Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

Awesome work, Fayane!

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Is it a downloadable version or just a teasing?

That’s pretty amazing. I always used the Hookshot in FU, which wasn’t affected by weight. I’ll have to see if that is changed whenever you make this public.

Any idea when these new mini-mods will be released? Or are they going to be shipped with the upcoming fatty rework?

Little previews are normally included in the next release of the mod, but if you’re really itching to get a hold of them, I post the WIP versions on Dispatch’s discord.


For those who don’t know, Fayane here is the person who helps out with the more technical stuff. So those little previews of things are intended for the next update.


Awesome! That’ll be something to look forward to!

Is there an invite to the discord server?

Yeah I know, I just think it would be cool if I was able to eat monsters

If anyone’s interested in the full change log for the WIPs so far, here you go.


These are very exciting prospects! I’m eager to try the new mechanics!

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Sorry if this has already been suggested, but have you thought of extending the player animation tree to use the new sprites instead of overlaying them with the armor slots? In theory this would fix a few things like races that have transparency and non-standard anatomy as well as keep the armor slots unchanged. Although I guess this method might increase the amount of needed sprites.

Wait, when is this update? (Sorry if you’ve said it before, I probably missed it)

Sounds really nice! I suppose it’d mess with the Granular gaining stuff?

Well, since it seems granular also uses movement speed penalties instead of adding mass/weight, It will probably need some tweaking on that for it to work properly again

@DArcyOlla You can’t ‘extend the player animation tree’. There’s no tree to begin with, it’s a fixed sprite sheet.
@Bard Ultimately up to Dispatch.
@NerdyFeedee64 Probably, shouldn’t change too much through. Just a few edits in the config files.
@Ilikedembig Config for setting it is really self explanatory, and should be much simpler than before.

Thanks Fayane! Sorry if it was a dumb question lol

@LittleVulpine Sounds good! Can’t weight wait for the weight loss stuff, considering I was immobilized during the moon mission last I played, and it would’ve taken me several hours to get back down to a playable size lol. I absolutely love this mod, probably cuz I love the base game so much.

On a separate note, I’d actually love to see some lard variants to some enemies, but I understand if that’s not in the scope of the main mod.

I didn’t realize Starbound handled the player’s animation in such a rigid manner. Although, even if the standard animation sets are set in stone, if you can see variables like horizontal and vertical momentum as well as triggers (like swimming). It might be feasible to bypass the animation restriction. In theory that is. >.>;

I’ll need to look into this, if this work’s I can think of a number of applications.

Swimming is included in the default sprite sheet (Which I can’t change without overwriting anything, let alone fitting more stuff in).