Super Fatty RPG - (complete remake!)

So what was so broken about the original game? I know you couldn’t develop it indefinately. but what mistake did you make early-on that completely stalled development?


aaahh I see. Unfortunately I’m not really sure how to set something like that up easily and, tbh I don’t know how long development is going to take and I’d hate to guess wrong. I can see the appeal, but for now I only wanna mess with Patreon.


It wasn’t just one thing, it was the entire game. It was LITERALLY my first game ever and I made so many mistakes as I learned along the way. But here’s just one horrific example:

A lot of the functions of the game are a bit off the rails from RPG maker’s intended functions as you’d imagine. One such thing is the “vore” move. Not just being able to vore but also weaving in dialog and such. My solution? The “vore” move does nothing more than flip a switch. This switch turns on a battle event that holds all the dialog and whatnot but also…

All of the vore “calculations”.

And these pages are SPECIFIC to that encounter. Which means, I need to remake the page for every. individual. enemy.

And since calculations are tied up in there, that means if I change say, what percent of weight you gain from doing a vore I don’t just change it in one place, I have to go through the entire. library. of. enemies. and individually find and replace (which is NOT easy on RPG maker’s UI, you cant use ctrl+f) the math and just HOPE I didn’t mess up on any single one of them.

This is far from the only nightmarish solutions I had and, as you can imagine needed rough patch job after rough patch job. Don’t get me started on the literal 2-3 parallel events running on EVERY SCREEN to fix bugs I just couldn’t find lost in the spaghetti code for the life of me.

tldr: It is literally 1000000x easier to start FROM SCRATCH than even begin to TRY and fix the original.


That definately sounds like a very valid reason to start over, holy cow. So how would you do things differently now to prevent things like this from happening again?

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I don’t think you answered my question? Unless it was #9?

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Ok Thank you for your reply, will try your Patreon soon to have a taste of the game.

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Sorry, I’m sort of confused what you mean by this? That post was only in response to Tombot’s questions.

Were you asking about the prices? (that was the last question I could find) No the patreonage won’t be required when the game is finally fully released. At that point it will only be a one-time payment. The Patreon tier is just for development and early access.


Then I shall wait patiently!

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I’m a bit confused. Is the game just going to get “reskinned” or is there new stuff that will be added? I personally wouldn’t mind to see a couple of more boob sizes for the cowgirl “class”.


I’ve paid for access before.

The experimental builds are legit. Sprites look different, the map is different, and it looks to be heading towards a complete remake. For now, there are placeholder assets.

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Also part of the testers, it’s completely different, the only things that remotely the same is the feel of the world.everything else is basically new.

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stuff is being reworked. somethings will be added a few things will me cut or reworked.

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So long as we get a glorious update to Bonne, I’m good.

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i kinda forgot from the old one is the character we plays as is a male or female or are we able to pick which one we can be this time?

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The player character last time was basically an amorphous blob

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the player character is genderless spirit. but I guess you could call them a “female” since one of the transformations was cowgirl with breasts. but for the most part they don’t have a gender and the cowgirl bit is optional

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Or you could refrain from getting the cow form, and identify the player character as male.

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Long as we get to see our bunny girl grow huge again, i’m content.


The original game was a blast, this remake will be great as well(if not greater). I’ll hope that we’ll eventually be able to eat cows, but it won’t ruin the experience if we can’t(also, I just remembered that the original game was technically incomplete, so getting a finale for the story finally will be cool).


well I did say the cowgirl bit is optional

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