The Big Fat Vore RPG

I imagine that allowing the player characters to eat enemies would just trivialize combat. It would essentially be an instadeath spell, which there’s precedent for in RPGs, of course… And they’re generally either unsatisfying to use or borderline-useless.

Plus, being that battles use a first-person/front-view perspective, you wouldn’t actually see anything, anyway.

ok fair point of it not doing much on looks.
but the instant death thing I do have to argue about. if it was done as a raw chance similar to how pokemon games handled catch chance it could be a fair method to have it work. a full health foe will be hard to vore and even then could break out. while a low health foe will be vored with no problem. and on death heal the character but make them fat. or add what ever effect said foe had. aka eat a bloated (blueberry) foe and get the same affect on said character
and the combat is already kind of trivial

I mean, you got me there.
But still, Pokemon are only fun to catch because you get something worthwhile out of it. And healing’s already really easy to come by, anyway. Caer starts the game with a pretty competent healing spell, and MP is really easy to replenish.

It’d be a fun mechanic once or twice, though.

Put out another update. I edited my OP with the link, but I’ll put it here, in case you don’t feel like scrolling up. :V

Nothing fancy here, just a bugfix and balance update.


A question that I hardly see here, this game is great and I am loving but as everything in life has an end the game will be completed one day.

I was wondering, do you plan on continuing to create games like this? with different places, and characters? or even a continuation of this project or a spin-off. I notice that you put a lot of care into this project, putting in very good art, very beautiful and well-fitting themes and it’s kind of sad to know that one day will have an end :pensive:

so what do you intend to do after the game is completed? :thinking:

No idea :V
That’s kind of a ways off, though. I’ll cross that bridge when i get to it.

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so Ive found the observatory but i cant find the last beetle jelly

Great to see a bunch of inflation here too! My gripe with the game at the moment is the balance, it’s all out of wack. The first few bosses are laughably easy, and you get a skill that makes practically every single debuff-removing item obsolete within the first half hour of the game.

After playing through the entirety of the game, I retract my statement. The balance is still wack in some places (like the start), but towards the end, the super-diverse lineup of characters and a bunch of moves makes combat quite entertaining. My gripes now are traversing an area when you don’t need to fight anything (just wasting time), and that your inventory gets filled with clutter fairly often. Also, there aren’t many game over scenes or a game over gallery to view post-game (though those are just nitpicks).

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Amazing game so far. Was it hard to get the inflation/weight gain/blueberry system working? And how did you go about doing it?

The jokes in this game are top-tier, and the Jerma reference is the icing on the cake


I accidentally deleted my data after beating the last update.
Can someone drop a save file I could steal from where the new update starts?
Would really appreciate, thanks

I found my original save, it just won’t load. Thoughts?

From what I can tell, using a save from a prior version of this game will not work with the current version, so it’s very likely that you’ll have to start over from the beginning.

…or alternatively, you’ll have to take someone else’s completed save from the newest update as you initially requested, so here’s to hoping someone is feeling generous enough to post that for you soon. <3

I have a question. Where do I inquire about including a character in this game? Because I have an idea that may be interesting.

Also, how do you pronounce Caer’s name?

Tell this right here.

I’ve thought about starting another thread or something, but leaving a comment here in this thread or through a DM is fine!
There are a few stipulations, though:
1. No fancharacters.
2. You have to be okay with them potentially gaining a ton of weight or being inflated to spherical proportions.
3. You have to be okay with them potentially getting the snot beaten out of them.
4. You also have to be okay with them getting eaten.
And finally.
5. I get to decide how said character(s) are implemented into the game.

So yeah. If you’re fine with all of this, then shoot me your character(s)! I know most characters in this game are furries, but there’s no restrictions on species or gender or anything like that.
Please include their name(s), any references you have handy, and how you want to be credited. :V

I’m not an expert but I believe it’s pronounced like “Kai-Err”


Ah, thanks for the info. I kept pronouncing her name as ‘say-er’ and it just felt…

Hi, I have a character I’d like to see in this game. How do I send you the references?