Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

If trying to hit yourself with the digestion gun, make sure you’re not in a place like your ship or the outpost that can nullify it. And that you’re not in admin mode.

If you’re having such a hard time hitting yourself with the Digestion Gun, just spawn some Badge Resets. The item code is ‘badgereset’ and they stack to 1000. It’s simpler than trying to shoot yourself with the digestion gun with the same effect.

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Thanks for the fixes

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As the badge replacement is getting more finalized, thought I’d briefly mention some of the features.

Dynamic size is whether or not you wish for it to function like the glutton badge. This is the means at which you are capable of gaining weight at a set size. If turned off, you can set the weight manually, and it’ll automatically adjust accordingly. If you wish to personalize the body more however, whether putting more junk in the trunk or having much more mass in the gut. You can turn that off as well from Equip Items.
The hitbox you get for the intended size is capable of being turned off as well. Same for the mobility hampering in Size Effects. The unique hitbox for blobs that allows them to push certain objects, or have npcs walk on top of them can also be toggled. Certain sources of liquids such as milk or slime are also capable of being drank dry if the check box is ticked on, and you dunk your head under the liquid’s surface.
Certain sizes can also have one unique option that works with the weight gain. A bustier chest, a reasonably stuffed gut, or an unreasonably stuffed gut. Only one though, toggling another one disables the other.
Other features such as digestion rate can be adjusted. To determine how quickly you digest stuff, which will also effect losing and gaining weight. How much it’ll heal you while digesting. How fattening food is. And the frequency of gurgles from that big stomach.
This will all be free of the backslot. Allowing for that manner of progression to be left alone. With the exception of a certain hitbox. The dummy thicc badge will be the only remnant left due to the unique customization it’s intended for. Possibly getting another when the fatty rework comes around.
This badge replacement will require the QuickbarMini mod. A version of it will be provided with the mod when the update is ready.


Wow, talk about an upgrade.

I assume those who are actually interested know that updates were being posted in the Mod Fatties topic knew this by now, but that Lycanroc race is finally finished. Far from entirely ‘complete’, but finished all the same. Download link and other info is in the most recent post!

Regarding THIS mod, however, looking forward to the official release of the next big update! Seems like it’s going to be quite something~

so that’s why I couldn’t find the other stuff, alright awesome

Wow, talk about an exciting update! You are doing excellent work, Dispatch! Looking forward to it!

Yeah, like not to gush or anything but as far as my personal interests go, this is one of the most relevant mods I’ve ever applied to a game to date.

Just found out that the Moontants actually have fattening attacks now! That’s very cool. Would love to see more fattening enemies like that.

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Iirc, they’ve had fattening attacks for a while now, and were pointed out in a big update gif. But I would definitely love to see more fattening attacks from mobs, yes!!! All of the other missions seem pretty bland without them :frowning: at least lard guns seem to be in the NPC weapon spawn pool.

Guess I didn’t see! The Erchius Mining Facility ain’t really a dungeon I go back to.

I’m not certain which mod adds this, but random mobs can sometimes have the moontant fattening attack. I guess just about any mod that adds more monster attacks could do it.

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Is there a rough date for when the new update rolls

Any word on this getting re-implemented?
(and the floran too of course)

They’re still there. Make sure your download of the latest version was complete, and that you don’t have any other mod that changes them.


Hmmm, I shouldn’t(Does frackin Universe change it? I don’t think so…)… Who was that other guy that said it was default?
Ah! @mrmoto! Do you possibly have a “conflicting” mod as well?

Still, never hurts to redownload the mod. And if things still aren’t as they should be, process of elimination of mods can also be done to try and figure out the problem.

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Is the download link in the first post the latest version?

Yes, the dropbox link is always updated.