Super Fatty RPG: Full Version!!!

Sorry to say, it’s not going to! Super Fatty RPG is complete, and no more updates are coming.

So, He doesn’t make rpg games anymore? :scream:

hello? are you online? if you are. Know this, If we get your RPG Game 5000 likes, then you must update it. deal? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

He did make a short Holiday game for the site’s game jam.

@Zeborah_Hill do not pester the devs for updates on their project. Not only does Impossiblesnail clearly state his game is in a finished state and will not release any updates outside of bug fixes; pestering devs for updates under any circumstances does not add anything to the discussion and violates our community rules.

Please do not ask any devs for when the next update will be out in the future. Thank you.

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If you really want more SFRPG you’ll make that “donations” instead of likes~

I appreciate your eagerness and love for the game but I’ve moved back into paid projects. SFRPG took months to make and I sacrificed all that time doing something that could have made me money for something I genuinely enjoyed and learned a lot from but, ultimately paid no bills. It was only because I took my old job back that I could even afford to do this in the first place.

Though there are a myriad of reasons I can’t continue the project, as usual, money is most of them. I don’t want to be rude but I just want to make this clear to you and others who have asked the same.


I understand, perhaps when I get enough money for your bills and donations. Perhaps maybe then, it’ll be decided. So, think of me as a good ally.

Sorry, my apologies. I understand the circumstances of this website. Please, forgive me.

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I like the game i am waiting the complete game whit sound, thanks for the experience of your game, please finish it.:+1::+1:

Sorry, game’s dead. Developer is working on other stuff.

I want to see all sprite in this game ,but I don’t see any sprite in folder. (Lost cow,Henriette and other)
(I really like this game)

Is there a way to launch game with bigger resolution or something? Late-game player sprites are so huge, so they won’t just fit on the screen, but also cover everything else

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Part of the intent was that having the player sprite being so big would be cumbersome to the player. You sacrifice utility for well… indulgence.


Oh… interesting. Why is that?

Sorry that was one thing i could never get working with RPG maker. They dont give you screen resolution options as well as some other things I needed to make the larger sprites work.

But I figured it was better to include them broken than not at all.


Also this. Large sprites being unwieldy is somewhat of the appeal~ sucks they dont center on the screen is all.


So you will continue whit the project? -sfrpg- I really want to explore all the game at the max

The project will not be continued. The game is finished. It is no longer being developed. It will not receive any further updates. The game is in its completed state. There is never going to be new content. It is done. This is the final version of Super Fatty RPG.


Unless someone pays for it

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Well I understand the reason for not continuing this, old code and shortcuts that work well enough are a hell to find/fix and not break everything. Though if Impossiblesnail was thinking of working on a project with similar themes I would gladly help with funding.