Vale City

Also, you can unlock cupcakes from the Candy Store by buying enough food from it to become a VIP customer.

Quoted above you, but there’s your answer.

I’m gonna be unusually harsh here, but I feel like I need to vent:

I hate this game. 6 hours of my life I’ll never get back. I liked the character designs but the gameplay is such a freaking CHORE. I had to save edit money, the hunger meter, and a few key items because I couldn’t be bothered after spending about an hour and having accomplished nothing more than getting 1 level for 2 characters and about 300 dollars in-game. I cheated like crazy and even then it still took me forever to slog through.

I can tell for a fetish game, the guy’s going more for the “game” than the “fetish” because holy shit there’s so little payoff smutwise. “Oh look, you fed that girl pizza! Her sprite has changed slightly! EXCITEMENT!” There’s little to no character to these characters for me to give a single shit about them!

Combat isn’t fun. XP grinding is so inconvenient that I loathed doing it more than most grinding in rpgs, just because of the roundabout way it’s implemented. Hit/miss/crit rates are also wonky as hell, and the turn system seems obtuse at best and poorly programmed at worst. I’ve gotten party wipes from bosses while I’m at max level just because of the boss getting three turns in a row for no apparent reason, each critting and one-hitting my characters even at max level… I don’t understand how the dev thinks we’re supposed to do this legitimately if there’s only one rez item that does any amount of healing and you can’t get it until night 7. If he wants us to have multiple playthroughs and build up gear that way, the game is far too long for that and the gear you carry over is so inconsequential you might as well not carry it over at all. The levels/skills are what needs to carry over, if anything.

The music started out fun but quickly began to grate on my nerves. Speedcore and hardcore electronica are my bread and butter, but holy shit hearing the same song on loop while the combat system tries my patience made me more than a little bit irritable. If I hear “lemme tell you a secret” one more time, I’m liable to get homicidal. Do not have a 1 minute loop of music with lyrics if a battle is going to take 5-10 minutes. Also, for fun, turn the combat speed to fastest in the options, fight a boss/miniboss and when they’re “getting ready”, listen for the completely unnecessary endless banging noise alerting you the bosses’ chargeup actually interfering with the music and distorting the audio. Great game design, not at all migraine-inducing. I’m not exaggerating. I had to take a tylenol because the distortion was actually physically hurting my head/ears.

Also, crap this game is unstable. Like “not using more than 25% of my processor or 10% of my 16 GB of RAM according to task manager but somehow managing to hold up my entire PC at random intervals while I assume the engine calculates variables with an abacus regardless of me being in-combat or out” unstable. The game’s not freezing, the music is still playing unhindered so that’s the issue?! I can run Crysis on my pc, an RPGMaker game with little to no animation shouldn’t be taxing my system this much. At one point I looked at my task manager during the final fight and the game process had duplicated itself to run 4 times concurrently even though there was only one instance of the program running. WHAT. WHY. HOW.


This game has some great character designs but the game design is such an assault on my senses and my patience that it’s almost completely killed off my enthusiasm for any further development. I kept playing. Hoping. Hoping for something of any worth or substance to make this in any way worth it to me, only to get to the end, get a 2 paragraph “epilogue”, a picture with what amounts to a “Conglaturation” ending, and a code that it doesn’t tell me how to use to unlock the gallery. I WANT MY 6 HOURS BACK, NARUKAMI. GIVE IT BACK.


its tru

You know, I’m glad someone had the guts to say what many of us were thinking, thank you for your honesty :+1:

this might be because I play brutal games but honesty I dont find the game too brain bashing…

Oh you poor dramatic baby. :roll_eyes:
You can turn the music off, play something else in the background. I don’t know what you are expecting dude, this isn’t a AAA developer, it’s one guy making a fetish game out of RPGmaker for weirdos. The combat is easy as hell, I have no idea why people complain about it being difficult or needing rez constantly. Your complaint that it is pretty grindy is valid though that’s more from it being made in rpgmaker than anything, also maybe don’t spam click the icon 4 times to make it run 4 different instances next time you try starting games.

I think it’s more my pain receptors that are dramatic if it gave me an actual migraine. But hey, you can be a dismissive prick if you want.

Then it fails its intended purpose as backing music.

Also the dev can not have a constant indefinite booming noise to let us know when a charged attack is charged. The character is already blinking and the game has alerted us, this isn’t necessary. There’s a reason the low health warning from Pokemon stopped incessantly playing after the third gen (I think it was the third gen) and just started playing the warning for a few seconds: it’s done its job to alert you, you don’t need the game constantly poking you with an obnoxious tone. Have the booming happen a few times then either fade out or stop.

This doesn’t make his/her work immune to criticism. I’m tired of this argument of “It’s not a triple A game so be nice”. That’s not how criticism works. Regardless of how many people make it, the game has significant design issues and inefficiencies that can be improved upon.

I’m not asking for 4k graphics, a dating sim spinoff, and online multiplayer capabilities. I’m asking for the story writing and combat in a game genre primarily focused on story writing and combat to improve and saying where I think it needs work.

I had an acquaintance who self-published a book. The book was absolutely terrible, with numerous typos and continuity errors. The story itself made little to no sense with no real payoff. Yes, it was still a book: you could still read the pages, turn them, and shelf it when you were done with it like any other book. Regardless of one person writing it and it being a functional book, the book my acquaintance wrote failed on several levels of what makes a good book and needed work. Plus, if this developer is asking for patreon support and paypal donations, I think the whole “don’t criticize” argument holds even less weight.

I didn’t say it was difficult, I said the crit rates/multipliers of enemies seem much higher than they should be and the hit/miss calculations seem wonky. Either the player’s HP/stat gain per level scaling is off or something is wrong with how damage/crits from enemies are calculated. I also said it was tedious. Enemies have multiple thousand hp bars while you top out at about 1k, and they do the same amount of damage you do, oftentimes more, when you’re several levels above them; if you’re giving them that much of an advantage, you shouldn’t let them repeatedly heal on top of that as well.

You’re stuck in this loop of “attack once, hope the enemy party hasn’t decided to dogpile on one character and kill them immediately, burger stuffing to get everyone back to full health, hope the enemy doesn’t heal all the damage you do up immediately.”

I disagree. The grindiness less comes from it being an RPGMaker game and more the roundabout way the dev has implemented the exp system. If food just healed/stat boosted/affected the hunger meter and fights or something else gave XP instead, then the combat would seem to have a sense of purpose. I’ve played plenty of other RPGMaker games, including plenty on this site, that handle XP grind far better and more efficiently.

Imagine if you will, an RPG game where the XP gain never increases but the enemies get progressively harder as the game goes on: all guards from level 1 to the highest level give the same piddly XP when you beat them, regardless of the level/tier of the guard. Do you realize how incredibly sisyphean and frustrating that would start to feel if the combat was as bare bones as this game’s? 100 XP for hamburger stuffing is the highest amount you can get in one action, and that’s a piss-poor amount come level 7-9. There needs to be some type of XP scaling in the higher levels.

That’s the thing, it wasn’t running 4 times when I first started the program. It only had one instance of the process in my task manager when I started it. When it was freezing up during a boss fight, I pulled up the task manager to see if the program wasn’t responding and saw for some reason the process multiplied itself. 4 times was the highest I saw, but I’d seen previous times where it was running 2 or 3 times.


To each their own. I just find it just drags on with too little payoff to give for the time invested.

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I can’t help but somewhat agree

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Gladly. :grin:

Nor does it make your criticism immune from criticism. You come off as overtly whiny for a game that was put out for free, despite having patreon donations it’s never been locked behind a paywall. Perhaps if you sunk money into this I could see your point, but I think it’s pretty clear you didn’t. I’m fine with you criticizing anything you want. You tried a game out and didn’t like it, and that’s ok, but your little temper tantrum demanding Narukami owes you your time back is fucking immature/cringe inducing to say the least.
No one owes you the time that you chose to waste on a fetish game. If you had technical problems, that sucks, but those problems are your own. There is no reason to badmouth the dev and get angry over it. If it’s not your kind of game, considerately state your criticisms and move on, the drama isn’t necessary.

:+1: Cool. This has nothing to do with anything we are discussing here.

I disagree. I think the leveling for the amount of time a player gets to complete the game is fine. The entire point of the game is to be a stuffing/wg fetish game, so it makes sense that the XP system works the way it does requiring the player to consume an absurd amount of food.
If you want a game with a similar premise but the XP gain is through a different means, then make one.

I can’t say anything to this other than “works fine on my machine”, if you really care then maybe get in touch with Narukami and tell him about this along with your specific system specs. If I do recall there is a discord for the game you could try there. I think it’s obvious this isn’t your cup of tea though.

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I’ll remind everyone to be civil in their discussions. Attack the argument, not the person, yadda yadda.


Right. I’ll keep ad-hominems out.

Never said it did.

Yes it does. It’s analogous to your argument of your “it’s only one guy” defense and how that doesn’t excuse the work from criticism. I feel you didn’t bother to read any further in that paragraph if that’s all you got from it.

I’ll concede that it’s a matter of personal taste. The scale seems a bit off, though.

I don’t recall doing that. I recall calling out his work, but not him as a person. Other than (jokingly) asking him for my time back, I don’t think I “badmouthed” the dev personally at all.

First off, I said in the first line of the original post:


I can see now my tone wasn’t clear. I wasn’t being serious wanting my time back, it was more of an intentionally hyperbolic statement/summation of the “I feel like I was blueballed for six hours” sentiment I previously mentioned along with every other frustration piling on for the tl;dr section.

All in all, I’ve said my piece, you’ve said yours. It’s obvious we’ve reached an impasse. The whole thing was mostly stream-of-consciousness and off the cuff, with some minor editing. Brevity is not my forte and my opinion has not changed:

  1. The game’s story is virtually nonexistent and characters hardly have any character to them.
  2. The gameplay is tedious and lacks enough variety to keep it interesting for as long as it takes.
  3. Even when you level up, the rewards are so pithy it’s barely worth it, save for perfect form at level 9.
  4. Enemy HP levels and damage are unbalanced from a gameplay standpoint.
  5. The turn system is obtuse in what actions give what priority and is borderline RNG other times.
  6. There’s little to no real fetish payoff for a fetish game.

I disagree with this, I really don’t care about characters having character in this sort of game. Eat the dungeon, for example is a similar case of characters not having character and I feel it works well in a casual fetish game you only pick up occasionally.

What would you change about it to add variety or reward the player then?

This is primarily influenced by a characters speed stat.


Eat the dungeon also doesn’t have dialogue or a story. This game has both, as barebones as they are, which is why the lack of identity for these characters somewhat sticks in my craw.

I can’t argue with your personal tastes, however I feel the game would be significantly better with some level of personality. If he wants to have a story (and he does, judging by the amount of dialogue and bits of worldbuilding he’s done), he needs to build a reason to care about the people in it. Otherwise, why bother?

More impactful abilities and actual stat management/purpose to the equipment. I don’t need Ultima levels of character building, but what’s there feels like nothing but set dressing. The base gear didn’t really feel any different to the “godlike” gear I got later on, damage I was taking and dealing felt roughly the same.

Why is Jessica the only character that can give buffs to the party members? Why are each of these buffs only capable of being used on a single respective party member? Why does Amy have the lowest health, the slowest speed, but also the “provoke” ability? For a game that has a high focus on combat there’s not really many options save for VERY temporary buffs from the food, and what’s there seems heavily skewed to one character.

How about certain foods and better gear for higher ranks? Foods/gear that only the mayor/higher ranked characters can obtain, with higher XP values and significantly stronger buffs or longer durations? Just… anything to make the XP curve less of a sheer vertical cliff.

Just a few ideas.

Then why have I had bosses on some turns get three attacks in a row while other times they only get one? Again, it seems rather random regardless of stats. I get what he’s going for, kind of like the FFX turn system, but if he’s going for that it’d be nice if it showed how the action you chose affected the turn order before you chose it.

She isn’t. All three can learn a dance skill that buffs the whole party from the group of two (with the wolf girl) on the beach. I think she became the primary buff caster due to her speed.

iirc Amy has the highest health for any given BP level. She also has the “belly defense” ability which adds more health. It’s a good idea to give her special abilities from the academy (‘reflect’ works very well with her), or just give her a defense/LP boost with the tickets you win in the overnight tournament.
You might think she has lower health because she always lags behind the other two in terms of leveling, and that’s because Narukami made the decision to have her never drain her BP stat in the overworld like Jessica and Lillico do. A gross oversight imo because it ends up causing her to always lag behind in terms of leveling because you can never stuff large amounts of food into her like you can with Jessica who burns up her BP very quickly. It’s one of the reasons he added the dinner date with Tyr thing.

You are basically describing the custom made Team bikini you have to find materials for. You either have to beat a high level char to obtain it or pay $30,000. Perhaps you missed this on your playthrough?

That’s weird, because I beat them several times and I never had any indication of these abilities being in the game.

I got it for all three characters and I didn’t feel much of a difference stat/combat-wise. I sure as hell wouldn’t have been able to beat the final boss without access to the fusion ability, but it otherwise felt rather underwhelming for the effort you put in to get all the materials.

I’d also still like some relatively higher xp foods for higher ranks, again, to lower the exponential growth of the grind.

That wasn’t my experience at all. Amy still had ~600 health less than both Lilico and Jessica when everyone was at max level at the end of my game.

there IS some character story but not much, but considering mid time next year we will have the next version there might be more to it, we already have some semblance of an idea of characters but I must also acknowledge the dichotomy of fetish games, you pick the game or the fetish and any leaning in one direction will mostly lean off of the other because there is not really a way to purely blend them, do you want so much character the whole gaining weight thing becomes a mute point because of other stuff going on? or do you try to balance it and eventually make the characters either just be blob that likes their defining feature or a mental wreck about going through with this which then almost creates a “this is what your fetish does, how do you feel?” kind of preaching undertones.

in my opinion as someone who has played brutal RPGs far worse then the grind of VC I cant say I find it more difficult then some other ones, and if VC is your first with these kinds of XP systems I can understand how it is irritating, but a lot of the fat fetish RPG maker games with this design go this route, look up anything by whatever the person who created the bar owners name is now, all of them use that XP system and I do think those were inspiration for this.

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It’s listed on his DeviantArt, where the game was originally linked from. He left it that way on purpose, it seems.

You have to give them food in the nightclub completely then beat them on the beach after. They become much harder opponents after you fatten them up. They only teach you the moves after you beat them at their max size.

Narukami is currently making another “goddess expansion” to the game similar to the Corporate expansion. You really ought to try to comment on his DA or go on the discord and express these concerns directly to the author and you might actually see some of the changes you want. Maybe more XP for the bread, riceball, and hotdog stuffing skill or soda bloat? Maybe another stuffing skill with a different food item like pie that yields more xp? Or like you said a higher xp food item that is extremely expensive that only late-game players will be able to afford to eat. Either way, unless you express your concerns to him nothing will change.