No no no, I meant, the code specifically calls towards specifically labelled text files. I can’t drop 20 files into the sfx folder and have it call to all 20. It calls for the specific filenames, e.g “digesting3”
There are only 7 original digestion noises, which allows me to infer that the code only calls to those seven filenames.
In the only language I know, Java, it’d look something like this:
var noiseArray[digesting1, digesting2, digesting3, digesting4, digesting5, digesting6, digesting7];
function callNoise(noise){
playSound(getID(noiseArray, (noise-1));
I simply added the sounds by replacing the original files, and then renamed them to the names of the files that are called in the program. That’s the easy part. So, if you were suggesting I use Audacity to add more than 7 sounds, i’m sorry to inform that I can’t do that until I learn LUA If you weren’t suggesting that, though, then please forgive this whole speil cx
The user Jeschke on FurAffinity has a whole bunch of digesty noises. They’re mostly used for vore purposes, but if you’re still looking I think you’ll find those helpful!
Dispatch, do you have any plans on changing the prices of the BF-native foods? I feel that the gameplay loop would be a lot more fun if the most lucrative option was ‘cheap, fattening food.’ That way, it’d have to be a legitimate effort to farm and stay healthy, instead of immediately being stuck at stage 2 or 3 because you were too lazy and just gave in to buying a bunch of 40-pixel burgers to gorge on!
Of course, if you don’t think this is necessary, I could probably implement it myself if I ever figure out how to work with LUA :>
(Speaking of which, if you’ve any tutorials that have really helped you, please send them my way! Ty!)
Oh no it’s fine. I’ve must’ve confused with LUA. I though you were learning how to replace the audio files. Unfortunately, I don’t know much about LUA myself, sorry But I wish you the best of luck, but I’m sorry I wasn’t any help.
I just looked into the code. You don’t need to use any Lua to add new digestion sounds, you just need to make a patch for stats/effects/bigfattiessoundhandler/bigfattiessoundhandler.animation, adding the paths of your new sounds to the correct list. I can tell you how to do that, if you want.
For future reference, Lua is not an acronym, so LUA is not a correct capitalization of the name of the programming language. The correct capitalization is “Lua,” as if you were spelling out a proper noun.
I’d like to make a suggestion, add a toggle so you can sweat without having to drink hot sauce, maybe you can set it to always sweating or dynamic sweat, like you sweat after voring a player/npc or when you get to fatty/blob/immobile
so i installed the mod put it in the folder the right way and it’s my very first mod to add to starbound and it keeps crashing upon launch i took the mod out and it launched fine