Town Store - Run a food store in a town of gluttons

I think adding some hard math is ok, one problem though I am already in your walls.


Another update for y’all. I’ve mostly been working on getting the story planned out and getting those damned minigames working, so progress on the game itself has been limited. Still, what I have should allow me to work faster in the future so it could be worse.


Thanks for the update and good luck with that !

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Progress update: Still getting that core gameplay loop down and testing it. Progress has been made though, and I’ve refined what it is that I want exactly.

I could still very much use people to help with sprite art though. All you need is an image editor like paint(dot)net and a bit of dedication. I do have a few people helping, but there are many sprites that need to get fat.


I have to say, I really appreciate that you give consistent updates to let us know that you’re still working on the project. It’s really all that I could ever ask for in a dev (aside from making a good game, of course).


It actually helps me to stay on track and motivated. Otherwise I tend to leave projects for a while and end up never getting back to them (see Pending for an example lol). It especially helps when people like the comments or reply showing excitement for the game, that stuff is hella motivating


Unfortunately this week’s update brings little new stuff. I was sick for a bit, then recovering and catching up on work, and then when I finally had some free time Bobo’s Fill Me Up updated and my Sunday was gone :laughing:. I’ll get back to working on this soon. Once the core game loop is strong enough I can do the part I’ll actually enjoy, which is fleshing out and implementing the character stories.

As always, I could really use help with the accursed sprites. There’s just too damn many of them.


This week and the next I won’t be able to put much work into the game unfortunately. Work is going to get really busy and I have family visiting so free time will be minimal. I’ll still see if I can squeeze in a bit, but no promises. The last few days all I’ve done is fix issues with my current system. Turns out it’s hard to code in a language you don’t know lmao

And yeah, please lmk if anyone feels like helping with a sprite set or two.


Progress has been slow recently but I’m trying to get some more progress done. As it stands, I expect that I’ll be done towards the end of the summer. The main thing slowing me down, of course, is the obnoxious amount of sprites I have to make :slight_smile:

For now I’m trying to really get that core gameplay loop down, because I figured that if that’s not strong then the game is just a drag of repeating actions to unlock fatter women.


Technical issues have arisen (by which I mean that I got a new PC and moving the RPG Maker files is proving to be a nightmare). I’ll figure it out, but in the mean time consider going outside if you can. Grass is nice.


spurweed go burrr


I accept no liability for grass bites

Edit: Still very much looking for sprite help. I have a couple of people helping already and they’re doing amazing work but there are so many sprites to make. All you really need is willingness and a computer, since I can provide references, guidance and base spirits and paintdotnet is free


Excellent news, I have figured out moving the game over to my new PC so work can continue


Congrats ! And good luck with that !

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Aren’t grass bites just nettle stings?

This guy doesn’t know about the Biting Grass


See what this tells me is that you’ve set up your town in the ruins of Castle Exodus, without mowing the demonic man-eating lawns…

I can only hope you at least pulled up the carpets which hunger for human flesh.


Everyone here are lying, obviously if grass bites then it is not grass it’s just a lot of very very tiny goblins and they like to bite as any goblin does.


For fat female weight gain and size progress you could request aid or sprite assets from coldsteelj, and perhaps make this game D&D fantasy inspired.

I absolutely welcome any offers of help but I won’t be going to people to ask for it. Feels wrong when it’s a self-inflicted project.

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