The Breakfast Chub - Roops' Submission

“Welcome to your new job at the Sweet Spot Cafe! You’ll work alongside a young waitress named Claire as you serve up the best breakfast food in town!. During your shifts you’ll have the opportunity to get to know her, but what kind of coworker will you be? And how will your actions affect her habits… and her waistline?”
Game Link: The Breakfast Chub by SofterCode


Regarding this version of the game:

Hey there! So I submitted this thing with mere minutes left on the deadline and just did not have adequate time to test/correct some bugs that can occur with certain dialogue branches. After testing some more this morning I have identified some issues:

  • The “bad” path does not properly explain the jump in time
  • The ending screen does not appear properly for some routes

For the sake of the Game Jam, what is submitted is submitted. But I have also included an updated game link for V1.1 which fixes these bugs! Enjoy!

She! Is! Adorable!!

I think this might be my favourite entry I’ve palyed so far. It was really wholesome and sweet and the animatiosn were super well done. They make me annoyed the animation in mine is so rushed because I bit off more than I could chew; you kept things simple and polished and were able to deliver a lot.
This is way more visual feedback about a character’s emotions than I’m used to seeing in these kind of games and I love it so much!


Thank you so much! That means a lot! I probably poured TOO much time into the animations and wasn’t able to debug the game enough as a result, but you’re feedback is really appreciated!

this is absolutely wonderful! the dialogue is very human, and empathetic, the animations and character art are super expressive, and there’s just such a great feeling of warmth emanating from this game.

i also really appreciate how meaningful the choices feel, it’s really nice to have a pretty good idea of the consequences of each of your actions before you make them. it’s one of those traits that you can’t really see, but the results are immediately felt.

very good game. i can definitely see myself playing this one again in the future.


this is absolutely wonderful! the dialogue is very human, and empathetic, the animations and character art are super expressive, and there’s just such a great feeling of warmth emanating from this game.

I don’t think I can express how much I appreciate this comment. This was a very tiring labor of love, and to hear such kind words about it… Seriously, thank you!

I loved Penelope’s Christmas from the previous GameJam, and I’m looking forward to getting to play your new submission later today!


This is easily one of the top visual novels that I’ve played in a while. I will go into detail about what I think below.

  • The background for each scene was colorful, detailed and atmospheric.
  • Claire’s character design was adorable
  • The weight gain felt natural, it wasn’t rushed.
  • The dialogue was realistic, well-organized and flowed nicely from one scene to the next.
  • Not too short, first playthrough took me about 10 minutes.
  • Though the choices were limited, it made up for it by providing subtle clues what it might lead to.

Overall, a very spectacular game. It’s presently one of my favorites. Very well done :slight_smile:


Overall, a very spectacular game. It’s presently one of my favorites. Very well done :slight_smile:

Thank you for such a detailed (and well-formatted!) review! For future games I would love to create additional choices to provide the player with even more freedom. That’s definitely something I hope to improve on going forward.

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Made an account just to say that I can’t stop playing this! I love how reactive she is, both in dialogue choices and her animation. This is really incredible stuff, exactly the kind of thing I want from a WG game. I hope you make more stuff like this in the future!


Made an account just to say that I can’t stop playing this! I love how reactive she is, both in dialogue choices and her animation. This is really incredible stuff, exactly the kind of thing I want from a WG game. I hope you make more stuff like this in the future!

Thank you! Positive responses like these really help motivate me to keep working on things like this in the future!

Love this little game, the writing was great, and it oddly reminded me of how my first girlfreind used to tease me lol, thanks for that :ok_hand:


This is so sweet! There’s so much to like, the art, the animation, the dialogue, but, possibly the thing that got me most was the way Claire teases the player.

Kinda hoping you’ll continue to refine it now the game jam is over!

Thank you @Roops!


out of curiosity how many endings are there?

I’ve managed 2 but I thought I’d ask if there was more or not

There are three endings! “Best”, “Good”, and “Bad”.


This just needs to be expanded upon. Absolutely beautiful.


this has got to be one of the best wg games would you mind if i recorded each ending and uploaded it to youtube?

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Amazing game! Loved it! Good luck in the contest, this one’s sure to do well!

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It’s extremely well polished! Would love to see more games from you.

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Thank you so much for such positive feedback and I appreciate you asking permission before uploading. You’re more than welcome to upload footage if you would like, but please link back to this page in the video/description!

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Here is the best ending The Breakfast Chub Best Ending - YouTube