The Lipomancer's Ruins [v1.4 out Now!]

I’ve been thinking about it for all of about thirty seconds and
Your character doesn’t have any predefined motivations other than “they asked for my help, and I’m an adventurer”
The way I see it, a player could totally decide to just be in it for the money.
I propose giving the player the option to end the game early if they reach, say, 10,000 coins.
But, like, only if you like the idea. I don’t want to be pushy.

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And, for my third post in the hour:
I can’t say that I’ve been successful at achieving this during gameplay, but I think that if you buy the enchanted sword, run into a whetstone, and then try to sharpen your sword, you would end up with an unenchanted sharpened sword.
Edit: Nevermind, you’ve got a safeguard against that in there. I just can’t read raw html

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Yeah, I made sure that that glitch wasn’t possible well before the Enchanted Sword was added.

Though I was considering having the ability to do that on purpose, but I decided that was a dumb idea.

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Ok, so I’m a bit dumb. I’ve been accidentally mixing up the Weight Loss Potion passage and the Healing Potion passage in the HTML, causing a bunch of issues this whole time.

Here’s a patch.

Lipomancers Ruins (136.0 KB)


Would like to mention, about when you brought out v1.0 I crossed the 100 kilo mark.

If this is a sign, at the rate you update, I may be in trouble


What a wacky coincidence.

Anywhomst, Update v∞.0 is coming out Soon™.

In all seriousness, I don’t actually have much planned for this game in the future (Aside from maybe adding a few random features here and there), since it feels pretty complete with the way it is right now. I am, however, currently currently brainstorming ideas for my next project, so we’ll see how that goes.


how about a save system is that at all possible?

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I’d have to do a total rewrite of the game in Sugarcube to do that. And at that point, it’d be easier to start from scratch.

Apologies for the lack of saving, I did attempt to lay out the groundwork to add saving early on, but I was informed that it was impossible to do in Harlowe.


What about a rudimentary password system, where collecting some number of secrets gives you keywords that unlock more and more cheat options starting from maybe 5 distinct endings?


If you’re looking for help with your art situation, I might be able to provide you with some sprites.


Thank you for the offer of assistance. I am incredibly grateful, though I can’t quite accept it yet. I’ve currently got another Twine project (that is hopefully higher quality than this one) that I’m currently focusing on. But hopefully once it is finished, I’ll have time to get the Godot project underway.


Great game but I’m having trouble winning it. I get as far as the lipomancer herself and despite having all the enchanted gear and a nice stock of potions, I feel I am completely outmatched. I don’t even come close.

What am I doing wrong?


I believe it’s heavily RNG based. I haven’t attempted the lipomancer yet, as I can’t get past the lunch guardian. But basically, in addition to weight loss potions, you’ll want plenty of apples

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Yeah, the entire game is based around RNG, aside from bonuses provided from equipment and higher number requirements depending on the opponent. It’s not a very intuitive system, with the best strategy having tons of potions and apples on hand, but it works well enough to be a playable game.

In the future, I hope to figure out how to make more entertaining combat mechanics than just rolling dice to see what happens. But that would be for future games, since this game is pretty much complete in its current state.


The randomness of the combat is balanced out nicely by being able to abuse Twine’s rewind feature to cheat :grin:. If you find you’re short on potions just rewind and skip forward until you get the “pouch in wall” or “treasure chest” events. You can also do this in fights to make sure you never get hit.


Alright, so funny story.

I maaaaaaay have spent a good portion of today making an update for this game.

And it maaaaaaaaaay be a lot more difficult now.

To be fair, increasing the difficulty just felt right at the time.

On the flip side, there’s a bunch more events and even a brand new item to counter the increase in difficulty!

Anyways, without further a-cockadiddledoo, here is the latest version of The Lipomancer’s Ruins

Lipomancers Ruins (143.1 KB)

As always, a more comprehensive list of changes can be found in the changelog.

Good luck and happy hunting!


Dang, and to think I had moved the game into my “finished games” folder. Looks like I’ll be moving it back into the “in progress” folder. I eagerly await whatever is in store.


Well I’ll be d*mned. Here I had thought the game was concluded or something. Can’t wait to dive in lol


Even more stuff? You fucking legend!


holie molie on a stick you made more?!