The Big Fat Vore RPG

I hope you add Rouge the Bat since she is you “OC” now


I don’t know why but the controls for me are not working i might just be pushing the wrong buttons but i cant move. The menus work fine (except for moving around them) but i was just posting this in hope that someone knows how to fix this

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I took a quick look at the game’s graphics folder out of boredom and saw a character named Ash who seemed to be another party member I’ve never seen anywhere in the game. I have just about everyone else in my party except for them and I’m totally lost on what part of the castle to find them in. Any advice?


I don’t remember off of the top of my head, but she’s a pretty late-game addition. Have you checked the upper floors?


You’re probably thinking of Alexis. Ash is an optional party member that can join the party on the second floor after getting the warp stone. :V


How do you find Ash? Feels like I’ve checked the whole 2nd floor but have no idea where they are.

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She’s available after you get the warp stone from the Ice Cream Bunny. Head to the food court on the second floor and go into the Dark Souls reference joint (can’t remember the name off the top of my head). Interact with the glowing green thing on the floor and it’ll take you to where she is.


Windows says the file isn’t safe when I try to run the .exe file of the 0.3 version. Also there was 1 virus report when scanned through virus total I think.
I’m not an expert in Cybersecurity but just saying

Hey folks! Just wanted to give an update on the status of the game. It’s almost ready, I’m just waiting to hear back from playtesters and stamp out any bugs that crop up.

To whet your appetite, here’s some teasers for the next update:


oh the meme BALTIMORE.

You have no idea how happy I am to hear this. My favourite RPGmaker game out there. So looking forward to this.


Am super excited for the next, can’t wait to play it once it’s out

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Cool, I was wondering when we might see an update on this.

I don’t get the Baltimore stuff though, some sorta meme that I missed?

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It’s a reference to a satire car commercial where they keep insulting the viewer and saying how shitty their cars are.


yes it is my good sir

I am beyond hyped! Thanks for all your hard work on this game, it’s definitely one of the perennial greats in my book.

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Always nice to see more progress on this, looking forward to the next update.:smiley:

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Looks like this is going to be a fun update soon.

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Ooooh! Exciting! Can’t wait!

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can’t wait for new update eeeeee

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