15% helium would still think the person is strictly water-filled. While this isn’t very realistic, it’s the simplest to program.

  2. Have the character’s weight (more specifically buoyancy), bounciness and move speed as their own separate meters. Each of the substance meters would affect these meters. While this would allow for much more logical inflation (half-filled with water and air would make you heavy, yet still keep you buoyant), it is a LOT of maths and meters to keep an eye out for.


about the inflation mixes, i can consider dividing the four types in two pairs: The Lightweights and Heavyweights

  • Lightweights: Inflation pair that priorizes the air mobility and buoyancy- Air and Helium

  • Heavyweights: Inflation pair the priorizes the ground mobility and weight- Water and Blueberry

If one of eachgroup is mixed in the player, and one of the halves is bigger than the one, the bigger half characteristics will prevail, but some characteristcs of the smaller ones will remain.

For example:
Your character is filled with 70% with Helium and 30% with Water. Therefore the Helium half is the dominant one in this circunstance
The character will surely float under the Helium properties, but the floating speed is slowed down due to the Water half.

Any suggestions is acceptable in this reply.


Sounds good. This just needs to be turned into some actual numerical examples and tested.

By all this, does the most prominent substance still affect the body effects? Say, mostly blueberry means blue skin or mostly helium means floating. Unless blueberry could just be linear: the more your fullness meter is taken up by blueberry, the stronger the blue tint on you is.

Math is quite not my strong, so i can’t help

About the Blueberry yes, the fullness and the inflation proportion are related to the blueness of the character, the fuller you are with BB, you’ll become more blue.

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That’s one part down, then. We just need to figure out how the buoyancy and floating works. After all, movement speed is going to be hindered, no matter what you’re filled with.

Like said before, the buoyancy physics at water and flotation only works with the Lightweight ones (Air and Helium), flotation speed are proportionately with the inflation level, Puffy tier won’t float at all, but will slow down the sinking

I believe ohgoshwhy sent me a note regarding this mod. He/she seems to be a good spriter.

I ain’t the best spriter, but I can do concepts pretty okay, like this, a store for 'em


speaking of which, is there any suggestions for this on how to improve it?

Adding some gas tanks from the same colors outside of the store
Oxygen Tank Helium Tank

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Will there be a popping option for people that like that stuff?

Popping is planned, yes.

doin some drawings to help with sprites an such


just got two more sizes to finish

Those look really good.