It’s alright. If this version is anything to go by, this game’s got a pretty good future ahead of itself. Keep up the good work mate.
Just wanted to pop in and say that I loved what I played of the most recent update and can’t wait for the next! Keep up the good work!
Hey no worries things take time, take as long as you need, and thanks.
Will you eventually add more scenes between each weight gain stage? And could we pitch ideas for them?
Yes! And I’m always open to ideas for the VN. You can post them on this thread, or my inbox is open too.
Hi there, I love this game. Just wanted to point out that early in the game there is a misuse of the word “malingering” which means pretending to be ill or injured to escape work, I think you just wanted to use “lingering.”
Great game!
Moving forward, I’m trying to figure out if I should release smaller, more frequent updates, or bigger, less frequent updates. Please cast a vote below if you have an opinion. For reference, I’d consider the most recent release a bigger, less frequent update.
- Smaller, more frequent updates
- Bigger, less frequent updates
Hi! What a great game! By the looks of it, the bigger - less frequent updates are going to win, so might as well point something out. I think it would be a great idea to give the community some teaser images or a small progress reports along the way of the new update. This would open up a lot of possibilities to course changes, save production time and keep us enthrilled with the story. And another plus is by doing this, you can avoid mistakes like that with the font in 0.4 . But anyway, might be wrong, idk.
P.S. sorry for grammar mistakes if I made some.
Closing down the most recent poll as it seems bigger, less frequent updates is the clear winner.
An excellent suggestion. I’m going to try to be much better about doing this!
Great game! Do you plan on adding/ are you willing to add any girls who start off with a more athletic frame? Like maybe it could be the huntress? with a little bit of muscle and abs, thinking something along the lines of an olympic athlete perhaps
Thanks! I unfortunately don’t plan on any athletic frame girls for QoC.
The huntress is definitely athletic, but she’s not muscular. There’s story reasons why But also, I’ll be honest, muscular isn’t my thing. And I try to refrain from writing/making visuals that I wouldn’t be 100% invested in or able to really do justice.
Speaking of huntress… the major focus of the next update will be an expansion of existing content. I.e. more content for the current weight stages. I’m going to add new weight content for Khaira based on the results of a previous poll, but the majority of content will be building on what’s already there.
To that end, I’ve found that expanding existing content is naturally leading to the introduction of new characters, one of whom is the huntress. So I can confirm huntress will be a new character next update.
In line with what I posted recently about being better at updates, I’m hoping to do a huntress reveal in the next week or so. Stay tuned!
She’s been alluded to for a while, so it was about time she made her first appearance. Meet Fia, the Deadly Huntress. Her title was not given lightly- she’s reputedly one of the deadliest archers in the known world.
Some introductory hints about Fia:
- She is not from Corpula or Emacia
- The player met her before the events of QoC
- She used to be a little thinner than this
- She has a more… bottom-heavy shape
Further details will come with the next release
Please let me know if you like her model and/or suggestions for improvement!
Nice! Sounds like a fun character, also bottom heavy is good.
Nice !
If she’s bottom heavy i can recommand this type of build for her :
Or this
Bottom heavy isn’t really my thing, I prefer… center. but still, a new addition is always good
Thanks for the recommendations! They are actually super helpful. Fia’s bottom-heavy shape has proven to be the most difficult one for me to make. So these are going to be a big assist for me.
Hello! Not really related to the upcoming update, but I think it would be nice to be able to choose which girl you want to ‘main’ (be the biggest). I think it was mentioned at some point in the past, but current red choise mainly affects Brenna’s weight, Annora gains weight regardless of what you pick. Now, I get it, she is the main character afterall, but still. Now that more girls are being added, the ability to choise your favorite would be appreciated. Then you could add some scenes where other girls react to your favorite girl getting bigger (just like Annora reacts to Brenna’s weight gain when you pick “increase Brenna’s rations” )
I will try to explain it:
Now the story is focused on all the girls. But it could be different. After the protag is introduced to every the girl, a red choise will pop up on which girl you want ‘main’ (give the most attention, be the biggest). All it takes is to add other girls reacting scenes to current content. And if you don’t want to main, you can choise to play classic (that is current timeline).
Although this is suggestion for a very distant future, I still think it would be nice to have. What do you guys think?
Sorry for grammar mistakes if I made any. If you didn’t understand or have questions don’t hesitate to write them in this thread, I will respond whenever Į can.
Thanks for the suggestion! What you’ve described is the ultimate goal of the VN, and what I think would differentiate it from other examples of this genre.
The one major story decision so far is the start of achieving this goal. I think the decision feels less impactful than I would’ve liked because, at least for now,it feels like “do you want just Annora to get fat, or do you want Annora AND Brenna to get fat?” However, the ramifications of that decision are larger than they seem right now. It’s just going to take more of the story to see what else comes of that decision.
As much as I’ve tried to be a dutiful feast supervisor, I’ve made peace with the fact that Annora’s just not going to be restrained. Too much appetite coupled with too much power for us mere mortals to thwart.