Super Fatty Office Administrator Simulator! (Snail's Submission)

So I drew a little comic about Chloe trying to order a lunch that won’t ruin her diet.

Edit: I also noticed that Chloe and Pearl have similar coats, which I thought was a cute touch.


I’m sorry I totally forgot to come back and reply!!! I love it! Very cute~ look at her!

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Oh my god I love it XD and yes I was going to add some dialog that Chloe helped pearl pick out her outfit when she started. Pearl really looks up to Chloe~

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This was totally awesome! Loved playing every second of it! I hope we can see something else with these characters in the future, I really like the character designs and art style of it!

First time posting. Really enjoyed this game. Characters and art style are A+++.

Def following.

Since I’m having so much fun drawing these monster office girls, I drew another bit of fan art.

I figured Victoria would be the type of monster to host her own gaming stream, or at least take advantage of people who watch gaming streams.


Very good game! Managed to get all the girls plumped up in one run! 10/10!!!

Played the updated version of the game. Thank you for fixing the issue about the copier in day one! It’s really interesting how the game is structured where the cop-out answer is almost never the right one. I appreciated how hard it is to get all the girls plumped up and how it favors multiple playthroughs. Excellent job!

Also, Jesse best girl.

I have to say I really enjoyed this! It isn’t often that I’ll go to the extent of making notes about a game, in this case of the multiple runs in order to get them all fattened to the max - yes it is possible, I suspect in many different ways, but unless you are incredibly lucky then you’ll need the information from earlier runs. I even ended up with my own “walkthrough” by the end.

I like the way each girl has a distinct personality as well as a “species” for want of a better term, and it’s elegantly conveyed with a minium of text. It’s hard to pick a favourite, maybe Chloe? And whodunnit? It seems the correct answer is a really bad way to proceed!

Thank you @Impossiblesnail!

Hey, so I drew another fanart piece. I really love drawing these characters, but I’m worried I’m overcrowding this thread. If I am, just tell me and I’ll move these pictures to another place.

In the meantime, here’s a lesson from Kathy about salesmanship!


I was blown away by this! Completely and utterly engrossing! And in terms of dialogue; easily the most laugh-out-loud funny of any of the entries I’ve played so far WHICH IS IMPORTANT TO ME! In terms of descriptionsof tummies; just rad. I’m slain where I stood.

I love everyone and it broke my heart to disappoint any of them :'0

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Ive been meaning to come back here since I first played your game but I have just not had the time! I just wanted to say upon finally having the chance to complete a few playthroughs I can say absolutely you deserve to do very very well! There is very little wrong with your game and so much right with it, I’m honestly a little jelous! Erika and Victoria ftw!

I’ll hop on the hype train, and say after two days of playing most of this years submissions, I liked yours the best. Its like one of the old logic problems you’d do in elementary school math class, BUT with fat office girls. Just the right level of challenge to not be easy but not be impossible and had amusing characters. The only flaws I saw are menuing (which, yeah RPG maker can be a pain) and a (maybe?) bug in Pearl not liking the potluck pizza.
To summarize: 10/10, need more fat office monsters in my life.

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I’m so glad you enjoyed! And yes I had those exact logic puzzles in mind I loved those things~ I’m surprised someone thought of that.

But actually the pearl thing isn’t a bug, a few people have asked about it, its just a balancing issue. In order to match all the rest of the pieces SOMEONE had to like something outside of the pattern somewhere and it just happened to be Pearl and the potluck pizza.

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I’m gonna post the fanart I made of the game here as well.

Hope you guys enjoy it. Best regards to this game winning the jam~

If you’re asking, yes. I’m gonna be making her fat, maybe 2 pics.


Oh man, that super cool, OmegaOverdrive. I love the shading.

EDIT: Thought I would update this post with some more fan art, this time of Jesse. I’m hoping to make a piece of fan art for each of the characters at this point. Helps me get into a good drawing habit of drawing everyday.

I like to think of Jesse as a former Jock. She’s probably played football in high school or college.


Another bit of fan art. This time of Erika. I drew this because I thought it was funny that Erika is head of customer service, yet she never talks.

And with that, I’ve drawn every girl once. I should probably draw some fat art of them at some point, given the name of the site and all.


Anybody got a walkthrough for getting them all to max size? I’m struggling like crazy…

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  1. Buy a chocolate bowl and repair the latte machine so that they get a daily gaining bonus.

  2. ‘Corrupt’ Chloe with anything chocolate so she starts gaining.

  3. Change the menu each day.

  4. Fix the problems on your own without spending a cent and then beg the boss for money.

  5. Use the snacks & other freebies on the skinnier ladies.

As far as I know:
Pearl: pizza, matcha, parfait.
Jesse: meat, cake.
Kathy: meat, vanilla, ice cream cream, sundae.
Victoria: pizza, fries, crisps.
Erika: pink donut, ice cream.
Chloe: everything chocolate, parfait.
The boss: no idea besides fridges & people.


I do remember that you can offer the boss the special Sinna-bun snack that you get at one point. Not sure if it affects anything, but there’s that.