Another bit of fan art, coming full circle with another picture of Pearl. Of course, she’s gained a bit of weight since last we saw her.
I don’t know who the white, featureless man is. Maybe he’s a YCH place holder or a Youtube Story time animator.
Another bit of fan art, coming full circle with another picture of Pearl. Of course, she’s gained a bit of weight since last we saw her.
I don’t know who the white, featureless man is. Maybe he’s a YCH place holder or a Youtube Story time animator.
I’ve figured out a more “complete” Who-Likes-What list, will amend when more info is found out
Pearl likes Pizza, Fries, or Parfaits for lunch. She likes Jelly-Filled Donuts, Matcha Frappes, and Matcha Cake.
Jesse likes Burgers, Fries, or Skewers for lunch. She likes Cake Donuts, Java Frappes, and Soda.
Kathy likes Burgers, Skewers, or Sundaes for lunch. She likes Crème-Filled Donuts, Vanilla Frappes, and Ice Cream.
Victoria likes Pizza, Fries, and Burgers for lunch. She likes Powdered Donuts, Sea-Salt Caramel Frappes, and Chips.
Erika likes Sundaes, Parfaits, and Pizza for lunch. She likes Pink Sprinkled Donuts, Strawberry Frappes, Strawberry Cake, and Soda.
Chloe likes Sundaes, Parfaits, and Skewers for lunch. She likes Chocolate Donuts, Mocha Frappes, Chocolate Bars, Ice Cream, and Ice Cream Cake.
The Sinna-Bun special snack can be given to anyone (including the Boss) but Chloe.
The Leftover Pizza, as far as I know, can be given to anyone, but I’m not too sure.
As I said, I’ll update when I figure out anything else.
Pearl and Erika? The best characters IMO. Pearl is just so sweet, and Erika is just so adorable!
I loved SFRPG, but I didn’t know what I was getting into for this game.
But after playing it, it was a real pleasant surprise. Awesome work owo)d
Got all to max.
Favorite was Chloe, a bit of bias on my part due to having a thing for demon gals. Helps that she was more of the business-kind of demon than the unnecessarily-evil kind of demon, as far as we’re shown within the confines of the game at least. Tsundere haughty office lady-type worked well with her.
Another bit of fan art. This time of Jesse and Kathy showing off this aggressive sales technique.
I was going to take a break from fan art, but I figured why not one more picture? These characters are worth it.
So who’s the better saleswoman? Jesse or Kathy?
Better decide quick before you’re crushed like a tomato.
Also, what does (I)nifinate (I)ncorporated even sell anyway?
Is there any possibility of a debug mode to see all the girls big? No matter what I try I cannot get ALL of them to max size.
Now that I’ve “mastered” the game, I think it’d be fairly appropriate to leave some of my thoughts.
I know these thoughts are technically not mine, which would technically make this “thought theft”, so I’ll plead the fifth.
I think the question on everyone’s mind is, will this continue after the Jam? This is a true gem in the community and really needs to be “EXPANDED” on heh heh.
If you want a quick cheat, you can edit the save file here:
You can add 5000 dollars on your first save and go from there. Else, there are pretty good guides posted above in the thread.
What board is this screenshot from? Whenever I am on 4chan I don’t see people talking about weight gain video games.
Probably /trash/, on one of the female fatfur threads
A quick walkthrough for people who can’t get everyone to their max size, there are other ways but this is the one I did.
Day 1: Get chocolate donuts, get the chocolate bowl and frappe machine, pearl can fix the copier for free, beg for money after, replace drink in vending machine, set lunch to one of Kathy’s favorites(Burgers, Skewers, Sundaes)
For Food: Give Jess an Energy Drink from vending machine, Erika a Strawberry Frappe, and Chloe a Chocolate Donut, take Kathy to lunch
Day 2: Get Jelly Donuts, Victoria has an extra keyboard for Pearl, beg for money, replace chips in vending machine, set lunch to one of Chloe’s favorites(Sundaes, Parfaits, Skewers)
For Food: Give Pearl a Jelly Donut, Kathy a Vanilla Frappe, Victoria chips from the
vending machine, and take Chloe to lunch
Day 3: Get Pink Sprinkle Donuts, Salted Caramel Ice Cream, Matcha Cake, Victoria can fix the printer for free, beg for money, change sweets in vending machine, set lunch to one of Kathy’s favorites
For Food: Give Victoria the Salted Caramel Ice Cream, Give Jess an Energy Drink, Pearl
the Matcha Cake, Erika a Pink Sprinkle Donut, Chloe a Mocha Frappe, Take Kathy to lunch
Day 4: Get Cake Donuts, Get Grandma’s Brownies, Kathy will do the filing, beg for money, change candy in vending machine, set lunch to one of Erika’s favorites(Sundaes, Parfaits, Skewers)
For Food: Give Sinna Bun to Victoria, Give Pearl a Matcha Frappe, Jess a Cake Donut,
Kathy ice cream from the vending machine, Chloe the brownies, and take Erika to lunch
Day 5: Get Powdered Donuts, set lunch to pizza
For Food: Give Jess a Java Frappe, Victoria the Powdered Donut, Chloe a Chocolate
Bar from the vending machine, and take Erika, Pearl, and Victoria to lunch, feeding them
only until they get to their max size to conserve money
For the end of the game, just go home, don’t talk to the boss about the fridge and you’ll get the good ending.
What about the air conditioning?
Its absolutely possible to get them all maxed out if youre careful with your resources
Leave it on, you don’t actually get any extra money.
That was a bug that has since been fixed~ But, it is possible to do the whole game without touching it anyways.
I turned it off on the first day to get the extra 100 gc. Between that and the reward for fixing the copier, I managed to get the candy bowl, frappe machine, and 3 of 4 items in the vending machine active. Managed the fourth the day after, and was able to run the a/c again after that. Not sure if that has an effect on anything or not, I just figured myself and the girls wouldn’t appreciate working in a sweltering building, especially after gaining a few hundred pounds.
Fantastic game. To echo the above, some other body shapes at higher weights would be nice, but otherwise it was fantastically put together.
Judging by this forum, I must of been the only person who thought Pearl was the best girl, lol. Kathy and Erika were close seconds and thirds.
Out of curiousity, what monster species is Pearl? The others are fairly obvious, and I’m 99% certain the boss is a dragon, but outside of possibly an amphibian, I haven’t a guess for her.
Between the fin ears, the webbed fingers and the green skin, I’m guessing Pearl is a fish monster. I think she’s based off the Creature of the Black Lagoon.
Also, Pearl is my favourite too.
I am just going to say it right now: Whilst I love all the of characters in this game; Chloe is the best character. There is nothing more enjoyable than corrupting a character who is on a diet, only to spoil them with a well deserved lunch and gift’s to make them gain weight over time, not to mention watching their behaviour change to that of an open feedee~
Now, on with the review!
Super Fatty Office Administrator Simulator is without a doubt with the top contenders for 2019. From the artstyle of the game, characters, to music, and even the multiple paths the player can go through depending on his/her favourite characters. The journey of seeing the characters progress in their weight and how their behaviour changes is a delightful sight.
As you are the player, it is your responsibility to keep the office running whilst supporting the diverse cast of Monster girls in their field of work, helping them in their jobs, and also use the break room as your own base of operation, using the earned money to purchase items and upgrade the vending machines. I have always appreciated this kind of content as it allows to to fully explore into more areas I can achieve in interacting with the Monster girls.
Speaking of the Monster Girls? Have I mentioned that I adore them? I did? Well, allow me to say it again: I. LOVE. These characters. All six of them have their own unique personalities, behaviours, and their own likes and dislikes that set them apart from the others. Whether it be from Pearl’s adorable, sweet, kind hearted nature, to Jesse’s enthusiasm, Kathy’s sly - cat like nature, Victoria (oh how much do I love the ghost waifu’s) comedic wording, to Erika and Chloe’s breakdown to reveal their actual personalities once you have managed to give them their desired food and drinks.
Even the boss is a good character with a nice artstyle to show his authoritative stature, and I like how he can reward the player with money for thinking smart when handling jobs assigned by the Monster Girl characters. His role in ensuring that my duty and responsibility to make the girls double their size (Which let’s be honest, I’d happily sign up for such a job) gives the feeling that I WANT to accomplish this task rather for the sake of convenience and the plot.
Overall, you’d have to be mad to NOT enjoy the experience I had with this game, for it is easily one of the top tier visual weight gain games for 2019, and I NEED to see an expansion or sequel to this game so I can interact more with Chloe.
Now if you all can excuse me, I need to go and install the buffet in the break room, these Monster Girls can’t fatten up by themselves now! That and also currently enjoying my sixth playthrough of this game.
I saw you were taking suggestions for the next game/follow up, and I’d like to say that i think you really struck gold here and that i really like how simple yet complex it is, its just feeding some girls and making them fat, without any weird forced in other fetishes, I hope next time you kinda just add on to what you have and not do anything radically different, because right now, this is literally near perfect, there is just so much replay ability here. My suggestions for next game is some more in between stages for the later weight gains (I like a steady gain), more variety in fat distribution, and maybe the ability to do everything with a mouse in one hand (for… reasons.)