Starbound Mod Mod: Mod Fatties

Anytime! Very glad that everything seems to be working now, so enjoy your large space inhabitants, m8~ :ok_hand:


This is for the character requirement

Full support for the lamia race would also blow my mind. But i can see why it hasn’t been done yet.

Hello, I want to ask about my bug encounter

I can’t seem to find the race or the primary additional mod after copying the file to the mods folder
I’m playing on Mac, is that the reason why it can’t read these Mod Fatties’s mods? (.pak extension file?)

But then again, the QuickBar.pak file on the Big Fatties is working perfectly fine. Need some help here.

The only thing added on the race is this blob Novakid race

Thank you very much


Update 2

I tried everything, from redownloading the mod and making a fresh save from the storage folders. Still confused why the mod didn’t work properly, atleast on mine.

@ddude0, the races add-on here only provides the fat sprites. You still need to get the original mods for the races you want to play.

I’m so sorry, I really thought the races are included in this mod. Will download all the races, thank you very much

I have a question…

… just for knowing some lil’ things… is it possible to ask a request to add some new character into the mod?

Somebody this year made a protogen racemod, I just thought I should point it out in case anybody decides to, you know

This one?

Yeah I’d love to see an clears throat “expansion for that mod, but I’m neither a pixel artist nor a coder, so I can’t do anything but wait and see if someone makes fatty versions of the Protogen


Might give it a try soon enough.

I’d personally like to see if anyone would do work for spriting up the Kazdra, seeing as some people can’t really run FU and might want a full dragon race

Hello! I’m a newcomer to this whole modding thing, and I’m trying to mod something for my own personal custom race, so I tried doing so using a duplication and renaming method, but my game crashes on startup, I would appreciate any help on how I should add fat models to a 99% human race with only facial feature differences!

Hello! I assume that you have made sure the addition of the custom race itself is not causing the problems and that you have properly defined the race, with an ID name and the rest (try to unpack a mod that adds a new race to compare with what you have done and see what might be different if you haven’t). Assuming it is not the race which is causing the problem, the addition of the fat models should be a matter of copying the necessary image files for the human body from Big Fatties and carefully renaming and placing them in their right spots, and also editing any text files that may be in there (browse using a text editor, such as Notepad++). I have done this for the Neko race by adding the required stuff to the Mod Fatties Races folder. Please find attached to this what I did for the Neko, as an example (everything should work fine). I hope I did provide a good enough (2.6 MB)

Oh gosh! Thank you so much for the help! I had forgotten to change the text files! This was simply a little passion project, and you made it all the easier!

I’ve come across a new issue, I simply took the nekofatties file you sent and replaced everything I could find that said “neko” with my species id. I felt I had gotten everything, but starbound closes on startup with mods enclosed, no error screen. Is this a known issue?

That is not an issue I had encountered with this before. Perhaps you have forgotten to edit a particular name, maybe in one of the text files? (can happen to anyone). I find it unlikely that there is a missing file, as I can confirm all of the necessary images are there for the neko mod, and they are the sprites for the human body, which should work with anything else that uses it. Otherwise, maybe there is a conflict caused by your race mod and another? (I do not see how, though).

alright, I can’t seem to locate any mislabeled pieces, and I scoured both the race mod and the altered fatty mod for any .txt files. I can’t seem to find the issue, but I did use a race template to make the Cyclops, so that may be an issue. I’m a new user, so I can’t enclose the files, is there another way I could post them?

Just hang around the forums for a bit and you should be granted the necessary rights in time, don’t worry. It can’t be an issue of mis-matching bodies, cause that would be visible in-game (colours won’t match), which is not the case now. Will the game run without the addition of the fat bodies for your custom race? Also, a stupid question: You did put the renamed bodies into the mod Fatties race .pak, yes?

the game handily runs with exclusively my custom race, but the mod fatties race .pak crashes the game when it has my custom race modded into it. it seems to be some sort of compatability issue, I must be missing things.