Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

Hey, so a friend is having a problem with this mod when they click enable in the UI nothing appears as if it was still disabled. I know this isn’t a conflicting mods issue since we have the exact same mods, we can’t find any other mentions of this bug, do you have any ideas on what’s going on or how we can fix this? Thanks

could be something wrong with the mod itself. sometimes something won’t come over. I had moments where I had to reinstall a mod to get it to run

I never said it did, I was just saying how there are mods out there for games that do end up having things like that happen.

I have to ask if your friend is using an outdated, pirated version of starbound. The ui requires features provided by version 1.4 at the very least.

I’m not sure why you even stated that then if it wasn’t relevant. Either way, I’m not gonna delete/separate a portion of the mod that’s meant to compliment the main focus of this mod. Just because there’s another vore mod, it doesn’t even provide the same experience that the vore in this mod does.

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hey dude can you make a blob clothing plz :slight_smile:

No she’s using a legit up-to-date copy off of steam, still not working

Then have your friend remove the mod, remove the old character, make a new character, load that new character, then redownload the mod.

hey dispatch can you make blob clothing plz

I’m pretty sure blob clothes are out of the question.

Don’t keep asking the same thing over and over again. If you don’t get an answer, there’s probably a reason.


Besides the feeding tubes, are there any furniture pieces that NPCs can interact with?

Random question, but for the Lyceen race, is it possible to fix this weird glitch with the arm when they are at blob / immobile? Any help is appreciated, and I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask!

This is the wrong place. I don’t cover any mod races, with the only exception being Avali.

I think the fattening weapons, if added, should be something you can toggle on and off. I found it very annoying with modfatties where in every encounter i’d have to turn down my food value so I didn’t instantly get turned immobile.

It can’t be made into something that can just be toggled on and off. But it will be part of a separate addon. That was the plan from the beginning with how it effects universe generation. It would also include the new monsters I’m making. But part of why I’m making my own take on the fattening weapons is to make it not overtuned with a 90% of being in every encounter. Weapons that can still hurt players, no flooding rooms, an even chance for normal weapons to still appear, and only on specific enemy npcs that make sense. So you won’t find any fattening weapons on a random bandit, or some prison escapee.


i have a question what races are compatible with this med

Check the Mod Fatties forum, the Mod Fatties Races addon shows you what modded races are supported

ok thanks could you put a link

Could vore get nerfed next patch? I think it’s too strong as a combat tool. I’d suggestion greatly hampering the movement speed of the character while they are consuming someone and forcing the pred to play a little mini game (match 3, the marker in the right zone, etc.) while someone is in their stomach, greatly increasing in difficulty with the amount of people in your gullet.