Vale City

I really like the game, but you’re right in everything you say. In my case I broke the economy of the game with the casino, which made the game much easier for me, but without that. being able to win in the game depends on losing and taking away the little earned for the game +. Believe me that I understand your anger with the game and I hope that the creator can better balance the difficulty of not resorting to traps.
PS: sorry if I don’t understand well, since I’m using a translator

Hey, guys. Did anyone find the “red dye”? The one that is used to make Jessica’s bikini.

this is like the battle of the titans. grabs popcorn from 6 years ago

Version 3.0 is out if anyone cares.


but the download will just crash your computer

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Didn’t crash mine. You on Windows or Mackerel?

windows I am on windows

Hmm, strange. The Mega worked just fine for me.

I tried with google drive, it worked for me. Maybe you don’t have enough free space in your pc?

oh I got the google version
and I so have the space

Anyone else think the anti-cheat measures he has in it are kind of overly hostile?

Like I get that he wants us to experience the game at a certain pace, but I feel like he’s never actually played his own game and understood how slow it feels, despite the low level cap. If you’re playing at any kind of non-cheese pace, you’re gonna nearly be unable to do anything worthwhile for so long.


Anti-cheat measures?

Ok, now I am intrigued. Could you give any more info about how did your computer clash? Maybe we could help you that way

The anti cheat is really stepped up. You can alter gold… but I’m not sure how to prevent triggering the save deletion. It will delete everything on you and then you have to start from scratch. You also don’t seem to be able to change the items in the save for whatever reason but I’m pretty sure I know where the actual values are, I just can’t be bothered.

You can change stats which I would recommend but they seem to reset after a level up, which is weird. The health doesn’t, but the rest seem to.

And the pace is really slow and really harsh, playing how they want you to is stressful, not rewarding and is like 20+ hours of grinding. You can’t just enjoy what’s going on which is why everyone cheats and edits their saves. The newest version even has new things to prevent stat changes from even helping built in to the new combat system.

I already unpacked all the files and looked through the pics, most of the new content that would be worth anything would have to be stories and interactions like the dates you get later on which seem like they were supposed to be in the last version due to certain dialogue but… it’s out. Doubtful I’ll grind it out anytime soon, but if you save change your stats, you should be fine. It’s just a bit if a pain to do for every level up.


ok computer crash is the wrong word. Chrome crashes it comply closes
I had first thought it was a short roboot crash becuase it was the only thing open but other things I opened later stayed open. google chrome just shuts down

Ah, you need the mega app. Chrome will die for file sizes above a certain size, which this is far, far above. The site limit on chrome is somewhere between 6-800 MB

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get ANY save editing to work. Stat changing isn’t that useful because of how highly customized his level system and general gameplay ideal is, and it’s impossible to edit your inventory based on the things listed in the save file. He has some kind of backup “legit” items and gold somewhere, and I’m not even gonna try to find that. Not at all worth it, especially since the gallery that’s “the completion prize” is all in-game files which are very easily decrypted.

I genuinely rewrote some events on a couple of the map files just to get cheesy amounts of money and items, since the cheat detection wasn’t something I was willing to dig through. And I still just kind of barely went into the game, afterward, because holy crap the grind. When it’s literally less time consuming to read RPG Maker’s JSON files and change stuff than to play legitimately, you’ve done something wrong.

Look for the items with odd prefixes, those seem to be stats for things. There’s a food listed for the real money but changing it causes the anti cheat to kick in. It was like xv or something… they seem to be duplicates but without actually putting energy into it, I don’t know what the different values mean. And the stats are more useful than you think, hike up your attack and head into the chocolate caves to farm gear to sell and chocolate chips is how I’d recommend playing without being able to just buy what I need with modded money. I can clear the caves easily as long as i don’t level up and break the stats. But again, this game is such a boring grind… there’s way too much that doesn’t do anything and it’s basically just a resource sim… which is boring. It wouldn’t be so bad if the levels didn’t take so long to get or there was more to do between them besides work at the factory to make money.

Playing this game the way it’s “supposed” to be played isn’t fun. It takes hours and hours to go up 1 level towards the end and you’re always so strapped for resources. It’s not fun, hence why I edit the save file to let me just go through at my own pace and enjoy the story and whatever else instead of meticulously planning every little thing.

Btw, he seem to have lifted the stat cap for speed so you can attack more than 2 times faster than your opponent so every stat does matter.


I’ve already played the original game and I don’t particularly feel like grinding through the entire thing again just to see the new content. I get why anti-cheat measures exist, but this isn’t a competitive online game or anything.

Wait, how did you do that?

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Altered the files through text I assume?

Either way, the anti cheat is there because they know people hate playing their game for 30+ for one play through and expect them to do a new game + as well and don’t like people messing with something they paid a ton for the art. I’ve beaten both the original and the second one, I wanted a bit less grind in the 3rd but they don’t want that. They said they reworked stuff to be better, easier and quicker but they really didn’t. They just don’t take criticism well and instead of fixing the game which they now have 3 versions of, they decided to simply make it impossible to play it in a way that’s fun. I usually just max out items and gold and grind normally, but that’s no longer an option so without adding a cheat console into the game myself or modding the stats, I won’t play it. I’ve already unpacked all the images and can take a decent guess at most of what’s new.

Shame, I like a good story but the gameplay loop is super long and not fun with almost nothing to shake it up. Oh well.

For the record, it was still like 10+ hours of grinding even with maxed everything besides stats, so I don’t get why they won’t just let people play the way that makes sense instead of getting upset that they made something too grindy, 3 times.