The Big Fat Vore RPG

You find Kalani in the little structure that stands out in the courtyard on the first floor.

Also, in regards to everyone’s comments on the difficulty, yeah, I think I might adjust it in some areas, particularly in he catacombs.
That being said, the fight with Kalani is supposed to be hard. So uh, yeah. :V

And also, to everyone complaining that they’re getting lost, I’m planning on implementing a map of sorts. Hopefully it’ll help folks be feel a lot less aimless while wandering the castle.


watch the part 9 video on youtube if you still can’t find her

As masochistic as it sounds, I hope this isn’t the only time we’ll fight her- there’s potential in how she operates!

fighting Kalani is just as hard frighting the secret boss in vale city hard and Kalani is not even the final boss of the game.

She is a meat grinder, yes- might need a bit of a nerf and all that.

Hmm. I believe I’m missing some content somewhere, because while I think I’ve fought every boss currently in the game, I haven’t found the second gold-leaf food for EB.

Food for EB can currently be found in the clock tower and the chapel.

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After seeing Kalani in action I do wonder how the upcoming Leanne fight is gonna go down (assuming there will be a fight, natch) since just making a harder version of the Kalani battle doesn’t feel quite as rewarding to me. I assume rocketshark’s got some plans in mind for making the showdown more of a spectacle.

It would also be cool if doing the side-tasks such as snuffing out the flame and defeating Kalani would have an impact on the final Leanne encounter.

kind of like taking out Magikoopa so that Bowser cant come back to life and get big to destroy Mario

Ahhh, must have just missed a box then!

Thanks, finally found her. I didn’t even realize there was a gap in that building to build a bridge over.
And I actually managed to beat her fairly easily on my first try, probably because my characters were overleveled as all hell.

That said, I really love what you’ve got here so far, especially the ability to fatten up and inflate almost every enemy you come across is pretty impressive. But yeah, a map of some sorts would be appreciated, I get lost really easily. :sweat_smile:

I had kind of a silly idea with regards to level navigation: what if upon acquiring Ash she gave you the ability to map your area thanks to echolocation? … cos’ she’s, y’know… being a bat and such.

Could be played up for goofs! And who doesn’t love sweet sweet goofs?

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I have a question about Alexis. Are her gadget-based abilities considered physical attacks that use Might, or are they magic attacks that use Knowledge? If it’s the latter, then my play style would include her in a magic-centric party, with Wendy’s magic attack buffs benefiting everyone.

On that note, I’d like to hear what other people’s preferred party compositions are. Given the available characters right now, mine consists of Caer for healing, Libra for magic attacks and expanding enemies, Wendy for buffs and occasional heals, then Ash plus either Alexis or Nichole for magic DPS (depending on the answer to the above question).

Alexis’ skills use her might to deal damage rather than her knowledge, so they’re pretty much physical attacks :V


Just checking because I’m really digging the interactions with her, but do you see Ivory again after her second fight in this build?

Sadly no. There’s no new Ivory content in this update. I’m definitely planning on having more of her in the game, however. :Y

My current party is Caer, Chitrab, Yva, Kyra and Nichole.

Caer’s rocking the Aura; Yva’s a lot of fun (plus equipping her with Feuerfaust is great for taking on fire-vulnerable enemies); the rest are just silly strong imho.

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Updated the game awhile ago and forgot to provide feedback. The hype was real when I first installed the update, and I wasn’t disappointed one bit with the new content added. Although it was a shame initially that I had to basically do the game all over again, I actually enjoyed playing back up to the third floor and experiencing the few changes made to previous floors. There were few, but it was appreciated.

In regards to the new content added in the game, I find it really good. I think my favorite aspect is the New Characters and the Character Balances and changes. The new characters, Alexis, Janine and Nichole, are all really interesting in terms of skills and gameplay. I may have never knew of them beforehand, but I am now interested in their artists. The character changes are also very welcome. Most welcome is the changes made to Libra and Tuna. Previously, Libra was crazy OP early game and Tuna was incredibly underwhelming, but now that they’re reworked, I enjoy using them more.

In regards to the new sprites and enemies, I love each and every single one. The new enemies are all really unique in terms of concepts and the sprite work has been maintained the same great quality as usual. A couple of my favorite enemies include Beer Bomber, Gummy Wyrm, and Macaroon Moth. Some of my favorite new character sprites include the ones found in the Bar and the Spear Sisters. I can also tell that your spriteing has also gotten better, with examples including Maddie and those new Sloshed sprites.

Speaking of Sloshed, I quite like the new Status Effect, although it could use some tweaking. The -20% all stats feels like only a small hindrance, unlike the other major status effects. If you want my input on how to make it on par with the other status effects, I suggest making it reduce accuracy as well, considering they are drunk and and all that. I’d make it slightly more dangerous if anything.

In terms of the new areas added, I liked a lot of them, but underwhelmed by a few others. Some areas were really short like the Alcohol Place, but others like the Dungeon where you temporarily get Spiffy were really long. Don’t get me wrong, I like all the new places present in the new build, but I just wished some areas I liked were slightly longer.

The new bosses are all really hard and I actually like it. Previous bosses before hand were sorta hard, but never difficult. These bosses actually required strategy and I liked it. One of my primary strategies to take down bosses that deal huge damage like Kalani included Putting three or more Characters with Party Heals/Party Buffs on my Team and Having two attackers. It worked like a charm against Bosses and even then they still gave me a good challenge. I hope more bosses are like them in a future update.

Regarding any issues such as bugs or glitches I found in the game, I have yet to find any that are too terrible. The only one that really comes to mind is when you’re in the room where you get Eva, the framerate tanks, causing the characters to move really slowly for some reason, even when running. Other than that, the game is otherwise glitch free.

On one last note, I wanted to commend @rocketshark5089 for their hard work on this update. I’ve only recently gotten RPG maker for myself a few weeks ago and let me tell you, making a cohesive experience is absolutely not easy, especially ones like this that are made with self made assets. With everything that I’ve seen from this update however, I highly look forward to what’s in store for the future of this project.


Is there any way to make the window any larger?

Sorry for the late response, but I’m really happy to hear the kind words! I’m glad you’re enjoying the game so far!

It should say in the changelog, but in case you can’t find it, it’s F5 for fullscreen and F6 to cycle between screen sizes.