Starbound Mod: Starpounds Big Fatties

I would say more something related to the swallowing. like you have to Fight them to swallow or maybe going with how other games that give a vore option. they have to be close to death to be vored. so you can’t just vore a full health teir 5 foe when your teir 1. you have get them to low health first

That’s makes more sense. Also, I think the pred should take some damage if the prey manages to escape, with the likelihood of escape decreasing with the % missing hp the enemy has.
Plus, there should be a cooldown on the tool, maybe like 30 seconds? As a trade off, I’d want the pred to heal a bunch of hp based on how much hp the prey lost while vored.

I’m trying to fiddle around with making custom weapons like with the /spawnitem (item) 1 ‘{things here}’ but it does not seem to be working. I’m trying to make a squirt gun or fat that applies a whole host of status effects onto the target, but it does not seem to be working properly. Here’s the command that I have

/spawnitem milkshakegun 1 ‘{“shortdescription”:“Buffet Launcher”,“description”:“For when you need an entire buffet worth of food in an instant.”,“statusEffects”:[“forcefed”,“engorged”,“buffet”,“buffethuge”,“fatray”,“fatattack”,“buffetmilkshake”]}’

The descriptions go through no problem, it’s just that the effects are not being applied on hit. So all it is right now is the same vanilla item but with a slightly different name rather than something that behaves differently from the original. Anyone know a fix to this or is this too out of everyone’s league?

Just uploaded an extension mod for Big Fatties: Big Fatties Incorporated. Currently, it just adds some crafting recipes and adds things to wandering merchants. Hopefully, I’ll figure some other aspects of StarBound modding and add to it in time.

Question: Does anybody else have a problem with the NPC maker mod, where you can´t access the species tab, if you have the mod installed and found a way to fix this?

I think it was discussed above, but I think it’s to do with the old fattynovakid race, which goes unused now?

okay, means searching

Is there an easy way I could get my hands on the zip file? I really wanted to edit some of the textures to suit my tastes better and maybe even post it on the forum if they’re good enough. I might just be missing something but the actual zip doesn’t seem to be public anywhere and only the pak file is what seems to exist online.

Nope, nothing found in there. Well now its time for the waiting game again

Hello people . Can i ask you all what should i install? Because there is so many things . I little confused.

Only the download included in the very first post of the topic. The two files you’ll see when you click it are the primary files you need to actually use the mod in any capacity.

Everything else, from posts in this thread to other topics completely, are moreso “add-ons” so whether or not you download everything else is up to you depending on how you’d prefer to use the mod! Just be mindful that a lot of older links past the first post - mainly stuff from last year or further back - are likely older addons that will certainly mess up the mod’s functionality depending on what they are, so I’d advise against clicking some of the particularly old links.

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You can unpack the pak file yourself to get the textures, just look up some tutorials online.

So, I’m trying to figure out how to make landmarks and dungeons for this mod (plinths with cursed mirrors, ponds of liquid chocolate, etc), but this mod lacks the tileset json files needed to make them in Tiled. Could those be added in the next update?

Those would likely come into existence when I actually start trying to work on such things.

Hey, possibly dumb question. I’ve got no other mods installed, and during character creation I have a singular blank race slot. If I mouse over it, it immediately crashes the game. Any idea what might be the cause?

Verify your game files. BF doesn’t have mod dependenvies.

That is a remnant of an attempt at bypassing novakids not looking right due to fullbright things, just don’t mouse over that slot and it will be removed in the next update to the mod


hey, so i think bigfatties has trouble with the NpcSpawner+ mod. one issue is the species tab not being accessible, and the other is that when any npc spawns from it (even a crew member, and hiring them) i can’t fatten them up using any of the weapons of the game. i understand if this isn’t your problem to solve or if you don’t really care, but i just wanted to ask if you could find some way to patch it.

also, if i TRY to fatten them up, they just die.

i realized there is a bug thread. sorry for posting here. i believe the issue has something to do with the fattynovakid race, involving the species tab, but i don’t know about the npcs that spawn from it being incompatible; all other npcs work perfectly fine. it’s only the ones from NpcSpawner+