Weight Gain Engine

Sprites in showcase are by @Chubberdy

Test it!

Download the latest version of the engine (4.0 KB)

Download the example (potentially outdated) (16.2 KB)

I’ve made a framework to deal with a lot of the boilerplate code required to make a weight gain game.
All that you need to do is include the engine.js file before your script in HTML. The download link above includes the showcase code as well if you need help or reference.


Fixed gainer class initialization by setting a default currentGainStage.
Fixed engine not initializing if no images given.
Fixed default gain stage not being set in gainer constructor
Disabled animations resetting when gain stage name is changed to allow for smoother custom animations

Showcase files:

Showcase index.html file
<!DOCTYPE html>
		<script src="engine.js"></script>
		<script src="script.js"></script>
Showcase script.js file
var game = new Game(1920,1080,["images/-1.png","images/0.png","images/1.png","images/2.png","images/3.png","images/4.png","images/5.png","images/6.png","images/7.png"])

game.ctx.font = "40px 'Trebuchet MS'"

var gainer = new Gainer(150,10,{default:[{weight:-1,image:"images/-1.png"},{weight:0,image:"images/0.png"},{weight:200,image:"images/1.png"},{weight:250,image:"images/2.png"},{weight:350,image:"images/3.png"},{weight:450,image:"images/4.png"},{weight:550,image:"images/5.png"},{weight:750,image:"images/6.png"},{weight:1337,image:"images/7.png"}]})
gainer.scale = 4
gainer.gainSpeed = .01
var counter = 0

game.addUpdateFunction(function() {
	if(game.mousePressed) {
	if(game.rightMousePressed) {
	//space bar
	if(game.keyPressed(32)) {
game.addRenderFunction(function() {
	game.ctx.fillStyle = "red"
	gainer.render(game.width/2,game.height/2 + (gainer.getWeight() <= 0 ? Math.sin(counter/16)*10 : 0),game)

	game.ctx.fillStyle = "white"
	game.ctx.textAlign = "center"
	game.ctx.textBaseline = "center"
	game.ctx.fillText("Weight: " + Math.round(gainer.getWeight()),game.width/2,game.height/4)


Game Class
  • new Game(canvasWidth,canvasHeight,images)
    Example: var game = new Game(1920,1080)
    Example 2: var game = new Game(undefined,undefined,["images/picture.png","images/anotherimage.png","images/finalimage.jpg"])
    Example 3: var game = new Game(1920,1080,["textures/background.png"])
    Example 4: var game = new Game(1920,1080,undefined)
    =canvasWidth should be the canvas width in pixels. If left undefined or blank, it will be 1920.
    Example: 1920
    =canvasHeight should be the canvas height in pixels. If left undefined or blank, it will be 1080.
    Example: 1080
    =images should be a list/array of paths to images that you would like to use. If left undefined or blank, no images will be loaded.
    Example: ["images/picture.png","images/anotherimage.png","images/finalimage.jpg"]
    Once you do this, you may get an image that you passed here by saying:
    Using this image, you can do something such as drawing it onto the canvas:
  • Game.canvas
    Canvas that’s created when the Game object is created
  • Game.ctx
    Canvas API - Web APIs | MDN
    The canvas context is used for rendering.
    This is also created when the game object is created
  • Game.mousePressed
    This is set to true if the mouse is held
  • Game.mouseJustPressed
    This is set to true for one frame if the mouse has been just pressed
  • Game.mouseJustReleased
    This is set to true for one frame if the mouse has been just released
  • Game.rightMousePressed
    This is set to true if the right mouse button is held
  • Game.rightMouseJustPressed
    This is set to true for one frame if the right mouse button has been just pressed
  • Game.rightMouseJustReleased
    This is set to true for one frame if the right mouse button has been just released
  • Game.mouseX
    This is the X position of the mouse on the canvas
  • Game.mouseY
    This is the Y position of the mouse on the canvas
  • Game.width
    This is the width of the canvas
  • Game.height
    This is the height of the canvas
  • Game.fps
    This is the framerate of the game. The framerate is limited to 60.
  • Game.images
    To get an image by its path, once you’ve given its path (using new Game(canvasWidth,canvasHeight,images)), use Game.images[path]
    Example: game.images["textures/imageName.png"]
    Example 2: game.ctx.drawImage(game.images["imageFolderName/imageName.png"])
  • Game.addUpdateFunction(function)
    Add a function to be called once per frame. It’s recommended that you separate your update and render functions, with render being for drawing and update being for everything else.

game.addUpdateFunction(function() {

  • Game.addRenderFunction(function)
    Add a function to be called once per frame. It’s recommended that you separate your update and render functions, with render being for drawing and update being for everything else.

game.addRenderFunction(function() {
game.ctx.fillStyle = “red”

  • Game.clearCanvas()
    Clears everything on the canvas, including what was drawn last frame. It’s important to call this at the beginning of the frame if you want the canvas to be clear for each new frame.
  • Game.keyPressed(keyCode)
    Returns true if a key is being held
    Pass a key code into the function (http://keycode.info)
    Example (Left arrow key): if(game.keyJustReleased(37) == true) {...}
  • Game.keyJustPressed(keyCode)
    Returns true if a key has been just pressed
    Pass a key code into the function (http://keycode.info)
    Example (Right arrow key): if(game.keyJustReleased(39) == true) {...}
  • Game.keyJustReleased(keyCode)
    Returns true if a key has been just released
    Pass a key code into the function (http://keycode.info)
    Example (Up arrow key): if(game.keyJustReleased(38) == true) {...}
Gainer Class
  • new Gainer(defaultWeight,startingFat,gainStages,defaultGainStageName)
    Example: var gainer = new Gainer(150,0,{idle:[{weight:0,image:"images/0.png"},{weight:200,image:"images/1.png"},{weight:240,image:"images/2.png"}],runLeftFrame0:[{weight:0,image:"images/0rl.png"},{weight:200,image:"images/1rl.png"},{weight:240,image:"images/2rl.png"}]})
    =defaultWeight is how much the gainer weights without any fat
    Example: 150
    =startingFat is how much fat the gainer has
    Example: 0
    =gainStages is a list of arrays of image paths to be used for certain weights (Image path must be loaded in the game)
    Example: {idle:[{weight:0,image:"images/0.png"},{weight:200,image:"images/1.png"},{weight:240,image:"images/2.png"}],runLeftFrame0:[{weight:0,image:"images/0rl.png"},{weight:200,image:"images/1rl.png"},{weight:240,image:"images/2rl.png"}]}
    Note: The type of gainStage to be used depends on the variable “gainStageName” which will refer to one of these gain stage names. It’s recommended, if you don’t want to use mutiple gainStages, to just name the stage “default”
    =defaultGainStageName is set to “default” by default, if not specified.
  • Gainer.defaultWeight
    Default: 150
    Base weight with no fat added onto it
  • Gainer.fat
    Default: 0
    Gainer’s fat without base weight added onto it
  • Gainer.gainStages
    Default: none
    Gainer’s gain stages, described above
  • Gainer.gainSpeed
    Default: 0.05
    Setting gainSpeed to 0 freezes gaining
    Setting gainSpeed to 1 applies weight instantaneously when fed
    Values inbetween 0 and 1 will apply weight more gradually, with values closer to 0 being slower
  • Gainer.animationSpeed
    Default: 1/60
    Percentage of the gaining animation that will be progressed per frame. 1/60 means that it will take 60 frames (1 second) to reach 100% or 1. If you set it to 1/10, it will take ten frames to reach 100%.
  • Gainer.scale
    Default: 1
    The scale that the gainer will be drawn at
  • Gainer.feed(lbs)
    Feeds the gainer by the specified amount (The amount will be added to their weight).
  • Gainer.setFat(lbs)
    Sets fat, ignoring default weight. If set to 0, then the player’s weight will be their default weight
  • Gainer.setWeight(lbs)
    Sets weight, including default weight. If defaultWeight is 140 and you setWeight to 150, fat will be set to 10 and the player’s total weight will be 150.
  • Gainer.setGainStageName(name)
    Sets the gainer’s gain stage name. It will be a string that refers to a named list of GainStages in the Gainer.gainStages array. More on that described above in new Gainer(...)
  • Gainer.getWeight()
    Returns weight by adding the Gainer’s default weight and fat
  • Gainer.getGainStage()
    Returns the gain stage for the gainer, which looks like this:
  • Gainer.getHitbox(game)
    Returns an object containing a width and height, which looks like this: {width:1250,height:520}
    You must pass your game object (Which you created like this: new Game(...)) so the function can get the image sizes.

var hitbox = gainer.getHitbox(game)

  • Gainer.update()
    Call this once per frame in your function created by game.addUpdateFunction(...) to ensure that the weight and animations are updated
  • Gainer.render(x,y,game)
    =x is the x position to draw the gainer, from the center
    Example: 50
    =y is the x position to draw the gainer, from the center
    Example: 400
    =game is your game object created from this line of code: var game = new Game(...)
    It’s passed so the Gainer object may use the canvas context to draw
    Call this once per frame in your render function created by game.addRenderFunction(...) to draw the gainer every frame

If you use this framework, I would appreciate it if you credit me by linking back to this post or the showcase on Itch.


Oh that’s funny, when you go into negative weight.

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Nice. I’d like to make a game similar to this one.

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can you make it also for tables please and space gains?

What do you mean for tables?

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Uh, whenever you go into the negatives, the image is moving up and down. this happened to me when I was looking at art once, but it was all in my head, as I looked again later, it didn’t move. So I’m asking now, does it move up and down for everyone else when you go into the negatives? I just really don’t want my eyes to be screwed up is all.

I didn’t get that. weird.

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(smacks lips) Well fuck me then.

Yeah that’s supposed to happen, the joke is that she’s floating because she has negative weight.

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Oh thank God, so I’m not gonna lose my eyeballs! (yet)

anyways, this is good

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I actually remember seeing a similar engine, probably used for one of the earliest games called The Farm, posted on DeviantArt by one of the admins on this site.