Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

The dropbox link is always updated for the current version of the mod.

hi, ive been following this mod for a while. i very much enjoy it and havent needed to ask questions untilll now but im very confused on how to bring up the configuration menus (that youve posted images of) for the new update. i just got it installed and i checked out all the other new content but i still cant figure out how to get those menus up, if you could help me out i with much appreciate it

Those are just previews for the upcoming update. I never mentioned they were out yet at all.

ah, got it. i thought you had allready put them in, thank you for correcting me

aint there like. a main mod support thread or somethin? or is this the de facto mod support thread?

Why did you repost this here? I saw it. Were you hoping this would somehow speed up something?

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hmmm im wondering if it would be possible to have NPCs who are in the Blob state act as actual physical obstructions just like the player does in the Blob state. i realize that this probably would make things claustrophobic in colonies or the ship for example, but im very very curious to see how that would play out.

I think it might have been meant as a reply to clinko_clinko? As a link to “here is the thread to report issues.”

Edit to add: I don’t expect a snappy turnaround time or anything! I know this is totally done only in your freetime, and all your hard work is super appreciated. <3 I just wanted to make a record of a bug I found, in case it wasn’t on your radar yet.

I understand. I can only bring up some points on it, as it is something I am aware of. Just can’t do much about it at the moment since it was provided by someone else out of nowhere. The blob size is already pretty complicated when it comes to interacting with most objects due to the way it works. So using it for almost anything that isn’t meant to include it, like the feeding tube, will have bizarre results. As for anything else, it should be noted you have to be able to lose weight in order for the treadmill to work. If you don’t meet that requirement you get off of it anyways. And if you’re still getting off, while there’s no guarantee. You can try clicking it for a bit, getting on and off, and see if that helps get you in the required position for it to work. As it seems that issue comes from not being in the exact spot needed.


I have found everything, I guess an update happened since I first got this, and I didn’t update this until I tried to fix the outpost… (Which I just realized I need to check to see if it was fixed).

Thanks for the detailed response! <3

Is there a way to adjust the rate for the NPC passive loss of weight?

Boo, local code slave for the menus here. People are way more excited about this on here than I thought so I figured I’d post some more recent WIPs/plans.


The available menus are essentially done (aside from its own reset button), but if you guys have questions or anything in mind to add I’m open for suggestions.


Now that’s a twist “Lactation and inflation”

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Currently planning one for each club that dispatch created in the discord.


0.5.2 is now available!
IMPORTANT: Before updating, if you have used a previous version. Be sure to load up any character you’ve used with the mod. And trash every badge on them. The only exception is the dummy thick badge which is the only one staying. As well as resetting your status with the glutton badge with the resetgun to keep the transition smooth for your characters.
The ui will require the QuickbarMini mod to properly work. And it will be provided with the download of the newest version.
The update includes such things as:
-The new ui with more flexibiltiy and control of your size and weight gain.
-Stuffed bellies
-Various new objects and food.
-Avali bodies for fattening. Fatty legs are up for debate on changing, and blobs are still to come.
-Slapping Fayane’s butt and belly.
-And other small things.


what a pleasant suprisse to see! Just when i come to see the state of this discussion/project

Woohoo! Are the other Auxilary mods such as ModFatties compatible with it? If not I will uninstall them.