The Big Fat Vore RPG

Ooo this is good!
I’ve been pushing back a second playthrough for a while after I finished the previous version, looking forward to checking this out!

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Just finished it, atleast I think it was all of it, there’s a lot of optional stuff I could’ve missed! Really great update overall.

It was really good to see some new icons for things as well! So all the characters feel really good to use, everyone has clearly defined uses and typical rpg archetypes and it was good really getting to see that come together with this update and the extra abilities you get for them by doing side content is a super good way to introduce more content!

My biggest complaint I’d have to say with this as it is though is the current difficulty of getting a sense of direction. The halls of the mansion are pretty bare at times making identifying where you’re going a chore at times. I feel a few props here or there can make each area grounded a bit better. Better yet a map system would be great that shows locked door, doors/pits that require certain character abilities.
But I’m not sure how good rpg maker is at letting something like that come to fruition.

The difficulty felt pretty nice for the most part but sometimes you felt like you ran into a wall of difficulty spike entirely because you aren’t sure what area you should be at at what time. I do like how free it feels though in comparison to others rpgs so I guess this is a double edged sword. The Kalani fight kicked my ass too, really tough fight but tough isn’t necessarily bad and that fight felt like it was at the right place (I still love Kalani regardless of how many times I was sent to the ball pit).


The pseudo text adventure in the study was pretty enjoyable too but overall I kinda felt like the study was lacking? It sorta felt like more should’ve been there but no enemies spawned so it was sorta a straight shot to the book.

Overall I loved the update a ton but I feel as the mansion gets bigger some sort of reliable form of guidance subtle or not is needed to make the halls of it a little more manageable. I could also just be a beef brain to so just tell me like it is if that’s the case!


Alrighty, not just in terms of this update but for the game as it is currently, I am still in love. The way everyone is being refined into clear roles and archetypes is especially prevalent- I was initially against Libra’s expansion spells being her main means of offense now, but I quickly ignored it for the non-issue it is.

So far, I only have a few worries, and most of them are minor:

Genuine Concerns:

The sense of direction kind of dissipates as we’re progressing, and I feel that trying to give more clues for what to do next would help immeasurably. I’m still not sure how to deflate Trennas!

Minor gripes:

  1. Sloshed not counting as an expansion status despite the minor expansion going on. I wouldn’t want it being changed if it meant derailing anything, but the brewery was definitely something I wasn’t prepared for.

  2. Some opportunities like including Wendy in the blueberry pie bad ending or a dedicated game-over screen for the ball pit have been missed. I won’t lose sleep over it, but I wouldn’t lose sleep over the time it’d take for those inclusions either.

Thank you so much again for this update!


Does anyone know where Maddy is? I found her in the beginning and now that I have something she needs I can’t find her.

The dungeon that’s near the first merchant fam.

Quick question to anyone that has beaten the 3.0 version did the top floor and the candy cane building in the middle of the garden have content in it now? instead of it being empty or cant access it.

The one in the hedgemaze with the blueberries? Yep

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Honestly love the new update it’s great! Guess no Ax31 yet but I understand it was a late send so I am sorry I wonder if I’ll see him in the next update but I love the new mechanics and status effects! It definitely adds more danger to the new and old enemies! And honestly those dangers make some of the new charcters pretty helpful with status removing spells! Anyway looking forward to the next update but this update was amazing!

I don’t think words i’ll say will be that new, but still i want to tell my opinion. I really loved this game, and especially the new update! While playing i didnt really had any problems, except problems with direction and sometimes not knowing how to proceed, but still i’ve got a lot of enjoyment from playing this, and this game is still my favourite RPG-Maker game!
But although i want to ask a question considering the character suggestions. Since the update came, they got closed (for new suggestions), yes?

The later-game bosses feel a little too RNG-dependent IMO, especially Kalani. It’s far too common for a single attack to take out multiple teammates or just do like 80% damage to the majority of the party. I’m forced to just spam group heals, which kinda just makes Caer’s other abilities a bit pointless.

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I wish that playing the game in full screen didn’t constantly mess up my desktop windows. I don’t know if this can necessarily be fixed, since I’ve seen other pre-MV RPG Maker games do the same thing.

Gotta agree with this particular sentiment. Honestly, I had less of a problem of single-attacks wiping party members, but rather, two back-to-back strong aoe attacks being done to my party that’d pretty much cause a half-party wipe before I get the chance to even prevent it.

"Strategy Spoiler(?)"

Managed to at least work around it for the Kalani fight by reducing her stats and buffing party defences through Chitrab, the only character for me who is pretty much guaranteed to survive her multi-turn attacks with his health pool, making it MUCH easier afterwards since I could safely use aoe heals without further fear of death, even at slower speed.

Generally enjoyed the demo overall either way, but first-turn (near) party wipes were absolute salt-fests for me.

It took about 11 hours but I think after beating the arena and Kalani, feeding Maddie, and activating all the available warp crystals, I think I’m tapped out of content! …Though I say “think” as there’s still a couple of gaps I’m scratching around on:

1) Is it possible to return to the Catacombs? Got this chocolate cake kicking around. If there is an means of access then I seem to be blind to it since the lever doesn’t work.
2) I fed EB twice, but QB only once.
3) I’ve defeated two of the four bosses shown in the Inbetween.

If I can get confirmation on the above that would be grand.
(Edit: completely forgot about the Catacombs access in the Western Tower! Well off I go adventurin’ again.)

Also, it doesn’t appear that I can equip the Staff of Mastery onto anyone. I surmised that this has to do with level cap and being at max level, but that’s just me speculating. Could just be borked! :sweat_smile:


I’m pretty sure that only two of the four bosses shown are accessible. That’s all I was able to find too but digging into the assets I did find some bosses I never fought but they easily could just be inaccessible as I remember fighting one of them in an earlier build.


Im still not sure if you can actually deflate Temnas in this update, or if I have access to wherever the gummy wyrms are.

You should be able to bypass the brewery blockage by taking a detour via the arena.

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Oh, I already figured it out then P:

hay question to you all I just got done making the videos for the new update of the game would you guys would like me to hold off on showing them until later this week?

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Do as you will
Time is time

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Can anybody tell me where I can find Kalani? People mention fighting her, I assume at the end of the update, but I can’t seem to find her anywhere. I did the chapel, the hanging garden, returned to the catacombs, did the arena and now I don’t know where to go anymore to progress, everywhere else is blocked off by the bat.