You can only gain weight if you are using the glutton badges. You can get them from the weight scale
I mean, i know that. But before i updated the mods, i could feed the the npcs in the main hub, but now, even with the badge, i couldn’t gain weight!
Do you actually have the badge equipped? Or is it in the vanity slot?
It’s on the main back spot like it always is, unless they changed the top to the bottom.
What are you using to try and gain weight and where?
Well, I’m using the Lard gun from the other mod on here. I’ve been able to use it on my crew and main hub area people, but now once i downloaded everything again to update, it doesn’t seem to work, even with me wearing the badge when i try to fatten up myself.
I’m going to guess it’s something with the mod fatties mod?
That’d be the logical conclusion.
Ah, alright! Thanks Dispatch. Should I let the other person know to update to match yours? :o Just trying to help out
You’d be better off figuring out why it doesn’t work. Though I will say, the outpost is not a good place to test out the weight gain shenanigans as it has a bunch of things setup that ignore how the system works.
Ah, okay. Well, i somehow bypassed that before XD
Has the mod been updated to the new UI yet?
If it was, I’m sure it would’ve been posted on here or twitter.
I’ll make an announcement once it’s ready.
Ok thanks. I do have a question though, will the UI for the weight be tied to an item or a key binding
This was stated before. The QuickbarMini mod will be required to open up the new ui.
I’m stuck so i downloaded the mod and put it into the mod folder in starbound but how do I get my character to gain weight? How do I get the badge? and how do I build the scale? I’m just assuming that you won’t have access to these things at the very beginning.
You do have access to them at the beginning.
Thanks for letting me know. gonna start figuring things out now.
In the crafting menu, you will have 2 new items that you can craft, the Big Fatties Shop and the Scale, the scale will allow you to get outfit bags, corresponding weight badges and the glutton badge which allows you to dynamically gain weight, although be careful, get too fat and you can’t move.
Where do I find new versions, I’m seeing mention of features (e.g. Glutton Badge) which I’m not seeing in the version I have. Are updates compatible forward and how do I update?